da vivek kumar mancano 4 anni
Più simili a questo
In linguistics, syntax is the set of rules, principles, and processes that govern the structure of sentences in a given language, usually including word order.
See the example below and try to create your own simple sentences.
Tim is driving the red car.
See the example below and try to create your own simple sentences.
Tim is driving the car with his mother.
A complex sentence is a sentence that contains an independent clause and one or more dependent clauses.
An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence, but a dependent clause even though it has a subject and a verb cannot stand alone.
Attributive clauses serve as an attribute to a noun (pronoun) in the main clause. This noun or pronoun is called the antecedent of the clause.
An adverbial clause is a group of two or more words that function as an adverb in a sentence.
An appositive clause follows another noun or noun phrase in apposition to it; that is, it provides information that further identifies or defines it.
The attribute is defined as a quality or characteristic of a person, place or thing.
The predicative is defined as an adjective or noun forming or contained in the predicate.
Its main trait is that it serves to express a property that is assigned to a 'subject'.
For e.g.: The dog is old.
Traditional grammar defines the object in a sentence as the entity that is acted upon by the subject.