Categorie: Tutti - agreement

da eduardo polin mancano 4 anni



The period from 2015 to 2020 saw significant developments in sustainable development, marked by key events and initiatives. Notably, there was an encouraging increase in the population of mountain gorillas, whose numbers grew to 604 in 2018 after being critically endangered and almost driven to extinction by the 2000s.


Main events in Sustainable Development 2015-2020


Volkswagen Violations. (2019, September 27). Retrieved September 8, 2020, from Valdes, M. (2016, December 30). China will ban ivory trade by 2017. Retrieved September 8, 2020, from Organization, W. H., WHO. (2015, December 12). The Paris Agreement. Retrieved September 8, 2020, from Organization, W. H., WHO. (2015, December 03). UN Sustainable Development Summit 2015. Retrieved September 8, 2020, from Gates, G., Ewing, J., Russell, K., & Watkins, D. (2017, March 16). How Volkswagen’s ‘Defeat Devices’ Worked (920519020 722855301 G. Gates, Ed.). Retrieved September 8, 2020, from Fund, W. W., WWF. (2015, January 27). Survey Shows 69% Increase in Area Occupied by Monarch Butterflies. Retrieved September 8, 2020, from Fund, W. W., WWF. (2016, April 10). For the first time in 100 years, tiger numbers are growing. Retrieved September 8, 2020, from

Bison Released on New Territory 2019

There are over 22-thousand new acres for Bisons to roam in the "Badlands National Park" making clear that this is the first time the bison has stepped on the land since 1877. this means a significant increase in Bison´s population, as in 1877 there where only 512 remaining, as today there are around 500-thousand bisons in the world, mostly the United States. The lower it has been is 325.

One more step in cleaning our Oceans 2018

Around 124-thousand World Wilflife Fund activists reached the United States Congress claiming them to "take a stand" for our oceans, specially on the matter of plastic, as we can see it is drasticly increasing in our oceans for the past years (roughly 8.8 Million tons of plastic) Petitions where made by activists, and the government seemed to assume responsability.

Nations join the UN to fight against Climate Change 2018

Nations take a roll in the climate change fight, implementing different strategies to fight it. from private companies, to governments, are all taking a roll to fight the concerning problem of climate change that has been troubling us for the past decades with to clear solution.

Mountain Gorrilla numbers grow 2018

These critically endangered animals that we tought one to be extinct by 2000´s, has "reappeared" with a growth in their population in this year (2018). it seems that there are 604 gorillas for now, as for 2010 there were only 408 of them.
They have an area of 111,445 acres in the mountains of Rwanda and Uganda and is the only habitable place for them. this news place a new, hopeful horizon in the increse of these mamals.

Mexico´s government takes action to save the Vaquita 2017

A agreement that was signed between the Mexican Government, Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, and Carlos Slim Foundation where they agree to permamently ban on gillnets in the Vaquita´s habitat as the development of a very new fishing-gear and thechines that will make more difficult for illegal fishers to continue their activities.
it is important to metion that the Vaquita has been seen endengared for the last decades do to its "properties" when is eaten, which has no medical backup at all.

Tigers Numbers Grow for the First Time in 100 Years 2017

For the first time in a century the tiger numbers are growing! around 3,890 tigers exist in the wild, and according to 2010 studies there where only around 3,200 (estimated). The main reason tigers are seasing to exist is because their illegal trade that happens globally.

China Bans Ivory Trade 2017

The new regulations implemented by the chinease government, as a part to significaly reduce the ivory trade, completely bans trade and commerce of ivory in the whole Chinease Republic. This will have results in the conservation of elephants, as well as preserving their santuaries.
There are killed around 25-thousand elephants a year ust to extract their ivory, and with these new implementations, makes less, and less appealing for ivory dealers to keep in the game.

69% Increase in Area Occupied by Monarch Butterflies 2015

It was shown a signifcant increase in Monarch butterlfies territory in the 2014-2015, roughly of 69%. This means that the efforts that were made on 2014 due to the alarming situation where we saw a drastic reduction in Monarch Butterflies acres are paying off!

Paris Agreement 2015

The UN Sustainable Development Summit adopted 17 very relevant Sustainable Development goals, making it part of the new global agenda on the matter.
This goal include a broad vision, including different "areas", as: life below water, life on land, clean water, and other important subjects of relevance.

United Nations Sustainable Development Summit 2015

In September 2015 around 150 world leaders gathered at the UN in NY city, adopting one of the biggest sustainable development agendas ever made.
These goals are: No Poverty, Zero Hunger, Good Health and Well-being, Quality Education, Gender Equality, Clean Water and Sanitation, Affordable and Clean Energy, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Industry Innovation and Infrastructure, Reducing Inequality, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Responsible Consumption and Production, Climate Action, Life Below Water, Life On Land, Peace Justice and Strong Institutions, and Partnerships for the Goals.

2015 Volkswagen scandal

Volkswagen was caught cheating in the NOx tests, making cars appear way less polluting than they truly are. Being responsable for 237,161-948,691 tonnes of NOx emission just on 2015.
The company has already paid around £26.7bn in damages.

This resulted in governments paying more attention on how is the car industry taking more responsabily on their emissions.