Istituto comprensivo Statale " Esseneto"Via Manzoni n. 219 – 92100 Agrigento AG
Tel: 092222988
Fax: 092222988
Cod. Mecc. AGIC82200R
Cod. Fisc. 93062670844
Fatt. Elett. UFHXFX
Type in the name of the book you have read.
In contrast to the main idea, the theme is the message, lesson or moral of the book.
Some tips to find out the theme of the book easier:
- Try to find it while you are reading. It may be stated or implied.
- Think about how the characters reacted to obstacles.
- Think about the important decisions that the characters made.
- Think about the characters growing or changing throughout the book. index.php/11-generale/29-ptif-pof
20 classi
4 sezioni
Take notes while you read the book. Write here your favorite quotes from the book.
Take notes while you read the book. Type here the resources, books, or websites that the author mentioned and you want to check out later.
6collaboratori scolastici
2 insegnanti di religione e 11 di sostegno
47 insegnanti
Ramo principale
tempo scuola
8.00 13.30
The main idea is what the book is mostly about.
Some tips to find out the main idea of a book easier:
- Read the title.
- Look for the text features.
- Figure out if you are reading a fiction or a non fiction book.
- Think about some examples that support this idea.
Numero classi primaria
Type the names of the book characters. Start with the main character.
Draw arrows to represent the relationship between them and if it is possible write on them what they represent for each other (if they are relatives, friends, lovers, enemies etc.)
20 aule di cui 5 con lim
cortile esterno recintato
palestra attrezzata
4 postazioni pc
laboratorio musicale
aula sostegno attrezzata
What are the characteristics that best describe the character? Type them here.
Plessi dei variordinidi scuola
What is the reason why the author wrote the book?
Scuola primaria "Esseneto"
Scuola secondaria di secondo grado ad indirizzo musicale" Castagnolo"
Scuola dell'infanzia " Esseneto"
nominativo dirigente scolastico
Who is the author of the book? Type in his/her name.
Brigida Lombardi