Categorie: Tutti - relationships - developer - power - tools

da Sebastian Murillo manca 1 anno


Power platform

The provided text outlines various resources and tools available for developers working with the Microsoft Power Platform and Dataverse. It emphasizes the importance of developer tools like the Power Platform Tool for Visual Studio, Microsoft Power Platform CLI, and testing tools.

Power platform

Power platform

Common Data Model

Application lifecycle management (ALM)

ALM for developers
Manage solution using code

Create patches

Stage, import, and export

Use PowerShell

Verify quality of solutions and packages

Upload a file for analysis

Retrieve the list of rulesets

Retrieve the list of rules

Check for analysis status

Invoke the analysis

Use the Power Apps checker web API

Leverage solution and packaging tools

Source control with solution files

Solution Package tool

Package deployer tool

Configuration Migration

Work with solution components

Support multiple languages

Check for component dependencies

Dependency tracking

Use managed properties

Microsoft Power Platform component framework

GitHub Actions

Automate deployment using GitHub Actions

Build an app for GitHub Actions

Get started with GitHub Actions

Available GitHub Actions for Power Platform administration

Available GitHub Actions for Power Platform development

Use GitHub Actions for Microsoft Power Platform

Build tools

Pre-populate connection reference and environtment variables

Microsoft Power Platform Build tools

Use Microsoft Power Platform Build tools

Implementing healthy component ALM
Recomendations for healthy form ALM
Maintaining healthy model-driven app for ALM
Implementing healthy project and solution ALM
Scenario 6: Embrace citizen developers
Scenario 5: Support team development
Scenario 4: Use DevOps for Automation
Scenario 3:Moving from unmanaged to managed solutions
Scenario 2: Moving from a single environment
Scenario 1:Citizen developer ALM
Scenario 0 : Implement for a new project
Healthy ALM overview
Tools and apps used
Maintain managed solutions
Organization solutions
Removing dependencies
Create and update solutions
Use segmented solutions
Manage properties
Use solutions to customize
How manage solutions are merged
Solution Layer
Solution concepts
Environment strategy
ALM Basics

