da Gerald Cheah mancano 2 anni
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Allowing for black people to be educated
Dana and Alice's conflict revolves around the fact that Dana has special privileges while Alice doesn't, mainly because Rufus has a thing for Dana.
Dana and Alice's conflict revolves around the fact that Dana is behaving in a manner whereby she tolerates with Margaret just so to avoid being punish, showing how fearful and weak Dana is.
Alice and Rufus's conflict revolves around the fact that Rufus may have feelings for Dana and want Dana to become his as well, putting Alice in a uncomfortable position.
Alice and Rufus's conflict revolves around the fact that Rufus wouldn't want to free her children. She is forced to live and see her childrens become slaves and eventually sold.
Dana and Rufus's conflict revolves around the fact that Dana wants Rufus dead, sooner the better because of how the majority of slaves will be treated if he continues to live on.
Dana and Rufus's conflict revolves around the fact that Rufus is limiting the people who is allowed to speak to Dana, taking her freedom away from her such as being unable to speak to Sam.
Quote 2 : Rufus reached me. He grabbed me, hustled me into the house, into the library. " stay here!" he ordered.
Quote 1 : What would you do if I had found someone?" i asked. " sell him," he said. His smile was still in place, but there was no longer any humor in it.
Dana and Rufus's conflict revolves around the fact that Dana is being treated unfairly. Despite the fact that she had said Rufus's life countless times, he still choose to punish her for something that was not even her fault.
Quote 2 : " And I tried to save your father's life. You know I did. You know I didn't kill him or let him die."
Quote 1 : " I saved your life, Rufus! Over and over again. "
Kevin also changed in his physical features, with an additional scar and lost of youth in his skin. Due to the fact that he had to suffer in the Antebellum South.
This could be the result of how dangerous society was back in the Antebellum South to the extent that being hurt was very common.
Quote 2 : " They hurt you." I fingered the scar on his forehead. "
Quote 1 : " The young face had changed more than could be accounted for by the new lines in his face or the beard. "
Kevin has changed in a manner whereby he has forgotten about the present and became unfamiliar with his actual home. Due to the fact that he has stuck in the Antebellum South for 5 years.
This could be the result of lack of interactions with the future and present that he was in. As well as having only the memories of the past dwelling in him.
Quote 3 : " He fumbled with [ the typewriter ] for a moment. "
Quote 2 : " I found him in the living room trying knobs on the television set. It was new to us, that television, like the house. "
Quote 1 : " I found him fiddling with the stove "
Margaret has changed in a manner whereby the way she speaks and act around slaves has changed. could be due to the fact that she is now old and frail.
This could be the result of trying to make deep connections with slaves as she requires their help now to provide her with hospitality. Or the fact that she is drowned in Laudanum LOL.
Quote 2 : " [Margaret] wept a little when she heard that one had been sold. She was full of sweetness and charity.
Quote 1 : Sometime later, she wanted to see Nigel's children. She was sugary sweet with them.
Rufus has changed in a manner whereby the way he acts around slaves has changed, as Tom's passing has led to Rufus gaining full power and control over the plantation as the next master.
This could be the result of having the need to show other slaves that the change in master does not necessarily mean that things would be easier. To show this, Rufus instructed strict punishments to in a way to prove himself as a slave owner to gain respect from the slave.
Quote 4 : " What would you do if I had found someone?" I asked. " Sell him," he said.
Quote 3 : " How could you do it!" I
Quote 2 : " This the one?" Fowler asked Rufus. " That's her," said Rufus. And he turned and went back into the main house.
Quote 1 : " On the day after Weylin was buried, Rufus decided to punish me for letting the old man die. "
Alice has changed in a manner whereby she communicates with Dana and the people around her. In a way that the past 6 years with Rufus as her partner has changed her into someone that no longer has emotions.
This could be the result of the people speaking ill of Alice using Rufus as her advantage and saying things like " They figure if she's been with him this long, she must like it."
Quote 2 : " Alice and I looked at each other. I thought she would laugh because she took any opportunity she could find to laugh at him "
Quote 1 : " And Alice said contemtuously, ' who cares what a bunch of niggers think!"