da Bertha Ruiz mancano 5 anni
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That, for profit and using any computer manipulation or similar device, get the non-consensual transfer of any asset to the detriment of a third party, provided that the conduct does not constitute a crime punishable by a more serious penalty
shall incur a prison sentence of forty-eight (48) to one hundred twenty (120) months and a fine of 200 to 1500 current legal minimum monthly wages.
The one who, surpassing computer security measures, performs the conduct indicated in article 239 by manipulating a computer system, an electronic system network, telematic or other similar means, or impersonating a user before authentication and authorization systems established
incur the penalties indicated in article 240 of the Criminal Code [4], that is, prison sentences of three (3) to eight (8) years.
The one that with illicit purpose and without being authorized to do so, design, develop, traffic, sell, execute, program or send electronic pages, links or pop-up windows
Who, without being authorized to do so, for their own benefit or that of a third party, obtains, compiles, subtracts, offers, sells, exchanges, sends, purchases, intercepts, discloses, modifies or uses personal codes, personal data contained in files, files , databases or similar media.
The one that, without being authorized to do so, produces, traffics, acquires, distributes, sells, sends, introduces or extracts from the national territory malicious software or other computer programs of harmful effects
The one that, without being authorized to do so, destroys, damages, deletes, deteriorates, alters or suppresses computer data, or an information processing system or its logical parts or components
shall incur a prison sentence of forty-eight (48) to ninety-six (96) months and a fine of 100 to 1000 current legal minimum monthly wages.
The one that, without prior judicial order intercepts computer data at its origin, destination or inside a computer system, or electromagnetic emissions from a computer system that transports them
He will incur a prison term of thirty-six (36) to seventy-two (72) months.
The one that, without being authorized to do so, prevents or hinders the normal operation or access to a computer system, to the computer data contained therein, or to a telecommunications network
shall incur a prison sentence of forty-eight (48) to ninety-six (96) months and a fine of 100 to 1000 current legal minimum monthly wages, provided that the conduct does not constitute a crime punishable by a greater penalty.
The one who, without authorization or outside the agreement, access, in whole or in part, a computer system protected or not with a security measure, or remains within it against the will of those who have the legitimate right to exclude it
He will incur a prison sentence of forty-eight (48) to ninety-six (96) months and a fine of 100 to 1000 legal monthly minimum wages in force.