FetchXML Schema

Customization solution file schema

Package Deployer


XRM Tooling

Organization service

Web API Reference

Table/entity reference

All table reference

Community tools

Power Platform Tool for Visual Studio

Microsoft Power Platform CLI

CLI reference











Download tools from NuGet

Developer resources page

Organization Service

Access the discovery services

Workflows operations

Web Resources

Use FetchXML with a paging cookie

Use aggregation in FetchXML

Validate and execute a saved query

Retrieve records from an intersect table

Convert queries between Fetch and QueryExpression

Retrieve multiple with the QueryByAtribute class

Retrieve multiple with the QueryExpression class

use QueryExpression with a paging cookie

Query data using LINQ

Time zones

Retrieve time zone information


Detect solution dependencies

Staging and async import

Work with solutions

Special Operations

Execute multiple requests in transaction

Execute multiple requests

Retrieve absolute URL and site collection URL of a location record

Publish a report

Make report available or unavailable to organization

Get report history limit

Specify a queue item to work on

Share a queue

Release a queue item to the queue

Delete a queue

Clean up history for a queue

Create a queue

Add a security principal (User or teams) to a queue

Add a record to a queue

IsSystemAdmin Custom API

Modify query in PreOperation stage

Create and retrieve Outlook filters

Import data using complex data map

Import and export a data map

Goal management

Override goal total count and close the goal

Use rollup queries to track goals

Rollup goal data for a fiscal period against the stretch target count

Rollup goal data for a custom period against the target revenue

Field level security

Retrieve field sharing records

Retrieve field permissions

Enable field security for a table

Table records

use optimistic concurrency with update and delete operations

Upload, retrieve, and download an attachment

Validate and set state of a table

Share a record using GrantAccess, ModifyAccess and RevokeAccess messages

Share a record using an access team

Set and retrieve entity images

Serialize and deserialize a table

Merge two records

Insert or update a record using upsert

Initialize a record from an existing record

Late-bound table operations

Early-bound table operations

Create and update records with related records

Assign a record to a team

Assign a record to a new owner

Duplicate detection

Use duplicate detection when creating and updating records

Enable duplicate detection and retrieve duplicates

Detect multiple duplicate detection records

Customization & metadata

Work with choice

Retrieve valid status transitions

Query and detect metadata changes

Dump choice information to a file

Dump choices information to a file

Dump table relationship information to a file

Dump table privilege information to a file

Dump table definition to a file

Dump column definition to a file

Create and update table definition

Create and update an e-mailable table

Create and retrieve table relationship

Create custome activity


Retrieve currency exchange rate


Update a connection role

Query connection by reciprocal roles

Query connections by a record

Create a reciprocal connection role

Create a connection role

Create connection

Chart & Dashboards

Retrieve all charts attached to a table

Create, retrieve, update and delete chart

Create, retrieve, update and delete a dashboard

Assign a user-owned dashboard to another user

Assign chart to a user

Change tracking

Systems using changed tracking

Synchronize data with external

Bulk Delete

Bulk delete records that match common criteria

Bulk delete exported records

Azure Integration

Two-way listener

REST Listener

Persistent queue listener

One-way listener

Azure aware custom workflows activity

Azure aware custom plug-in


Audit user access

Audit table data changes


Validate an appointment

Reschedule and cancel a recurring appointment

Query the working hours of multiple users

Query the working hours of a user

Link custom columns between series and instance

End a recurring appointment series

Create, retrieve, update, and delete a recurring appointment

Convert an appointment to a recurring appointment

Book an appointment

Administrations & Security

Retrieve roles for an organization

Retrieve license information

Remove a role for a user

Disable or enable user

Determine whether a user has a role

Associate security role to a user

Assign security role to a team


Work with activity party records

Upload, retrieve and download attachments

Send bulk email and monitor the results

Send an email using a template

send an email

Retrieve email attachments for an email template

Promote an email message

Create, retrieve, update, and delete an email attachment

Create an email using a template

Convert a fax to a task


(Javascript) Samples

Conditional Operaations

About the client-side sample

(C#) Samples

Global Discovery Service

Async Parallel Operations

Parallel Operations

Basic Operations

CDSWebApiService class

(HTTP) Samples

AADUser table request examples

Functions and Actions

Conditional Operations

Query Data

Basic operations

About the samples

Online management API
Create client Application

Discover user organizations

Build windows client apps using XRM tools

Tutorial: Register and configuring a SPA application with adal.js

Use OAuth with Cross-Origin Resource Sharing to connect a Single Page Application

Build web applications using Server-to-Server (S2S) Authentication

Use single-Tenant Server-to-Server Authentication

use Multi-tenant Server to Server authentication

Tutorial: create an ASP.NET core Blazor WebAssembliy app

Tutorial: Register an app with Azure active Directory

Authenticate apps and services with Microsoft Dataverse

Publish and monitor your (ISV) App

Monitor your app in ISV Studio

Install failures analytics

App usage analytics

Connection Certification

AppSource checker

Tenant page

App page

Home page

Introduction to ISV Studio

Public your app on appSource

Appendix: add licensing information to your solution

Appendix: app certification checklist

Appendix: app design best practice checklist

Next step: submit your app on partner center

Step 4: store your AppSource package on Azure storage and generate an URL with SAS Key

Step 3: Create an AppSource package for you app

Step 2: Create a manage solution for your app

Step 1: Create a microsoft partner center account

Introduction to solution
Work with column

Format validations

Format and FormatName columns

Data type format conversions

Work with table definition using code

Customize labels to support multiple languages

Use connections to link records to each other

Describe a relationship between tables with connection roles

Customize table and column mappings

Table relationship definitions

table relationship cascading behavior

Table relationship definition messages

Table relationship eligibility

Column definition

Define custom state model transitions

Image columns

File columns


Create auto-number columns

Calculate and rollup columns

Behavior and format of the data and the time columns

Table column definition message

Table definitions

Define alternate keys for a table

Cutomize table definition

Browse table definition in your environment

Work with tables using code

Template tables

User and team table

Azure AD user tables

use access team and owner teams to collaborate and share information

Field security tables

BusinessUnit tables

Time zone tables

Specify time zone settings for a user

Feedback table

Catalog & CatalogAsignment

Category table

Transaction currency table

Apply service level agreement (SLAs)

