Categorie: Tutti - descanso - higiene - impresión - mental

da José Farro mancano 4 anni


Mi cuidado personal

El texto aborda cómo una persona organiza su rutina diaria para mantener un buen estado de salud mental y física. Se destaca la importancia del descanso adecuado para evitar problemas mentales y la necesidad de pensar cuidadosamente antes de actuar.

Mi cuidado personal

Mi cuidado personal

Make a weekly plan, fill in each task and then check them off as the week advances.



We all love Friday! And it's finally here. Look back at what you've managed to achieve this week and check what's in the pipeline for today.

por la noche solemos tomar algo caliente despues de comer

Check out the examples below and see if any of them is a good fit.

Free time

Pizza partyGo to a concertOther
en la tarde siempre almuerzo comidas saludables como: menestras, legumbres, etc.

Check out the examples below and see if any of them is a good fit.


Plan the next week in advanceMake the travel arrangementsOther
por las mañanas tomo un buen desayuno ya que es la comida mas importante del dia

Check out the examples below and see if any of them is a good fit.


Pick up the kids from schoolMake an appointment to the dentistOther

salud mental


Happy Thursday! Hang in there, Friday will come before you know it. Think back to all the tasks scheduled for this week and see what else is left for today.

descanso lo debido para no ocacionarme ningun problema mental

Consider the following examples and write your own list of duties.

Free time

Cooking timeDinner with friendsOther
intento la mente fri para poder realizar mis trabajos

Consider the following examples and write your own list of duties.


Follow up on calls and emailsSchedule appointmentsOther
trato de pensar bien las cosas antes de realizar alguna accion

Consider the following examples and write your own list of duties.


Run errandsDo the grocerriesOther

cuidado personal


You got through Monday! Congratulations! Now let's see what tasks are in the pipeline for today.

siempre pongo mi salud antes que todo

See the following examples and complete the list of tasks for Tuesday.

Free time

Schedule a sauna sessionGo for a jogOther
considero muy bien que es lo que voy a comer

See the following examples and complete the list of tasks for Tuesday.


Catch up on emailsRecord transactions (payments, invoices)Other
trato de dar siempre una buena impresion

See the following examples and complete the list of tasks for Tuesday.


Take the kids to schoolExerciseOther

Habitos de higiene


A fresh start, a clean slate, and a lot of potential for great things to come. That is what Mondays really are!

Begin your week with a good plan in mind and follow the guidelines to organize the week ahead.

en la noche repito lo que hice en la mañana

See the examples below and think of your to-do's for Monday. Add more tasks if necessary.

Free time

Family timeMovie nightOther
luego paso a bañarme

See the examples below and think of your to-do's for Monday. Add more tasks if necessary.


Clean and organize your workspaceLunch with a potential clientOther
por las mañanas me levanto y me lavo la cara y los dientes

See the examples below and think of your to-do's for Monday. Add more tasks if necessary.


Take the kids to schoolExerciseOther