da Shen Wil mancano 12 anni
Più simili a questo
Think of those who have helped you reach where you are today, respect where you are now, and understand that you can still be better. Write sincerely ~~~
CSAPP, Programming Pearls.
SICP ? Compilers ? Unix Advaned Programming?
participate in ACM/ICPC contest. To prepare for it, spend a lot of time in digging algorithms(analysising,abstracting,molding)
about 8w lines of coding. High among peers. Interesing game.MLCS
We took "Protocal engineering" class, during that time, I read some code of the implementation of TCP/IP in FreeBSD. Pro.Wu, our guiding teacher, who is a tenure of University of Memphis, worked in Oak, tend to teach in a western way, suit me. Finally, I got a pretty good rank in this course.
Learned by myself. Read some source code of Linux, deeply attracted by the elegancy and wisdom of the code.
Got a assignment to accomplish a library management system. We two people, use only 4 days. 15 hours a day. To be quick, we decide to use Django. 1and half days to analysis and molding, 1 and half days to executing, include building SQL, coding, unit testing, puting it on Apache.
An open source project of IDS(Intrusion Detect System). I spend analysis the whole code. rewrite several parts of it.
I'd prefer in Natural Language Processing, Data Mining......
Life is short, to be a interesting man, to some interesting thing.
Why don't you apply for a PhD. I clearly know my interests and passion, but to be cautious, I apply a master. I may well head to a PhD if suits.
Get a lot of help.
Belief Problems
Everyone could change the world. Especially who majored in CS.
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