Subject table

Queue tables

Calendar tables

Types of calendars

Activity tables

Recurring Appointment

Link custom columns of the recurring appointment master and appointment tables

Update a recurring appointment

Create a recurring appointment series, instance, or exception

Recurring appointment partial expansion model

ActivityPointer(Activity) table

ActivityParty tables

Task, fax , phone calls and letter activity tables

Email activity tables

Custom activities

Custom tables

Integrate data using code

Azure integration

Use Web Hook

Test webhook registration

Register a web hook

Use a web hook

Tutorial: Update a service endpoint imported from a solution

Tutorial: Register an Azure-aware plug-in using plug-in registration tool

Tutorial: Configure Azure(SAS) for integration with dataverse

Write a listener application for azure solution

Write a custom azure-aware plug-in

configure azure integration with Dataverse

Work with event data in your azure solution

Work with data in your azure solution

Virtual entities

Server-side sinchronization

Configure Exchange forlder-level tracking rules

Synchronize data

Use upsert to insert or update a record

Use change tracking to synchronize data with external systems

Use an alternate key to create a record

Migrate data between environments using OData dataflows

Data export service

Data import entites

run data import

Configure data import

Add transformation mapping for import

Create data maps for import

Prepare sources files for import

Apply business logic using code

Scalable customization design

Business Event

Work with extensions


Sample code

Web access from a plug-in

Create a basic plug-in

Update a plug-in

Debug a plug in

Write and register a plug-in

Create a plug-in using Power Platform Tools

Create a project using Power Platform tools

Access external web resources

Analyze performance

Application insight with ILogger

Tracing and logging

Debug a plugin

Register a plugin

Impersonate user

Handle exceptions

Write a plug-in

Asynchronous service

Event framework

Behavior of specialized update operations

Understand the execution context

Work with data using code

Use organization service

Use web api

Security and data access

Security roles and templates

Verify access in code

sharing and assigning

Data operation and access rights

Security concepts

Understan terminology
Community tools for Dataverse
For developers
Api limit overview
Priviliges for customization
Security in dataverse
Azure synapse link

Analyze in Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2

Access Dataverse choices with Power BI

Access choices labels from azure synapse link for Dataverse

Acces dataverse choices with Azure factory

Analyze exported data with power BI

Transform data from CSV to Parquet

Copy data from multiple data lakes to single data lake

Copy data to Azure SQL with Azure Data factory

Inges exported data with azure data factory

Analyze with azure synapse analytics

Access Dataverse Choices with serverless SQL pool

Read incremental update

Copy data to dedicated SQL

Visualize data with Power BI

Run azure synapse pipeline

Transform data with apache spark

Create and view on your dataverse data

Query and analyze incremental updates

Query data with serverless SQL pool

Application LifeCycle Management

Environment lifeciycle events

Transport a configuration accross environments

Azure synapse link FAQ

Advanced configuration settings

Create an azure synapse link with data lake

Create an azure synapse link with a synapse workspace

Azure synapse link overview

Import translate table and column text
Translate customazed table and column text
Sharepoint, OneNote, and OneDrive integration
Using Power BI with dataverse

