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My Personal History

gifted, activism, social_justice, friendships, sports, independence During childhood, being labeled as gifted in fourth grade significantly influenced personal development, enhancing work ethic, cognitive, and organizational skills.

My Personal History

My Personal History


"Bridge to Terabithia" - really resonated with me as a child - boosted my ability to empathize with others


Jim Carrey - the one actor/entertainer who genuinely brings me serotonin when I'm down
Joji & Hozier - my "calm in the storm"
Malala Yousafzai - awakened me to the real, psychological issues in our world (when I first read her story in second grade) - is who sparked my passion for social justice
Ms. Wisner - inspired my love for running
Mr, Ryu - taught me a sense of community and to prioritize others in my life while still ensuring to take time to appreciate where I am in the moment
Best Friends
"The Squad" - and no, not four people, nine actually - loved me unconditionally - built my backbone - stood up for me regardless of how long it had been since we'd last spoken - are probably the most important people in my life aside from my Mom
Sadiq - somehow always gives incredible advice - modelled an idealistic academic and life mindset
Saanavi - offered a pure, loving friendship with no strings attached
Alyssa - listened and communicated thoroughly through it all
Jasper - deepened my adoration for music - inspired me to continue learning the guitar and drums - offered a judgement-free place to talk
Asmir - an escape - introduced me to the online world and a nicer way of life through his unbelievably-positive mindset and comedic sense of advisory
Afifah - remained by my side when it felt most had drifted away
Martim - acted as an older brother figure
Daniel - taught me the significance of patience - enlightened me to the fact that there truly is a soft side to everyone
Christian - awakened my adventurous spirit and creative side
Ahmed - was my rock during an incredibly-rough period in both of our lives
Isaiah - showed me kindness and support at times I was unaware I needed it - provided an irreplaceable brightness in my life - introduced me to one of my now-favourite musicians - became the only one I could confide everything in
Third Cousins

Owen - displayed cognitive brilliance - gave me hope for the future of our world

Ellie - demonstrated endless creativity as well as the simplicity of childhood and solutions to problems that feel far too complicated to be solved by an older mind

Second Cousins/Godparents

Aunt Sarah - indoctrinated me into the world of the arts - mainly musicals - deepened my passion for singing and theatrics - provided me with sound advice no matter the issue shared

Uncle Ryan - educated me on the importance of sanity and logic over the societally-correct choice at certain times - taught me vital "street smarts"


Victoria - allowed me to see the "silver lining" in any circumstance - supported me in all endeavours, without always knowing the purpose for said endeavours

Alyssa - remains a place of comfort - acted as an older sister figure for me as a child

Inner Circle

Grandad - bestowed wisdom - historical and philosophical - modelled the role of a decent man throughout my life - gave me numerous life experiences - specifically regarding mechanical and musical skills - encouraged (and encourages) me in everything I('ve) pursue(d)

Grandma - introduced me to art, gardening and baking - provided me with a safe space

Mom - taught me ethics, manners & countless life lessons while showing me both unconditional and "tough love"


Achieving first place in a Peel Scrabble Tournament - demonstrated the ultimate potential of both my language and nerdy abilities


Writing - a chance to express myself openly, honestly and truly
Sports - an energy outlet and form of stress relief
Music - my primary source of inspiration and sanity

Significant Events/Major Milestones

Elementary School Encounters
Attending "Thornwood Public School" - met almost all of my best friends and favourite people
Being placed in Mr. Ryu's class in fourth grade - allowed me to meet several people who shaped my everyday life for years to come - provided me with opportunities to get involved in the community and build my own
Meeting Mr. Wilson - my elementary gym teacher - encouraged me to take up every and any sport - is the reason I'm so openly active today
Meeting "Teeter-Totter Boy" in Kindergarten - spending every day with him gave me insight on uncomplicated happiness during a crucial time of development for me - losing contact with him abruptly helped to normalize the idea that relationships ending is natural
Occupationally- Relevant Events
Being deemed gifted in fourth grade - bettered my work ethic - expanded my cognitive and organizational capabilities - got me involved with the "WE Charity" (although they're a controversial topic now
Clubs, Extracurriculars & Initiatives
Organizing a "Water Walk" (in relation to I.S.E.L.P..) - furthered my understanding of developing countries and the incredibly prevalent inequality within our world - leading to a deepened passion for social justice at 9 years old
Running the "Marafun" - taught me the importance of staying active - broadened my knowledge of opportunities available to me in order to maintain my physique
Joining "Girls' Group" (a social activism club at my elementary school) - opened my eyes further in terms of global issues (i.e. social, economic, etc.) - gave me a platform at school
Going to New York for the first time - widened my horizons regarding the cultures of the world - helped to explain where "Manifest Destiny" led the U.S.
Staying with my grandparents while my parents travelled to New York - awakened my sense of independence at a young age