da Jesuan Yat mancano 3 anni
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How is writing numbers different in American English from Standard British English? Type in some situations.
Example: AmE speakers will drop the 'and' before the tens and units, while the BrE speakers will always write numbers of such with 'and': 'two thousand fourteen' (AmE) or 'two thousand and fourteen' (BrE).
Type in some of these situations.
Example: for the house numbers or bus numbers (or any short numbers of such), for example, 583, American speakers will say ' five eighty-three', while British people will say ' five eight three'.
How do you say the date?
AmE and BrE speakers say the date differently.
Type in the two ways of saying the date in English, taking into account the order in which they say the day (DD), the month (MM) and the year (YYYY).
What particularity in pronunciation have you spotted?
Think of the sounds /o/ and /ae/, pronunciation of letter 'T', unaccented syllables, etc.
Example: sound /o/ is pronounced with rounded lips only in BrE.