View table data in Power BI Desktop

License requirements for tables

Restricted tables requiring Dynamics 365 licensing

Complex table and licensing

License requirement for tables

Work with dataflows

Create and use dataflows

Work with solution

Diagnose solutions and solution objects

Use solution checker

Common issues and resolution: solution checker

Use object checker

Other solution tasks

Translate customized component text

Import translate component text

Export customized component text for translation

Use connection reference

Use settings

use environment variables

View component dependencies

View solution history

View Solution layer

Update or upgrade solutions

Export a solution

Create a solution

Solution view

Apply business logic

Work with actions

Invoke custom process actions from a real-time workflows

Configure custom process actions from real-time workflows

Create custom process actions

Use actions

Work with workflows

Best practice for real-time workflow processes

Monitor and manage real-time workflow processes

Configure real-time workflow stage and steps

Create a business rule for a table

Work with columns

How to guide: Columns

How to delete colums

How to map entity columns

How to define roll up columns

How to create calculated columns

How to create global choices using solution explorer

How to create choices using Power App portal

How to create columns using solution explorer

How to create columns using power apps portals

How to manage columns

How to create columns

behavior and format of the date and time columns

Set managed properties for columns

Autonumber column

Global choice overview

Types of columns

How to guide: relationships

How to configure connection roles

How to define and query hierarchically related data

How to query and visualize hierarchically related data

How to set managed properties for relationships

how to create many to many relationship using solution explorer

how to create many to many relationship using powerapps portal

Configure connection roles

Define and query hierarchically related data

Visualize hierarchycla data

Set managed properties for table relationship

Create many to many-to-many table relationship using power apps portal

Create one to many table relationship using solution explorer

Create one-to-many table relationship

Create a table relationship

Create many to many table relationship overview

Create one to many table relationship overview

Table relationship overview

Work with tables

How to guide: Table

How to work with virtual tables

Azure cosmos DB SQL API Data provider

How to configure a table for feedback/rating

How to edit system tables messages

How to display custom icons

How to delete a custom table

How to define status reason transitions

How to define alternate keys

How to open table data in excel

How to create tables using solution explorer

how to create a table using power apps portal

Define alternate keys using solution explorer

Define alternate keys using power apps portal

Virtual tables oData v4 data provider

Create and edit virtual tables

Import and export data

Edit tables

Create a custom table that has components

Create table

types of table

Tabels metadata

Table overview

Why choosen dataverse

Import and exporting data

Work with any data

All connector reference
Know issues
Outbound IP addresses
Provide feedback
Custom connector FAQ
Certify your connector
Move your connector from preview to general availability
Update your connectors
Fix Swagger validator errors
Test your connector
Submit certification
Verify publisher certification process
Independent publisher certification process
Use a custom connector
Use in a Power Apps app
Use in a flow
In a logic app
Create a custom connector
Policy templates

Additional Information


Set query string parameter

Set property

Set HTTP Header

Set Host URL

Set Header/Query Parameter Value from URL

Set connection status to unauthenticated

Route requests

Convert Delimited String into Array of Objects

Convert an object to An Array

Convert an Array to an object

Advanced tutorials

Write code in a custom connector

versioning operations

Use webhook trigger

Use a custom polling trigger

Troubleshooting OAuth configuration

Specify connection parameters

Share a connector

Learn best practices for string fields

Implement test connection

Deprecate an operation in a connector

Create a Postman collection for a connector

Authenticate with Azure Active Directory

Use environment variable in solution
Create custom connectors in solutions
Create a Logic App connector (SOAP)
Create a Logic App connector
Protected Azure functions
Create a connector for Azure AD
Create a connector for a web API
Coding standards for custom connectors
Create and update a custom connector using the CLI
Create from a Postman colletion
Extend an OpenAPI definition
Create from an OpenAPI definition
Create from the custom connector wizard
Custom connectors overview
Data protection in connectors
Connectors overview


PowerApps Component framework

Feature ideas

Community forum

Community resources

Manifest schema reference



































ReactControl (Preview)


















































































Sample components

Web API component

Table grid component

Table component

React Facepile component

Property set table component

Navigation API component

Choices (Multi select option set) component

Model-driven app grid component

Map component

Lookup component

Localization API component

Linear input component

Increment component

Image upload component

IFrame components

Formatting API component

Device API components

Data set Grid component

Control state API Component

Choice picker component

Canvas app grid component

Angular Flip component

How to use the sample components?


Common issues and workarounds

Publish code components on AppSource

Update existing code components

Add components to portals(Preview)

Add components to canvas app

Add components to model-driven apps

debug a code component

Package a code component

Creating and build a code component

Code components ALM

Creating canvas app dataset type component

Creating model-driven app dataset type component

Creating model-driven app field type component

Create your first component

Learn Power Apps Component framework
Get Microsoft Power Platform CLI
What are components

React controls & platform libraries

Code components for portals

Code components for canvas apps

Code components for model-driven apps

Troubleshoot Power Query
Troubleshoot startup issue for Power Apps
Change Power App Studio version
get session or app ID
Debug Power Apps with monitor

Advanced monitoring

Collaborative debugging with Monitor

Debug model-driven apps with monitor

Troubleshoot form issues in model-driven apps

Use Monitor to debug model-driven app forms

Debug a model-driven app

Debug canvas apps with Monitor

Monitor Overview

Sample apps and solutions
Higher Education Crisis Financial impact Tracker

Use dashboards

Use the mobile app

Use the admin app

Transfer data from hospital to regional
Regional Government Emergency Response and Monitoring

Portal for healthcare worker

Portal for admin and report viewer

App and dashboard for regional admin

Upgrade the solution

Deploy the solution

Use mobile app

Use the admin app and dashboards

Deploy the app

Crisis communication
Access Migration
System columns and tables in Dataverse
Data types and sizes for access migration
Teams integration
Migrate Access data to dataverse for teams
Create apps in teams

Know issues and limitations

Sample apps

FAQs for samples apps

Do more with sample apps

working with table permission in sample apps

Theming in sample apps

Localize sample apps

Customize sample apps


Customize Profile+ app

Customize Profile+ sample app

Extend Profile+ sample app with additional org-specific data

Understand Profile+ sample app architecture

Deploy the profile+ app broadly in your organization

Use the profile+ sample app


Understand Perspective sample app architecture

Use Perspective sample app


Customize Milestone app

Send notification to the Team when work item status is updated in the Milestone sample app

send a weekly report on project status from the Milestone sample app

Add a new column to Milestone sample app to track items

Customize Milestone sample app

Understand Milestone sample app architecture

Deploy the Milestone app

Use Milestone sample app

Issues reporting

Customize inspection app

Add the ability to be notified when an issue is resolved

Remove the Planner dependency for task creation

Convert Issue reporting sample app to work order management app

add business logic for automated task assignment

Add urgency flag to reported issues

Customize Issue reporting app

Issue reporting sample app architecture

Deploy Issue reporting app broadly in your organization

Use Issues reporting sample app


Customization Inspection app

Update inspection notification to use an adaptive card

Notify manager on completion of inspection

Customize inspection steps

Add hierarchy inspection location

Customize Inspection sample app

Understand inspection sample app architecture

Deploy inspection app broadly in your organization

Use inspection sample app

Customize how to app

Understand How to sample app architecture

Use How to sample app

Get connected

Understand Get connected sample app architecture

Use Get connected sample app

Employee ideas

Customize Employee ideas app

Enable users to discuss ideas

Add tag to mark prioritized ideas

Make ideas editable by original creator

Replace notification with adaptive card to increase collaboration

Export Employee ideas for reporting

Understand Employees ideas sample app architecture

Deploy Employee ideas app broadly in your organization

Use Employee ideas sample app


Customization Bulleting

Add contact phone in link and contact section

Customize apps for end user to add notification preference

Add 'Notify me' setting to category in Bulletins app

Send an alert when a new bulletin is posted

Customize Bulletins app

Understand Bulletins sample app architecture

Deploy Bulletins app broadly in your organization

Use bulletins sample app


Understand boards sample app architecture

Use Boards sample app

Use sample apps from Teams store

Uninstall Power Apps personal app

Remove your apps

Publish you app

Set permissions and share your app

Manage your apps

How to: Guides

Build an app to retrieve videos

Enable Power Apps and Dataverse for Teams in Microsoft Teams

Build Collaboration apps

Have a conversation about your business data in a Teams group

Enable consistency experience across sessions

Integrate with calls and meetings

Integrate with Azure Active Directory

Integrate with Planner

add notification to make your apps collaborative

When to build apps in teams

How to build apps for Teams

Use Teams integration object

Work with Dataverse for teams

Dataverse for Teams FAQs

Environment language

View table data in Power BI

Move customization between environments

Edit table data in Excel

Work with formulas table columns

Work with table columns

Work with table relationship

Edit or delete a table

Create a table

Compare Microsoft Lists, Dataverse for Teams, and Dataverse

Dataverse for Teams vs Dataverse

Create apps from list in Teams

Create aditional apps

Understand the power apps interface

Use the Fluent UI controls

Understan Power Apps studio

Overview of the Power Apps App

Install the power apps personal app

Embed a model-driven apps as personal
Embed a model-driven app as tab app
Embed a canvas app as personal app
Embed a canvas app as tab app

