da Ahlam Ahmed mancano 4 anni
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Use this mind map structure to discover unseen connections, generate new ideas and reach a better understanding of any given subject.
In the conclusion you should have a brief summary of your key points.
subordinating 1.2 only
Other verb forms
Present tense
present continuous 1.2 only
present simple
question forms
possessive pronouns
. Articles and determiners
definite and indefinite articles
as modifiers
demonstratives (this, that)
possessive (my, your etc.)
of size
Greetings c
Understand and use
Understanding and using numbers
Using polite language/expressions
Giving personal information
Describing habits and routines
continuous and summative assessment running through the term will be considered
there will be a set of online diagnostic tests and progress checks which will be pitched at multiple levels in order to ascertain a learner’s level
different assessment tools (e.g. projects, quizzes, exams, rubrics
To differentiate assessment between the sub-levels, the Supporting Syllabus will be used. Functional language, grammar and vocabulary will be embedded within receptive skills and elicited in productive skills assessment
En.2.W.WP.1 Write short, simple sentences on familiar topics.
En.1.W.WP.1 Write very short, simple sentences on familiar topics.
En.2.W.WS.1 Use phonological awareness and blending strategies to write new words.
En.1.W.WS.2 Write sentences using spacing, capitalisation and full stops.
En.1.W.WS.1 Use phonological awareness and blending strategies to write new words
En.2.W.H.1 Write clearly formed letters and words moving from left to right.
En.1.W.H.1 Write correctly formed letters and words moving from left to right
En.2.S.IP.1 Express own ideas using a range of familiar words, set phrases and expressions.
En.1.S.IP.2 Retell very simple stories and personal experiences using familiar words and set phrases.
En.1.S.IP.1 Express own ideas using familiar words and set phrases.
En.2.S.F.1 Use basic language structures when speaking.
En.1.S.F.1 Use basic language structures when speaking
En.2.S.P.1 Accurately reproduce modelled language. Pronounce words and sentences using correct stress, intonation and rhythm.
En.1.S.P.2 Pronounce learned words using correct stress and intonation
En.1.S.P.1 Accurately reproduce modelled language
En.2.R.CS.1 Read and understand the overall meaning of short, simple texts on familiar topics
En.1.R.CS.1 Read and understand the overall meaning of very short, simple texts with the help of pictures.
En.2.R.RS.1 Read frequently encountered words with ease
En.1.R.RS.2 Read the most common high frequency words.
En.1.R.RS.1 Follow words and sentences in English from left to right.
En.2.R.PA.1 Decode unfamiliar words by using phonemic awareness and blending strategies when reading.
En.1.R.PA.1 Decode unfamiliar words by using phonemic awareness and blending strategies when reading.
State the main idea of the essay. This will be your thesis statement.
En.2.L.CS.1 Listen and respond appropriately to peers and adults
En.1.L.CS.2 Listen and understand the overall meaning of very short and simple texts on familiar topics
En.1.L.CS.1 Listen and respond appropriately to peers and adults
En.2.L.PA.1 Listen and identify initial, median and final phonemes in words
En.1.L.PA.1 Listen and identify all phonemes
• animals • at home • clothes • colours • education o classroom objects o classroom activities • family o immediate family • feelings • food and drink • health and fitness o sport (verbs) • home (around the house) • numbers o 1-10 o ordinal numbers • places o on the farm (verbs and nouns) o town and city (library, school, shop) • shapes • the body o parts of the body o the five senses o physical appearance • time o days of the week o seasons o months of the year • transport o vehicles weather
the, and, a, to, said, in, he, I, of, it, was, you, they, on, she, is, for, at, his, but, that, with, all, we, can, are, up, had, my, her, what, there, out, this, have, went, be, like, some, so, not, then, were, go, little, as, no, mum, one, them, do, me, down, dad, big, when, it’s, see, looked, very, look, don’t, come, will, into, back, from, children, him, Mr, get, just, now, came, oh, about, got, their, people, your, put, could, house, old, too, by, day, made, time, I’m, if, help, Mrs, called, here, off, asked, saw, make, an
s, a, t, p, I, n, m, d, g, o, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h, b, f, ff, l, ll, ss, j, v, w, x, y, z, zz, qu, ch, sh, th, ng, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo