Categorie: Tutti - conservatives - environment - spectrum - policies

da Shahab Ahmed mancano 9 anni


Political Parties

The Conservative and Liberal parties in Canada represent distinct ideologies and policy goals. The Conservative party, led by Rona Ambrose following Stephen Harper's resignation, is primarily focused on reducing carbon taxes, supporting Canada'

Political Parties

Political Parties by Ahmed Shahab


Rona Ambrose

Rona Ambrose became the leader of the Conservative party after Stephen Harper lost the 2015 federal elections and resigned from head of the Conservative party. She is currently trying to drop the same-sex marriage ban in Canada. Rona Ambrose has raised awareness for honour crimes and getting equal rights for aboriginal women.

-Take a more offensive stance on terrorism -Reduce carbon taxes -Support Canada's energy sectors -Standing with Israel against Iran
Mostly appealing to the older demographic, the conservative falls on the right side of the political spectrum. This parties primary goals are to reduce the cost of carbon emission, helping companies bring in more money by keeping pollution costs low, and making Canada a more offensive country in wars. The Conservative party relies more on attacking terrorists with air tactics. This party has tried to pass laws such as banning nikabs, which have failed. This party has also put in laws which deprives people of their privacy if they suspected of planing harm on Canada.

NDP(Canada's New Democrats)

Tom Mulcair

Tom Mulcair became the current leader of the NDP, following the death of Jack Layton. Tom Mulcair is now also a cabinet minister and bases values on the middle-class of Canada. He very much himself wants to insure a bright future for the younger generation and making sure that old people taken care of properly with all their promised benefits.

-Making more affordable childcare -Improve our public health care -Holding polluters more accountable -Create new jobs -Remove unfair tax loopholes
The NDP is located on the middle-left of the political spectrum. In a sense the NDP are far different than the Conservative party of Canada. The main reasons they are different to Conservatives and closer to Liberals in their ideas is because they want to focus on trying to make Canada more fair for all citizens by giving them benefits to go over any financial difficulties. They hope to create new jobs and making childcare more affordable for the average family.


Justin Trudeau

Son of former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, Justin Trudeau is the leader of the Liberal party. Now the elected Prime Minister of Canada, he is responsible for leading the federal government of Canada. To start off, he has successfully brought around 20,000 Syrian refugees to Canada. While our neighbors to the south, United States has only brought around 2,000 Syrian refugees. On top of this, Justin Trudeau is very passionate about taking action against climate change. Justin has shown this dedication through his push for carbon taxing.

-Want to legalize weed, - Want to bring Syrian refugees - Carbon tax -Help middle classes by reducing taxes -Make Canada a more peacekeeping country
The liberal party is in the left side of the political spectrum. Which means that this party is invested in providing more benefits to its citizens. This government wants to help citizens in need of extra aid. Liberals lie somewhere in the middle of the Conservatives and NDP. Their platform mainly consists of trying to reduce harm to the enviournment, but at the cost of more expensive taxes on emission. The Liberal party also hopes to legalize weed. A very important policy, they wish to place this to insure more laws to regulate the consumption of marijuana, especially went it comes to students under the age of 18. The Liberal party also wants to change the way Canada responds and helps countries in war. As oppose to the Conservative parties policies, the Liberal party is focusing on sending ground troops to train other soldiers as oppose to using air tactics to hunt down threats. Trying to make Canada a more peacekeeping country.