Use Microsoft Power Platform CLI

Use the Visual Studio code Extension for portals

Tutorial: Use Microsoft Power Platform CLI with portals

Overview of portals support for Microsoft Power Platform CLI

Code components

Implement a sample portal Web API component

Use code components Liquid template tag

Tutorial: Configure rich text editor control on portals

Tutorial: Use code components in portals

Overview of code components in portals

Use portals Web API

Tutorial: Use the portals Web API

Compose HTTP request and handle errors

Perform Write, Update, Delete operations

Perform Read operations

Portals Web API overview

Work with Liquid templates

Create custom templates

Render a site header and primary navigation bar

Render an RSS feed by using a custom page template

Render list for a page

Use hybrid navigation to render page hierarchy

Create custom page template

Understand Liquid filter

Understand available Liquid tags

Understand Dataverse entity tags

Understand template tags

Understand variable tags

Understand iteration tags

Understand control flow tags

Liquid tags overview

Understand Liquid objects

Understand Liquid conditional operators

Understand Liquid types

understand Liquid operators

Store source content by using web templates

Liquid template overview

Version releases and updates

Starter portal package updates

Package 9.2.2103.x

Package 9.2.2108.x

Package 9.3.2109.x

Package 9.3.2201.x

Version updates

Version before 9.3.3.x

Version 9.3.3.x

Version 9.3.4.x

Version 9.3.6.x

Version 9.3.7x and later

Release updates

Legacy adxstudio Portals v7 FAQs

Power Apps portals FAQs

known issues

Important upcoming changes and deprecations

Portals for customer engagement apps

Integration Field Service

Integrate Project Service Automation

Configure web roles for a partner portal

Work with communities

Manage cases in portals


Enable content moderation on ideas

Manage ideas

Manage blobs


Subscribe to alerts

Manage forum access permissions

Moderate forums

Create forum post

Manage forums threads

Set up and manage forums

Engage with communities

Create an opportunity

knowledge article

Display file attachments with Knowledge articles

Manage knowledge article by using content access level

Configure knowledge categories and articles

Compliance and accessibility

accessibility in portals

Cookies used by portal

Implement GDPR in portals

Update, upgrade, migrate and convert portals

Migrate portal configuration

Update Dynamic 365 instance

update portal solution

Upgrade a portal

Convert a portal

How-to guides for extending portal

Set up Azure Front Door with portals

embed portal in another website

Integrate Power BI with portals

add Power BI using powerbi liquid tag

add Power BI as a component to a web page

Configure document storage in portals

Manage storage

Azure storage

Add the Azure Storage web resource to a form

Enable Azure storage

Configure notes

Configure search in portals

Configure progressive search counts

Search within file attachments

use faceted search

Configure search for additional tables

Portal search overview

Configure security in portals

Roles and permissions in portals

Create website access permissions

manage page permissions

Configure column permissions

Tutorial: Configure table permissions using portal Studio

Configure table permissions using portal Studio

Assign table permissions

Create a web role

User management in portals

Invite contacts

Configure Contacts

Portal authentication

OAuth 2.0 implicit grant flow

Migrate to Azure AD B2C

Local authentication, registration, and other settings


Configure WS-Federation with AD FS

Configure WS-Federation with Azure AD

SAML 2.0

FAQs when using SAML 2.0

Configure AD FS with SAML 2.0

Configure Azure AD with SAML 2.0

OpenID Connect

FAQs when using OpenID Connect

Configure OpenID Connect for Azure AD

OAuth 2.0

Additional settings





Azure AD B2C

Customize the azure AD B2C

Configure manually

Configure (Using interface in preview)

