da Rodtranece Mumpfield mancano 8 anni
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1. Lacking the true green colors of a plant.2. Pest and disease damage to leaves.3. Drooping down low
A unhealthy plant is a plant that is dead due to lack of nutrients. This can range from not enough sunlight, lack of water, lack of soil, or no air. The most important component can affect the outer appearance of a plant.
storage for nutrients and it anchors the roots to hold water needed by plants for moisture.
No; soil is imperative to growth needs of a plant.
Soil is located on the ground or at the bottom of the pot.
The upper layer of earth in which plants grow, a black or dark brown material typically consisting of a mixture of organic remains, clay, and rock particles.
Sprinklers, Rain, and Water hose.
Yes. To much water in a plant can cause a problem to where healthy leaves will begin to fall and roots and lower stem becomes mushy.
No; without water the plant will be dry and unable to grow.
The water settles in the soil and eventually goes down into the roots for nourishment.
A colorless, transparent, odorless, tasteless liquid that forms the seas, lakes, rivers, and rain and is the basic of the fluids of living organisms.
1. Leaves are dark green color.2. The plant consist of brightly colored flowers.
They help us humans with oxygen and they also help other animals with pollination.
1. Water2. Soil3. Air4. Sunlight
Plants are everywhere from outside to inside (buildings, houses, offices, schools, etc)
A healthy plant is a plant that does not look like it has been not in good condition. All of its leaves are still in contact, standing tall and colors are vividly showing.
True. Air is needed so that the roots within the plant can breathe. Failure to do so will cause stress on the plant.
Air is very important because it helps the plant gain oxygen to breathe and also give off oxygen.
No; air is essential part of survival of a plant.
Air is located in the atmosphere.
the invisible gaseous substance surrounding the earth, a mixture mainly of oxygen and nitrogen.
No; a plant may still be able to grow with light within a home, but preferred to be outside in natural sunlight.
As new growth increases the leaf area, more sunlight is intercepted and photosynthesis increases, providing more energy for additional leaf growth.
No; sunlight is very important to a plants' survival.
The sun is located outside above in the atmosphere.
Sunlight is light coming directly from the sun.