da Sofia Tsambourlianos mancano 2 anni
Più simili a questo
Fat Accumulates in:
Bone Marrow
glucocerebroside fat can't be broken down
Life expectancy only into their 50's
Treatment but no cure
Affects cells that make digestive juices
Secretions are thick and clog up the body
Affects cells that makes sweat
Affects cells that makes mucus
Damage to digestive system
Damage to Lungs
Psychiatric Disorder
Cognitive Disorder
Movement Disorder
degeneration of nerve cells in the brain
Blood Vessels
Connective tissue
Vision Problems
Delayed puberty
Damage Spleen
Swelling of hands and feet
Intense pain for days
Red blood cells die in 10 days instead of 120
No Cure
Sticky and stick to walls of veins
Shaped like sickles
Shape of red blood cells
Reproductive System issues
early menopause in women
Erectile dysfunction
Grey Skin
Problems with the spleen, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, gallbladder or thyroid
Arthritis (joint damage)
damage to pancreas
Damage to liver
Liver failure
Liver cancer
Enlarged liver
Cirrhosis (scarring)
Damage to heart
Heart failure
Arrythmia (irregular heartbeat)
body stores too much iron
Make red blood cells
Help hemoglobin in blood cells carry oxygen throughout your body.
It is treatable
primary central nervous system involvement,
eye movement disorders
liver and spleen enlargement
breathing problems
blood disorders
skeletal problems
primary central nervous system involvement
neurological impacts
abnormal accumulation of glucocerebroside in the brain
affects newborns and infants
It is fatal
lack of primary central nervous system involvement
don't have enough platelets in their blood
Proteins in blood
How platelets function
possibly kidney, lung, and skeletal problems
enlarged liver or spleen
bruise easily and feel tired often
history of excessive or prolonged bleeding
Surgical procedure
Minor cut
Women more prone than men
Skin becomes thinner
Some dietary supplements, such as ginkgo biloba, have a blood-thinning effect.
Corticosteroids thin the skin, making it easier to bruise
protective fatty layer that helps cushion blood vessels from injury gets thinner
Blood leaks out of vessels and appears as dark matter under the skin.
Small blood vessels (cappilaries) are broken
It is treatable.
affects 90% of people
1 in 4 (25 percent) chance to have a child who is neither affected nor a carrier
1 in 2 (50 percent) chance to have a child who is a carrier like themselves
1 in 4 (25 percent) chance to have a baby born with Gaucher disease