da raye c mancano 7 anni
The focus is on addressing the health and well-being of a young individual named Matthew, who is facing several challenges including obesity, stool incontinence due to constipation, and pre-hypertension.
Floating topic Exercise explore more in school activity program(PE class) encourage walking to school further education -High BMI - High resting glucose, pre-hypertensive - Reasons of seeking care: stool incontinence, due to constipation commonly associated with stool incontinence Low GI diet, exercise, food diary, education Lack of exercise encourage walking to school, explore in school activity program, education Poor Nutrition may indirectly result constipation Vitamin supplements, shy personality decreased school performance lack of extracurricular activity discover alternatives that fit unstable diet meal prep parents working night shift set amount of hours allowed playing video games Parents: Night Shift School Friends Find someone who likes videogame Anxiety Anxiety-reducing skills positive visualization relaxation Adoption Low SES Community Resources Extra-Curriculars Find interesting activity Unstable diet start with little amount of veggies Meal preperation
Video Games Fitness games Online friends Coping Sleep relaxation therapy School Performance STOOL INCONTINENCE constipation Flavoured water instead of soda Hydration Increasing Fiber Intake Obesity Education Food Diary Exercise Regimen Low GI Diet Pre-Hypertensive High Fasting Blood Glucose Monitor Blood Glucose Prevent T2DM Onset
>30 BMI Shy Personality Bullying tell someone Family Leaning,Timing Readiness Person Environment Integral Interracial Family Nutrition Vitamin Supplement