Categorie: Tutti - experiment - observation - improvement - cycle

da Team247 SASCMP mancano 16 anni


MindMapRA PDSA Cycle

The PDSA Cycle is a continuous improvement methodology that consists of four phases: Plan, Do, Study, and Act. In the Plan phase, the problem is clearly defined, background context is provided, root causes are identified through '

MindMapRA PDSA Cycle

PDSA Cycle


11. In each case, ask "Why?" until there is clear understanding of what was the and what was not
10. Reflect carefully on what workedand what did not work with theexperiment
9. Face the facts


8. Gather the facts (data) based on directobservation of the experiment.
7. Rather than waiting for one perfectsolution, try many small things that can be done quickly.
6. Change things and if the change is notgood, change it again until it is better
5. Follow the scientific method to test the hypothesis


15. If the countermeasure is not effective,repeat the cycle beginning with the Plan Phase
14. Observe the new current conditionand set new targets towards the idealcondition, return to Plan
13. If the same countermeasure can be appliedto the similar problems to benefit others, do so.
12. If the countermeasures were effective, make the new method a standard that can be audited and maintained.


4. Brainstorm countermeasures and createhypothesis to test them.
3. Conduct "5Why" analysis to identify root causes
2. Give some background and contextso that everyone can gain a commonunderstanding
1. Clearly and objectively state the problem