Categorie: Tutti - development - software - blockchain - technology

da Alexander Araujo mancano 3 anni


Latest technology and electronic devices.

The rapid advancement of technology is significantly shaping various domains, particularly in blockchain and software development. Blockchain technology, renowned for its application in cryptocurrencies, is increasingly being utilized to prevent fraud in sensitive transactions and is expected to see more integration within smart contract platforms.

Latest technology and electronic devices.

Latest technology and electronic devices.


RAM memory, one of the revolutions in hardware? Much is said about the DDR5 RAM that is about to arrive, and it is amazing how it will improve performance compared to the current DDR4 because it improves capacity while reducing voltage, offering transfers of up to 8400 Mbps. But is this a revolution in the industry? The answer is no. DDR5 RAM represents an evolution with respect to DDR4, but it is not a revolution since essentially we will have the same thing that we have until now, but more efficient and faster. A revolution, however, would be the phase change memories that have been in development for many years and that will completely change the concept of RAM that we have until now, or if there were a time when we could use HBM memory as RAM to the processor.
Molecular hardware, is it the solution to everything? Another of the technologies that are postulated to become one of the greatest revolutions in the world of hardware is known as molecular hardware. Manufacturers have long faced the challenge of cramming as many transistors as possible into smaller and smaller spaces, so what we're talking about is hardware the size of water molecules, roughly 0.275 nanometers.
Quantum processors are the future of hardware There is also a lot of talk about computers equipped with quantum processors, which have been postulated for decades as the future of computational computing. This type of computer handles qubits instead of bits, which allows the processing capacity of the equipment to be taken much further, adding a new dimension to the calculations.
Solid state batteries This type of battery is also under development, and it is planned that by 2022 they will already have commercial models of them (at least Toyota, which wants to implement them in its electric cars). This type of battery is an evolution of what we know of lithium ion, but with the difference that while in current batteries the lithium solidifies and the useful life of the battery ends up ending, in solid state batteries this it does not happen and theoretically they are eternal. Furthermore, due to their solid state, they are also more secure.
Evolution and characteristics processors In 1965, Gordon Moore, founder of Intel, reported in an electronics magazine that in previous years the number of transistors in integrated circuits had doubled approximately every two years. This observation has since become known as Moore's Law and is still used by the electronics industry to guide the development of new products. hard drives Computer hard drives store information on a magnetic substrate. Although they are not electronic devices, their evolution has also followed an exponential evolution (sometimes called Kryder's Law, after Mark Kryder, head of research at hard drive manufacturer Seagate). This evolution has been even faster than that of processors, since in the last 35 years the capacity of hard drives has doubled approximately every year and a half. wired local area networks The first computer networks were created in the late 1950s. In the early 1970s Robert Metcalfe developed a local area network over coaxial cables which he named Ethernet. Ethernet began to be commercialized in 1980 and has become the standard for local area networks (over fiber optic cables or over twisted pair copper wires). Between 1985 and 2005, new versions of Ethernet grew tenfold in speed every five years (equivalent to doubling every year and a half), though the pace has since slowed.


Progress in the use of modern languages Modern development languages are poised to meet the demands of developers. Rust, Go, and Kotlin are becoming more popular due to features like type inference, null safety, expressiveness, and conciseness. Microsoft and Amazon recently announced major investments in Rust.
Python and JavaScript language ancestry Python and JavaScript are the easiest programming languages to learn and the most widely used. It is estimated that in 2021 they will continue to be the most demanded, in the language of programming. Python used in data sciences, while JavaScrip is still the most popular language in programming.
Increased use of Blockchain Blockchain technology is recognized for its role in cryptocurrencies, among other uses that help prevent fraud in sensitive transactions. Some features are likely to increase in 2022, including use within smart contract platforms.
cloud emphasis During the COVID -19 pandemic in 2020, some industries prospered and others experienced a sharp drop in demand. However, companies with cloud-based platforms avoided having to pay for data center services they didn't need. Therefore, many more companies are likely to move their operations to the cloud in 2022.
Evolution and characteristics processors The context in which software has been developed is closely linked to the almost five decades of evolution of computer systems. Better hardware performance, size reduction, and lower cost have led to more sophisticated computing systems. The evolution of software within the context of the application areas of computer-based systems will be described below.
4)'''The fourth era (1985 -2000):''' -Object-oriented technology -Expert systems and artificial intelligence have moved from the laboratory to practical applications. -Software for artificial neural networks (simulation of information processing in the style of how humans do). Collective impact of software -Sophisticated operating operating systems, on global and local networks -Advanced software applications -Client/client server environment -Information superhighway and a cyberspace connection -The software industry is the cradle of the economy -Fourth generation techniques for software development -Programming of virtual reality and multimedia systems -Genetic algorithms -Adoption of software engineering practices.
3)'''The third era (1975 - 1985):''' -Distributed Processing. Multiple computers, each executing concurrent functions and communicating with one another. -Local area and global area networks. High-bandwidth digital communications and the growing demand for "instant" access to data. -Wide use of microprocessors and personal computers (low-cost hardware). Incorporation of "intelligence" (cars, microwave ovens, industrial robots and blood serum diagnostic equipment). Impact on consumption. -Planning in the software development process.
2)'''The second era (1965 - 1975):''' -Multiprogramming and multiuser systems introduce new concepts of man-machine interaction. -Real-time systems that could collect, analyze and transform data from multiple sources. -Advances in online storage devices led to the first generation of database management systems. -Software as a product and the arrival of "software houses" thus producing a wide distribution in the market. -The software was developed to be marketed -Began to distribute software for large computers and minicomputers -Software maintenance began to absorb resources to a great extent. -A software crisis began because the personalized nature of the programs made their maintenance impossible.
1)''''The early years (1950 - 1965):''' -The software was in its infancy -The software was an add-on -There were few methods for programming -There was no planning for software development -The programmers tried to do things right -The software was designed to measure -The software was developed and used by the same person or organization (customized environment) -Software design was done in someone's mind and there was no documentation


