Categorie: Tutti - caring - emotional - organized - logic

da Qureshi Hanna mancano 9 anni


Hanna Qureshi [PP Assignment]

The individual describes themselves as an ambivert, aligning with the results of multiple personality tests. They find that their personality is a blend of both extraversion and introversion, enjoying social interactions at times while preferring solitude at other times.

Hanna Qureshi [PP Assignment]

Hanna Qureshi Personal Profile Assignment

Learning Preferences

How are you smart?
1. Verbal Linguistic 2. Logical Mathematical 3. intra-Personal

To be honest after taking the Multiple Intelligences Survey to determine which listed my intelligences from strongest to weakest, I was not surprised with my results due to the fact that prior to taking this survey I had taken the “Learning Styles survey” which showed me similar results. On the same note, for both this survey and the Learning Styles Survey the method of learning regarding use of verbal communication was my highest rated learning style/highest intelligence.

Furthermore, I believe this Multiple Intelligences Survey accurately displays my multiple intelligences and I approve of the order which has been presented. Speaking from personal experiences I have tutored in C.O.Y, specifically in the math department I have learned how to teach mathematical concepts to students of different grade levels so since every student has a different pace of learning I had to learn different ways of communicating the lesson. Which I believe to be my top intelligence.

Learning Styles Survey
1. Auditory 2. Visual 3. Kinesthetic

To be honest, after taking the learning style survey to determine which learning style I adapt to the easiest I was relatively surprised due to the fact that I thought I would have an equal proficiency in all of the learning styles, however it turned out that my dominant learning style is “auditory.”

Furthermore, after many minutes of debating this learning skills survey accurately demonstrates my learning styles from strongest to weakest and I agree with the results I have been presented. Speaking from my personal experiences I can learn using the three different styles either together or individually no problem, however after participating in the survey I realized that I am able to attain information a lot more easily by hearing instructions and verbal explanations. For example, when a teacher provides a power point for his/her students to study, I would prefer to listen to his/her verbal explanations.


Personal Interests
1. Drawing 2. Playing Video Games
Suggested Careers
1. Teacher - Art 2. Medical Clinic Assistant 3. Optometrist Assistant

To be honest, I am not surprised with the results regarding my potential career as a teacher. As a matter of fact when I was suggested to be a teacher it brought me such immense joy, because it is the career that I believe matches my skill set and the requirements for this job truly excites me.

Considering the fact that I listed a teacher of the arts, it displays that I have an art background and I may actually consider teaching that field. On the same note, ever since a young age I have been drawing for fun and even until this day I continue to draw because I truly love art – and to be honest I have such appreciation to individuals who have a unique art style. Furthermore, regarding my career suggestions in the medical field I honestly did not anticipate that. As a matter of fact, I do not intend to go into the medical field at all because personally it does not seem like something I would enjoy doing every day. To be honest, the idea of being an assistant is somewhat referring to the fact that I enjoy assisting others. However, I would prefer to be a teacher – someone who can control things herself, helping others in a way that I believe is best, rather than listening to what someone told me to do.

Who Am I
1. Helper 2. Organizer 3. Creator

To be honest, I am not surprised by the results of my traits in regards to the title of "helper", "organizer", and "creator."

First of all, I consider myself to be a very helpful person, in terms of assisting people with both their personal and social problems.  In addition, when it comes to academics I help those who seek assistance by tutoring subjects such as mathematics. Second of all, I consider myself to be a creative person in terms of myself creating artwork and being creative when trying to teach academic concepts to students. Third of all, I see myself as a very organized person in terms of my living spaces the tools I utilize to be successful in my academics.  At home, I love to keep things functional which means I keep things clean and organized so I am making effective use of my time.  When it comes to school both my binders and my notes are extremely organized.


Values Auction
1. Moral Fulfilment 2. Helping Others 3. Independance

To be honest, after participating in the Values Auction activity which represented which values I was willing to spend the most money on and displayed the fact that I was willing to spend most of my money on moral fulfilment, helping others and independence truly represents what values I am willing to keep when I am under pressure to make a decision. Personally, I believe these values represent me best due to the fact that I demonstrate these values every single day.

First of all, a moral of mine is I always treat people the way I want to be treated and how I display this is by speaking kindly to others, by going out of my way to make conversation with people who may be sitting alone. Second of all, I would love to put out there that I enjoy helping others because this is something that brings me happiness every single time I do it and how I display this value, is by assisting others with their personal problems by offering advice, is by helping others with school work if they are struggling and one other way I display this value is doing chores at home which makes it easier for my mother so she does not have to do anything when she comes home from a tiring day at work. Third of all, I would love to put out there that I genuinely value independence because it is a value I believe everyone should have. Even though it in nice to have other people’s support, everyone should be able to take care of themselves and look after themselves. For example, how I display independence on a daily basis is when I work on projects/assignments alone and even though I am struggling with it, I learn to problem solve which makes me a smarter individual.



0 [Ambivert]

To be honest, after taking several personality tests on whether I was an Introvert or Extrovert and receiving the result of an ambivert, I am not relatively surprised due the fact that after reading the qualities of each possible answer – I was a mix of both.

Furthermore, I believe this test represented me accurately, because in terms of my personal habits I tend to vary by which I mean for certain periods of time I enjoy the company of others and for other certain periods of time I prefer to enjoy time by myself. In addition, at times when it comes to making important decisions, a majority of the time I tend to use logic however I tend to be an emotional person so my emotions end up contributing to my decisions.

