Categorie: Tutti - motor - sensory - creativity - movement

da Madiha Khan mancano 3 anni


Possible Invitations: Chapter 9, Video 19

Children exhibited a keen interest in activities involving movement and creative play. Engaging them in games like Freeze Dance and Simon Says can capitalize on their enthusiasm for group activities and pretend play.

Possible Invitations: Chapter 9, Video 19

Since the children were very excited about group activities, they were looking at each other and almost gaining motivation by seeing their peers do the same as them, we thought that a sensory table catered to more than just gross motor movement where they can work in groups would be more interesting to them and inviting.

Based off their prior interest in playing with chalk outside and their creative and artistic abilities, we would set up a chalkboard table with various kinds of chalk inside the classroom at their level so they can enjoy the same activity in a different environment

The children have an interest in using their bodies, and presumably enjoy music as well as play "follow the leader games" so combining all of that would further increase their interest and they could join in if they desire

Gives an opportunity to work more on fine motor skills as well as connects to their interest in arts and crafts and allows them a chance to express themselves more. They also had an interest in shadows so they could try recreating that in the form of playdough with the gingerbread man cookie cutter

All the children were developing well and engaging their fine motor and gross motor skills; they were interested in new things and textures as well as incorporating their toys into their play so this invitation could be more inviting to them and allow them a chance to expand their play.

The children were so interested in art activities, we thought of expanding this and taking their interest and combing it with another one of their interest which is being outdoors and setting up an art activity outside.

They were really attracted to running around, chasing after one another and drawing with chalk, so drawing a huge rainbow may encourage and interest them to run over the rainbow or add onto the drawing

The children's interest was in pretend play majorly because a lot of the children were engaging in it and they demonstrated a high level of non verbally expressing themselves, placing a cash box and familiar props might encourage them to work more on their verbal expression skills and peer interactions and build on that already present pretend play interest

Because the children are very active and keen on new objects, and have well developing fine motor skills, to expand and add on to this learning medium sized things and visually appealing such as pom poms could be inviting for them

The children were also interested in group activites and creating new things so seeing this set up on the table might prompt that interest and curiosity back in them to create their own necklaces, bracelets, rings or whatever they can imagine and come up with!

Because they were so interested in the sandbox, placing kinetic sand in the arts area might be even more interesting to them as they discover it's many properties and purposes.

The children were really interested in running behind their shadows, so for an in class activity, we thought that we could trace the form of one of us, paint it in black like a shadow on huge paper and lay it out on the floor or round table for the children to see and maybe experiment with.

The children were really into art and lego's so allowing them to explore various art techniques and forms would also be interesting to them. These invitations would also teach them that art can be made out of anything.

The children were using a lot of their fine motor skills, and they were interested in colorful things and art so this invitation will help increase their curiosity, they were also some children who were engaging in parallel play so this activity could be for a child who doesn't necessarily want to play with others but doesn't want to be alone

We saw how the children were physically moving and dodging "invisible" things, so adding a few new materials that can be used as multiple different things might intrigue them more. They may choose to climb on them, build with them or their curiosity might lead them to bring a few friends over

It would give us an opportunity to expand on the children's interest in pretend play and provide them with materials that they could use in multiple different ways

Because the children really enjoy pretend home play, we thought that inviting them to add in new materials would make them even more intrigued. These materials can be manipulated in multiple ways and they would be working on their fine motor skills as well.

They really enjoyed playing in the sand box and were interested in playing with the dinasaurs so setting up this bin might further expand their play opportunities as well as stimulate their cogniive development

Because the children have shown an interest in shadows and new objects, we think that they would be very intrigued by light table art. they could figure out how to cast shadows or even want to start drawing over the table or playing

The children were very excited about music, dancing, and repeating actions as well as group activities


Paper plate colorful tamborines

Frozen Oobleck sensory table
Gift Wrapped, various sized, container drums

Colorful Hand Bells on table

Music Player

Rhythm sticks, boomwhackers, Maraca's

Hang various shapes and sizes of pots and pans using sturdy string on the fence at children's height and provide some rhythm sticks as well as different shaped boomerangs

Because the children were so interested in following movements, it could be an adult led activity where once the children feel invited to the activity they can then take part in a small group game/play

Freeze Dance

Where's my _____ game (adults calls out a body part and the children point to it on themselves)

Simon Says

we also saw that the children were very interested in drawing with chalk, so another invitation we could set up for them is to make simple numbered games on the ground for them and leave the chalk there and see what happens

Possible Invitations: Chapter 9, Video 19

Outdoor Play

Mini Garden
We know that the children were interested in outdoor activities and being in a natural environment so we thought of making a miniature garden for them outside and laying out materials such as shovels, magnifying glasses as well as watering cans.
Hopscotch, 4 squares, Giant Lego shape
Glass window pane, 3-4 squeegee rollers/paint rollers/ paint tray/ two buckets
Felt stickers, window stickers, stick on shapes in a bin
Washable Window Markers

Leave half a drawing uncompleted on one window

Children displayed interest in physical activities such as: running, jumping, spinning and hopping
Electric Tape Lines

place them in different shapes and colors on the ground

DIY obstacle Course

Wooden Logs

Place differently cut wooden logs/tree trunks by sand pit

lay out some chalk and small toys as well (cars, dinosaurs, dolls, blocks)

Hula Hoops

Place hula hoops of different sizes on the grass and tarmac

Draw circles around the pavement as well with different colored chalks


we could leave a bunch of tires by the sand pit in different shapes, colors and sizes and start half of a structure with one

We could do various different things with these tires; for instance we could fill one with wood chips, one empty, one with water, and one with mud and leave it in the active play zone

Running Invitations

set up (draw with chalk on the ground) a little race track, have a checkered flag, whistle and ribbons as props/invitations

Make a giant rainbow on the ground

Music and Movement/small group activities

Audio Song Books
6 chairs set up back to back (Musical Chairs)

Creative Arts (visual)

Chalkboard table
Playdough, Cookie Cutters, Buttons
Kinetic Sand
Various sizes and colors of beads/ assorted pasta and string
Empty Glass Frames and stamps/stickers
Light table Art
Finger Painting
Lego Painting
A large piece of paper with a shadow form glued/painted on layed out on a round table
In the video, we can see that the children are highly creative and artistic, they are attracted to bright colours, drawing and interacting with one another. They also seem to be interested in shadows and exploring new things

Pretend Play

Pom Poms (made out of streamers) or store bought
A mailbag with various alphabet inside
Would help develop literacy skills and relates to their interest in pretend play
Make a play shop; make a cash box out of cardboard and buttons and add in a few baskets and place it in the home area
Introduce new dolls (characters) into their normal home area; we noticed that only the girls were playing with the dolls so maybe introducing new characters such as police officers, doctors, sanitary workers, construction workers, Firefighters etc would gain the interest of more children.
lay down a picnic sheet on a table and lay out dolls, cutlery and play food
Do the same but set up a tea party: cups, coasters, doilies.
The children were actively engaged in pretend play activites, whether it be with themselves, or with their friends. They were seen multiple times in the video pretend playing with their toys. For example: we see a lot of the boy children playing with the dinosaurs and a lot of the girl children playing with the dolls and home area
Empty egg carton, Various shaped molds, Pom poms, practice chop sticks
Costume Box
Make a dessert sensory box and place it near the dinosaurs and other rubber animals

Stuffed animals/Squishy balls Sensory Bin