Lightweight virtualization with containers. Containers or containers have become a new model for the development and deployment of applications in any environment. It's no wonder that the rise of lightweight virtualization with Docker has revolutionized software development and operations. However, by joining the concepts of Microservices and Docker, we see that in software development there are many more pieces than in the process of a monolithic application, which is going to require a lot of effort. As a consequence, the so-called container orchestrators were born, such as Kubernetes or Swarm, capable of automating the deployment, scaling and management of container applications, among other things.
Microservices. We frame them in the field of application architecture to solve specific problems in monolithic applications, common in the business environment. The idea is to divide the applications by modules (microservices) to offer functionality and follow the rule of maximum cohesion. The migration of existing applications to microservices is already a trend that will continue to evolve in 2020 due to the advantages it offers: use and reuse of the different services; progressive deployment, testing and scalability; greater ease in maintaining the infrastructure, etc.
Virtualization technologies. Virtualization technologies capable of increasing information security and saving resources. This feature can prevent breakdowns of the control equipment of the production machines that cause stoppages of more than a week. Solutions in this field make it possible to increase information security and maximize the use of resources, improving efficiency and reducing operating costs.
Evolution and characteristics processors Spreadsheets have been around almost since the dawn of the computing age. The first applications with this paradigm of use emerged in the sixties and have remained one of the main supports in business computing and, in many cases, personal computing. The capacity of the format has allowed it to be used for different purposes. As users, more than once we have replaced an agenda or even a text document for the ease offered by this platform. However, a spreadsheet is not the most efficient and practical way to keep a calendar or organize preparations for a birthday party. In a way, we are so used to giving it this type of use that we don't even look for an alternative for the task at hand. We have evolved the use we give to this or other applications, even if they are not designed for what we use them for. And this does not mean that we use things incorrectly, in fact we adapt the tools that we know to the use that we need; which is a completely human quality and an evolutionary advantage. On some occasion I read a text where they raised how refrigeration evolved. The first person who thought of using ice as a conservation element climbed the mountains in large blocks. He was not the same person who came up with the idea years later to split them into more accessible blocks and market them. Nor was it the same person who years later came up with the idea of inventing how to make ice without climbing the mountains and years later, thanks to another person, freezers appeared. Under this premise, the evolution of tools or applications arises according to the use we give them, and normally they arise from other creators. A good computational evolutionary example is Grid, a tablet application similar to a spreadsheet but without the numerical functions. That is to say, it only inherits the reticulated arrangement of the calculation and focuses the user experience on the organization of information with different types of media. Text, video, and images can be used to create documents that make it easy to create plans or present data to share with others. It also takes advantage of the interactions that a touch device allows creating a simple and intuitive experience. Returning to the example of the birthday party, you can share the selection of the place with maps, the selection of the cake with photographs, have a checklist of gifts with garters, and modify it with those involved in the organization.


