Categorie: Tutti - exotismo - cosmopolitismo - generación - simbolismo

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Modernismo vs Generación del '98

A finales del siglo XIX y principios del XX, surgieron dos movimientos literarios destacados en España: el Modernismo y la Generación del '98. El Modernismo, liderado por figuras como Rubén Darío, se caracteriza por su cosmopolitismo, exotismo y un culto a la palabra inspirado en el Parnasianismo y el Simbolismo.

Modernismo vs Generación del '98

Modernismo vs Generación del '98

Juan Ramón Jimenez (1881-1958)

Arias tristes, 1903
Platero y yo, 1914

Eternidades, 1918

En el otro costado (1936-42)

Rubén Darío (1867-1916)

Padre del Modernismo
Azul... (1888) obra más importante

Venus, soneto del 1890

Prosas Profanas 1896


Cantos de vida y esperanza

Pasión frente a la razón
Los modernistas potencian el dominio de la emoción sobre la lógica
Amor y Erotismo
El amor y la mujer se idealizan, con referencias e invocaciones a gozar del amor.
El escritor modernista es ciudadano del mundo

What particularity in pronunciation have you spotted?

Think of the sounds /o/ and /ae/, pronunciation of letter 'T', unaccented syllables, etc.

Example: sound /o/ is pronounced with rounded lips only in BrE.

El escritor modernista se encuentra en una realidad que le disgusta y por eso quiere evadir en el tiempo y en el espacio.
Inspirado en Parnasianismo y Simbolismo

Miscellaneous grammatical differences

Type in any other miscellaneous particularities of the two language versions.

Example: when naming rivers in AmE, the word 'river' comes after the name: 'Upper Delaware River'. In BrE, 'river' always comes in front of the name: 'River Thames'.

Culto de la palabra

Preposition differences

Type in the particularities regarding the use of prepositions in Standard British English (BrE).

Example: British sportsmen play in a team.

Preposition differences

Type in the particularities regarding the use of prepositions in American English (AmE).

Example: American athletes play on a team.

Sentimiento de desencanto
British English

Verb differences

What are the particularities regarding the use of verbs in Standard British English (BrE)? Type them in. Take into account the use of tenses, verb morphology, auxiliaries, transitivity, etc.

Example: BrE uses present perfect along with the words 'already', 'just' and 'yet' to talk about an event in the recent past: We have just arrived home.

American English

Verb differences

What are the particularities regarding the use of verbs in American English (AmE)? Type them in. Take into account the use of tenses, verb morphology, auxiliaries, transitivity, etc.

Example: AmE occasionally uses simple past instead of past perfect to talk about an event in the recent past: I just arrived from work.



Saying numbers

Type in some of these situations.

Example: for the house numbers or bus numbers (or any short numbers of such), for example, 583, American speakers will say ' five eighty-three', while British people will say ' five eight three'.

José Martínez Azorín

Antonio Azorín

Pio Baroja (1872-1956)

El árbol de la ciencia

Miguel de Unamuno (1864-1936)

El Cristo de Velázquez
Amor y pedagogia



Las preocupaciones religiosas y existenciales
El tema de España


Renovación de la conciencia nacional
Situación de malestar social
Rechazo a la generación anterior

Generación del '98


Different words with the same meaning

There are many objects that are described by different words in American and British English.

Example: 'Cookie' (AmE) and 'biscuit' (BrE) both refer to the same sweet baked food.

Type in some of these words.