get started

Administer portal from Power Platform admin center

view capacity consumption report

Update to Power Apps portals domain

Restrict IP addresses

Manage portal authentication key

Using Portal checker

Analyze and resolve result

Run Portal checker

Manage custom certificates

Manage SSL certificates

Configure portal actions

Set up Power BI integration

import metadata translation

add custom domain name

Enable maintenance mode

Change base URL

reset or delete portal

Diagnostic and error handling

Download public key

Configure portal details

Roles required for portal administration

Manage portals from admin center

Portal admin center overview

Configure portals using Portal management app

Edit portal using portal content editor

Edit page content using portal content editor

Get Started with the portal content editor

create custom Porta Management app

view activities in portal timeline

Configure website bindings

Configure web sites

Configure web pages

Configure web links

Configure web files

Configure webpage ratings

Configure website redirects

Configure shortcuts

Configure polls

Configure page template

Configure image column

Configure header and footer output caching

Configure content snipets

Configure choices column

Configure advertisements

Setup HTTP headers

Create and show portal content

Enable multi-language

Behavior and format of the Duration, Date and Time fields

Enable multiple-language support

add fixed page layout

add chart on a web page in portal

Work with forms and lists in portals

Walking through: Get data from customer engagement apps to display on your portal

Work with advanced forms

add geolocation

Configure an advanced form subgrid

Configure advanced form metadata

advanced form steps

add custom javascript

add a conditional step type

add a redirect step type

Define a load form and load tab step type

Define advanced form steps

Define advanced form properties

work with basic forms

Configure basic form subgrid

configure basic form metadata

work with lists

configure site settings

Portal management app overview

Build using portal studio

Supported browser for portals studio

Portals as progressive web apps

Build progressive Web Apps

work with themes

edit CSS

basic themes

work with templates

Customize web pages

add components

add a chatbot

add Power BI

add code editor

add custom menu

add breadcrumb

add list

add form

add IFrame

add image

add text

add sections

WYSIWYG editor overview

Create and manage webpages

Portals Studio overview

Create and manage portals

manage existing portals

Control portal creation in a tenant

create additional portals in an environment

Common problems and resolutions while creating a portal

Create a portal using the older portal add-on

Create a portal with Dynamic 365 environment

Starter portal

Contact us sample

Create a starter portal

Available portal templates

understand portal architecture

Understand and clear server-side cache in portals

Understand how portals connect to Microsoft Dataverse

Understand portal lifecycle

Terminology changes in Power Apps portals

What is Power Apps Portals?

Power App mobile
Power Apss for windows

Use Power Apps for windows

install Power Apps for windows

mobile offline

enable and use offline-first

configure mobile offline profiles for images and files

set up mobile offline

mobile offline overview

Troubleshoot issues for Power Apps mobile
create push notifications for Power Apps mobile
In-app notifications in Power Apps mobile
set app display to dark or light mode
Use Dataverse search on Power Apps mobile
Use model-driven apps on Power Apps mobile
Get started with Power Apps mobile
Model Driven