Personality Dimensions
Top Colour: Harmonious Blue Second Colour: Inquiring Green

To be honest after taking the Temperament Colour Rating Quiz of which I received Harmonious Blue as my first colour and Inquiring Green as my second colour, I am not surprised upon receiving such results because I believe these to colors accurately represent me.

Second of all, I feel as if Inquiring Green accurately represents my second top colour due to the fact that out of any of the possible colours besides Harmonious Blue, Inquiring Green had represented another side of me. To be more specific, I am the kind of person who is never satisfied with herself and I always strive to improve myself to be a better person – whether it may be in school or elsewhere. No matter how well I performed on a test or an assessment, if I didn’t get a perfect I always look for ways to improve myself so I can perform better in the future.

First of all, I feel as if Harmonious Blue accurately represents my top colour due to the fact that out of all the possible colours, it represents me best on a personal level. To be more specific, as an individual I want to live my life honestly and to the fullest – rather than not being genuine about myself. I am the kind of person who is always interested in learning new things, whether these new things may be difficult or not and even if I do not succeed, it causes me to become a smarter person after learning from experiences.

Meyer Briggs Results
TYPE: ESFJ Work Habits: 1. Enjoys interacting with others 2. Organized

To be honest, after taking the Meyer Briggs test of which I received the type known as “ESFJ” , I was not surprised upon receiving such a result because after reading the description and researching about what kind of working habits this “type” exhibits I can humbly admit that I am accurately represented with the title I have been given.

Furthermore, I believe this type labelled as “ESFJ” represents me accurately because I describe myself as emotional, hardworking, extremely helpful, a critical thinker, and a very caring person. On the same note, I have developed these skills due to the fact that I have been raised to treat people the way I want to be treated - with kindness, respect and integrity. In addition, I have learned through hard work that anything can be accomplished if you are willing to put the effort in and to be successful you must pursue what you enjoy most.

Left/Right Brain
Right Brain

To be honest, I am relatively surprised with the fact that I turned out to be labeled as “right brained” because I see myself as an individual who has a reasonable of amount of traits from both the “left brained” and “right brained” category. However, even though this may be the case I tend to myself lean a little bit more towards the “right brained” category.

Furthermore, an individual who is “right brained dominant” tends to be more of an open thinker, one who wants to see things from many different angles and must know the reason why things are the way they are. On the same note, the main reason why I am a relatively open thinker is due to the fact that I have been raised to think outside of the box. Especially my brothers Harris and Humza who really encouraged me to think for myself when it came to certain things, because they told me that when you keep an open mind you are able to see many different opportunities you may have ever seen before which may help you make the right decisions when the time is right. Personally, I like being dubbed as an “right brained’ individual based on the description, because I feel as if these kinds of people are more open to mistakes which I consider to be an excellent thing. I prefer trying new things, seeing the bigger picture because even if I may not succeed with what I try – I have learned something new, thus makes me a smarter individual.


Essential Skills
1. Working with Others 2. Oral Communication 3. Numeracy

To be honest, the essential skills presented here do not surprise me in any shape or form – due to the fact that working with others, oral communication, and numeracy are skills I believe that any person should possess. In addition, these are a few number of skills I possess and I display on a regular basis, whether I am at school or in a different setting.

First of all, I believe that the skill regarding working with others is very accurate towards myself because I honestly enjoy doing so and I cannot stress enough how important it is. I developed this skill, by taking the leadership role when it comes to group work and even though I sometimes tend to desire others to agree with my perspective I have learned that it is important for others to have their voices heard. On the same note, as time goes on I can say with confidence that I know how to work effectively with others. Second of all, when it comes to oral communication I believe this skill is accurate when relating it to myself because personally I am a very confident speaker. Whether it may be for a presentation or when I am meeting new people for the first time, I always maintain a strong and confident voice. How I developed such a skill, was watching how other people conducted they presentations for projects and what stuck out to me most was their confident and strong voices. As time went on, I slowly started to improve my speaking skills for presentations and now I am just a confident speaker in general. Third if all, when it comes to numeracy I believe this skill is accurate when it relating it to myself because speaking from a general standpoint I am very good with handling calculations. To be more specific, I work for my father by organizing his bills and when I do so I have to create tables on Microsoft excel to represent how much money he spent on certain bills per month. Furthermore, whenever I am handed a document with charts and or graphs with any form of data on it, I am able to make sense of it and make justified claims with accuracy based on the data presented.

Personal Management Skills
1. Positive Attitude & Behavior 2. Showing Initiative 3. Decision Making

To be honest, the personal management skills presented here do not surprise me one bit – as in they are a couple of skills which accurately relate to myself. As a matter of fact, the three personal management skills presented represent me accurately because these are skills I demonstrate in my daily life.

As an individual, I tend to maintain a positive attitude and positive behavior because being positive in general not only has dramatic impact on yourself – but on others around you. It has been proven that when an individual who maintains a positive attitude, tends to be more successful in accomplishing tasks verses someone who is relatively more negative. Furthermore, as an individual I tend to maintain showing initiative when it comes to my education, when it comes to taking care of myself in terms of my health, and establishing good habits. For example, when I want to ensure my success in a school setting I show initiative by asking questions to seek clarification whether it is in relation to a quiz, test, assignments, projects and presentations. On the same note, when it comes to my personal life I care about my health and establishing good habits – how I accomplish such things is showing initiative by waking up early in the mornings to prepare lunches for myself, every weekday. Which in fact, I am doing because I care about my health when it comes to the future and when I get older it is a good skill to have.