da Desi McKeown mancano 2 anni
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Collect primary data during field work. Tabulate, analyse and display data graphically. Draw conclusions from the data.
Reading graphical diagrams.
Experimental results tabulated and displayed graphically. Substituting into formulae. Using different units of measure.
Python coding using arithmetic expressions.
Cost analysis of ingredients.
Data collection, interpreting tables and graphs/charts
Scale drawing and similarity
Experimental results tabulated and displayed graphically. Using different units of measure.
Working with money to understand the economic benefits of tourism. Data analysis and graphical diagrams.
Experimental results tabulated and displayed graphically. Balancing equations. Using different units of measure and calculating compound measures.
Use of different units of measure. Use of directed numbers working with temperature. Data analysis and graphical diagrams.
Identifying 2D shapes
Use of specialist equipment to make accurate drawings.
Use of specialist equipment to make accurate drawings in 3D.
Primary and secondary data analysis and different graphical diagrams.
Presenting data in tables.
Reading scales
Measuring distances using a range of scales. Using coordinate grid references.
Algrebraic manipulation using sequences, variables and function machines.
Understand the 2D shapes that make up 3D shapes, Plans and elevations
Experimental results tabulated and displayed graphically. Numerical calculations. Data analysis.
Use of different units of measure. Data analysis and graphical diagrams to explain population changes.
Presenting and interpreting data.
Experimental results tabulated and displayed graphically. Numerical calculations. Data analysis. Using algebraic equations and formulae. Using geometry and trigonometry.
Experimental results tabulated and displayed graphically. Numerical calculations. Data analysis. Using algebraic equations and formulae.
Cost analysis of ingredients. Comparison of nutritional values of different ingredients.
Nutitional Data - Reading tables and interpreting data.
Experimental results tabulated and displayed graphically.