Parapsychology is often criticized as a pseudoscience, with detractors arguing it violates fundamental scientific principles. Despite this, proponents of parapsychology strive to design rigorous, prejudice-proof experiments to validate their studies.
it comes to parapsychology, many scientists are not skeptics but rather dogmatic
From my point of view, parapsychology is a pseudoscience, but I do not believe in that, because I have not been able to see people practicing pseudoscience. But everyone has a different vision, of how the world works.
Parapsychologists are among the best experimenters in science because they know that they must design more sophisticated prejudice-proof studies to be believed.
A group of researchers continue
to investigate telepathy, clairvoyance,
precognition, psychokinesis, and related topics, whereas many other scientists remain disdainful.
Many critics have explicitly labeled it a pseudoscience field that masquerades as a science that actually violates the basic principles of scientific investigation.