nanomedicine Nanomedicine is used in the design and evaluation of complex systems, at the nanometric scale. It is related to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases. In theory, with nanotechnology, small nano-robots (nanobots) could be built, which would be a nanometric army in our body, programmed to perform multiple functions in the human body.
Automotive industry The network of robots and autonomous guided vehicles, or rather autonomous mobile robots, are equipped with the latest technology and have driverless mobilization systems. The automotive industry has pioneered the use of industrial robots on its assembly lines for almost a hundred years.
The industry Under the implementation of software called bots, tasks that simulate human behavior are carried out. As part of technological advances, both a robot and a bot can have the ability to think. Through a robot, companies can automate activities that previously consumed employee time. The processes that can be improved through said system range from the recruitment and hiring of personnel, to data entry, generation of correspondence, contracts and reports.
Robotic surgery Robotic surgery is a type of minimally invasive (laparoscopic) surgery through a machine that predicts the natural movements of the surgeon and allows greater precision. The Da Vinci robot is one of the most used systems and consists of a robot that carries a high-definition camera in its arms, allowing complex procedures with greater precision, compared to conventional techniques.
Evolution and characteristics processors Behind the term "robotics" is included mechanics, physics, artificial intelligence, algebra, electronics and computer science, which are unified to design, build and operate autonomous mobile systems, capable of carrying out certain activities by themselves without need for supervision. Although today there are sophisticated machines, the evolution of robotics begins from the years B.C.
The advances that the evolution of robotics has brought. Within biomedical engineering, great advances have been made in the implementation of prostheses for people who have lost limbs or have lost mobility in them, giving them the possibility of adapting and developing a daily life without any problem. Artificial intelligence derives from robotics, and is focused on giving robots the ability to think, calculate and make decisions as if it were a human. All the functions it fulfills are predetermined. In the automotive area, vehicles have been developed that, thanks to the evolution of robotics, are automatons. However, ways to make these vehicles as safe as possible so that they have a good impact on society are still being evaluated and studied.
How the evolution of robotics has happened until our times. Since times before the 1st century BC, machines were found that turned out to be marvels of engineering at a time when there were no automated means to manufacture them. Leonardo da Vinci himself participates in the evolution of robotics, contributing his design of a humanoid robot in 1945. The first mobile system called a robot was built in England in 1953. Its only function was to follow a beam of light thanks to a mechanical system. Then, in 1968, an American institute presented a robot that could move on its own, and also had touch sensors and a vision camera. In the 1970s and 1980s, robots with robotic arms, proximity sensors, in-plane orientation capabilities, a camera, and a stereo image emerged.

Artificial intelligence

Multi-cloud inclusion Companies around the world are moving their data to the cloud. The goal is not to be locked into a single software solution that won't fit your future needs. In 2021, the IT area of companies will be focused on evaluating the risks, complexity and costs of moving data to a multi-cloud, in addition to seeing what the advantages of process automation are. This artificial intelligence trend will depend on the commercial strategy that the company wants to apply. It should be evaluated if it is possible to measure the level of incorporation of each cloud platform, what will be the internal use and the costs that the company will have to implement it.
Automated prevention The protocols generated as a result of COVID-19 and the propensity for social distancing, led to the development of technologies such as drones with the ability to detect the symptoms of the virus and also facial recognition technologies driven by computer vision algorithms.
chatbot Chatbots are an artificial intelligence trend that will remain high during 2021 as well, and will be increasingly technological. Artificial agents are already known among companies of all sectors and sizes. Quick responses in chats during conversations between artificial agents and customers made customer service more agile, making them smarter and more responsive. Chatbots will become more and more “human”, not only offering answers to common questions but also personalizing the service.
robotics Robotics (whether mechanical or software robotics, such as RPA) encompasses a wide range of devices. Whenever a system or robot shows symptoms of intelligence, for example, being able to make decisions no matter how basic they are, we will be talking about Artificial Intelligence. Let us remember that AI does not have to be particularly sophisticated, it exists at all levels, even the most basic, and must be differentiated from the ability to learn from machines; that is, Machine Learning.
Evolution and characteristics processors In recent years the development and evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has created important improvements. This technology, which was introduced for the first time in 1955, has shown significant advances, which make us think of a future where humans will be able to predict many of the business factors that until today can cause uncertainty and fear to invest.
Forms of Artificial Intelligence New-age personal voice assistants like Alexa and Google Home, Apple's HomeKit to control all your home electronics, and the ubiquity of chatbots that streamline online banking or answer health-related questions promise grow with the current technological wave and rebuild consumer confidence, as well as increase the demand for these developments. The current success of AI is largely due to some critical factors, such as the new platforms of the main technological players, including Google, Microsoft and Amazon, which have supported the practice and promoted the construction of a critical mass of professionals. that are taking advantage of artificial intelligence to provide us all with a more intuitive handling of equipment and programs that perhaps years ago would have been only in the hands of engineers.
Background Since the sixties, when artificial intelligence was already being exploited to improve processes in areas such as data security, health, purchase prediction, fraud detection and much more, various companies have been investing in research and development that to date begin to show the results of decades of work. It must be understood that artificial intelligence in its true sense is still in its infancy, since it still operates thanks to human intervention in certain ways. Technology such as machine learning, data mining and neural networks, all classified under the concept of AI, cannot learn on their own or invent anything new with their knowledge. It may sound ironic, but since the middle of the last century, when scientists and engineers began to create this development, they have realized that machines cannot function properly without relying on known data sets and preprogrammed responses and behaviors.
Your next steps In other words, artificial intelligence has evolved to the point of finding patterns in huge volumes of data, even those that a human cannot see, quickly and efficiently to handle routine tasks and sometimes even predict them. However, its machine learning is still developing. AI as we know it today takes advantage of modern advances in statistical techniques that some may say do not qualify as traditional “intelligence”, and are not inherently “intelligent”. However, this recent AI resurgence has proven very useful in a variety of business and consumer applications. More than half a century of evolution has passed, but we are still far from knowing the full potential of this technology, which can be harnessed to change the world as we know it.