Categorie: Tutti - benefits - recipes - culture - cooking

da Rehab Elnour mancano 3 anni



Cooking extends beyond merely preparing food; it represents an intersection of art, culture, and entertainment. Engaging in culinary activities involves understanding various recipes, food styling, and nutrition.




نظافه و مذاق الأكل البيتي و توفير في الوقت ، و جودة التعبئه و تغليف أمن و سعر مناسب ، و وصفات مصورة و معلومات مفيدة للتغذية السليمه وطرق الطهي


Include a complete breakdown of the costs of your marketing plan. Try to be as accurate as possible. You’ll want to keep tracking your costs once you put your plan into action.

الطبخ اكثر من مجرد وصفات أو اطعمة غذاء تقدم علي مائدة الطعام، اراه عالما مختلفا مرتبطا بالفن و الثقافه و الترفيه ...(ايه حبيب) (اهلا بكم علي قناتي الرسمية علي اليوتيوب.. (هبه أبو الخير) مروة الشافعي ..لم تذكر شئ) Homemade tasty food finger food catering ..(Bites Catering) My Why..الجودة و المذاق لطعم الاكل البيتي


A successful marketing strategy is made up of many different tactics, including both online and offline options. Your goals, target audience, and industry play an important role in this decision.

Homemade Food (frozen or ready to cook)

Before planning the content for your newsletters, consider the following questions, then analyze the outcome.

Information about culinary

Engaging with your customers and leads on social media helps you build stronger customer relationships. Keep in mind that the content should be dedicated to the specificity of each platform.

Recipe Videos

When putting together your content for your website and blog, try to provide value to your customers. Answer the following questions.


Some of them did not mention the WHY, and many of them do not write the quantities in grams, and the prices of some are high


Determine what makes your business and its products/services different from others on the market.

Recipes, presentation, write the quantities of ingridient in grams and packaging.


A mission statement consists of three components: key market, contribution and distinction. Take your time and define each of them.


What makes the product unique or why the audience should buy it over another?

Watching YouTube & Pinterest about food styling
Nutrition course
Food photography course

Define your the target audience. They are the people who are most likely to buy your products or services, and they are united by some common characteristics, like demographics and behaviors.

كتاب علاج التوحد بالغذاء لإليزابيث سترايكلاند
CHAKRA Healing book
Food & Nutrition book


Collect information about the consumers, target markets and the clients of your company to assess how effective and popular your product or service is.

My price range 70 : 750 LE

Know your competitors and improve your business' performance.