Categorie: Tutti - manager - leads - jobs - dashboard

da Steve Terry mancano 16 anni


PC - Enterprise

A comprehensive pool control dashboard system offers detailed insights into various job-related activities, with a focus on jobs, leads, and managerial tasks. The main dashboard includes features like a top 10 jobs report, sorted by the earliest closing dates, and displays critical financial metrics and regional information.

PC - Enterprise

Pool Control Dashboard

Hot Topics

Hot Topics (Management Level)

Displays overbudget jobs / categories

Displays lowest perfoming Sales team member


EJB at a glance

EJB at a glance

Displays quick view of oldest open jobs, oldest job idle time, open punchlists, other vital notes

Top 10 Jobs

Auto generated report of top 10 Open Jobs

Sorted by soonest T-closing date

Displays T-Contract $

Displays T-Contract Date

Displays T-Profit $

Displays Name and region

Displays Salesman

Top 10 Leads

Auto generated report of top 10 leads

Sorted by soonest T-contract date

Displays T-Contract $

Displays T-Contract Date

Displays T-Profit $

Displays Name and region

Displays Salesman

Leads Dashboard

Active Leads

Displays ALL active leads

Ability to sort by various fields (Salesman, Aging, Profitabilty, Contract $, Referral Source, etc..)

Sales team have access directly by their own page

Cold Leads
Warm Leads
Hot Leads

Hot Leads

Catagorized by "lead status" field from all active leads (Controled by salesmen)

New Lead Form

New Lead form Template

Assignable by salesman (by manager?)

Links directly into active leads

Form can be autofilled from web inquiry

Form can be manually filled by anyone?

Direct hotlink from Main Dashboard

Jobs Dashboard

EJB Job Board

Electronic Job Board

Overall Chart View

Gantt Chart View

Sorted by Project Manager

Entry fields for each task, vendor, start date, finish date.

Links to order forms

Links to vendor info

Links to email

Job Cost Tracker

Job Cost Tracker


  • Management(All Access and Entry)
  • Administrative (VPA's, Invoicing entry and approvals (set limits)
  • Project Management (VPA's, Invoicing entry and approvals (set limits)
  • Sales team (VPA's, Addendums)

  • Open Jobs
    New Job Form

    New Job form Template

    Assignable by Project Manager (by manager?)

    Links directly into active leads

    Autofill form from New Lead by checkbox "sold" with sold date entry

    Form can be manually filled by manager?

    Closed Jobs