Visualization data description schema

Publish request schema

Form XML schema

Ribbon Schemas

Ribbon WSS schema

Ribbon types schema

Ribbon core schema

Customization XML reference

Client Scripting

Testing tools

Developer tools

Import files as web resources

Pass multiple values to a web resources through the data parameter

Export ribbon definitions

Edit the customization file

Publish customizations

Edit the customization XML file with schema validation

Create, manage, and publish app using code

Web resources in model-driven apps

Web resource dependencies

Stylesheet (XSL) web resource

RestX web resource

Data (XML) web resource

Image web resource

Css web resource

Scrips (JScript) Web resource

Using fiddler AutoResponder

Script web resource development

WebPage (HTML) web resources

Create accessible web resource

Use web resources

Customize commands and ribbon

Pass parameters to a URL by using the ribbon

Define ribbon tab display rules

Define scaling for ribbon elements

Define custom actions to modify the ribbon

pass data from a page as a parameter to ribbon actions

Override the default behavior to open records in grids

Define ribbon actions

Define ribbon display rules

Define ribbon enable rules

Define ribbon command

Use localized labels with ribbons

Export ribbon definition

Export, prepare to edit, and import the ribbon

Command bar or ribbon presentation

Ribbon available

Apply business logic using client scripting

Best practices

Client API Reference





































































Grids and subgrids























































Navigation methods



Step method




Stage methods






Active Stage methods



Instance methods





ProcessInstance methods



Process methods




Active process methods



Event handler methods



































































































Composite attribute

Control collection

Save event argument








save event arguments








GetGlobalContext function and ClientGlobalContext.js.aspx





Client-side events

TabStateChange event

Subgrid OnLoad Event

PreSearch event

PostSearch event

PostSave event

OnStateSelected event

OnStageChange event

OnSelections event

OnResultOpened event

OnReadyStateComplete event


OnPreProcessStatusChange event

OnProcessStatusChange event

OnLookupTagClick event

Grid OnSave event

Grid OnRecordSelect event

Grid OnChange event

Form data OnLoad event

Form OnSave event

Form onLoad Event

Column OnChange events

Get or update a setting value using client API

Create side panes using client API

Send in-app notifications

Throubleshoot form issues in unified interface

Debug your javascript code model- driven apps

Walkthrough: Write your first client script

Understand client API object model

Xrm object

Grid context

Form context

Execution context

Events in forms and grids

Apply data visualization using code

View data with visualization

Sample chart

Create a visualization

actions on visualizations

Understand charts: underlying data and chart representation

Analyze data with dashboards

Sample dashboard

Create a dashboard

Actions on dashboards

Understand dashboards: Dashboard component and FormXML

Design app interface using code

Build code components using Power Apps component framework

Query and edit an organization theme

Use editable grid

Open forms, views, and dashboards in Dynamics 365 mobile client with a URL

Open apps, forms, views, dialogs, and reports with a URL

Configure a form to accept custom querystring parameters

Set column values using parameters passed to a form

Customize views

Customize forms

Use IFRAME and web resource controls on a form

Glossary of terms

App performance insight

Understand performace insight

Performance insights overview

Advanced app making and customization

Enable the enhanced email template editor page

Enable customizable help

Distribute an app using solutions

Change custom table icons

Web resources properties

Create or edit web resources

Access advanced customization and administration areas

run an app

delete an app

Hide an app

Manage apps properties

Privileges to view and access app

Share a model-driven app

Validate and publish an app

Design and build an app

Create guided help for your app

Use themes to apply organization branding

Use Excel and work templates

add reporting to your app

Create a Power BI embedded dashboard

SQL Server reporting service

Reporting considerations

Apply data visualization in an app

add a Power BI visual to an app

set properties for a chart or list

Configure interactive experience dashboard

Create or edit dashboards

Create system chart

Reporting overview

Apply business logic in an app

Create a business rule for a form

Business logic overview

Design the app interface

Use the classic designer

How-to guides: forms

How to add a tab for Sharepoint documents

How to disable auto-save in a form

How to configure event handler in form

How to configure Bing maps in a form

how to work with sections in a form

How to add IFrame to forms

How to use the main form and its components

Change navigation within a form

Add form navigation for related tables

show or hide form elements

Control access to a form

use the classic form editor

tab properties overview

sub-grid properties overview

form properties overview

add a table as a lookup

accessibility in Power Apps app designer

add or edit app coponents

Create a site map for an app

Design model-driven apps using app designer

Customize app commands

Command designer limitations

Command scopes

manage commands in solutions

use custom pages as dialogs

use Power Fx for commands

use command designer

Work with forms

Troubleshoot forms

Use monitor to troubleshoot forms

Use custom controls for data visualizations

Use controls for data entry and display visualizations

add the form component control

add the new control to a table

add the rich text editor control

add the calendar control to entities

Timer control overview

quick view control properties

FAQs for the timeline control

use custom connectors with the timeline control

set up the timeline control

List of controls available

Embed canvas app on a model-driven form

Migrating embedded canvas from public preview

Embedded canvas app guidelines and known issues

Share an embed canvas app

pass the current record as data

ModelDrivenFormIntefration control

Perform predefined actions on the host form

Customize the screen size and orientation

edit an embedded canvas app

add an embedded canvas app

Embed Power BI report on a model-driven form

Design effective forms

Design form for performance

Design forms for efficiency

Use the form designer

add a chart to a form

configure lookup component

add and configure quick view component

add and configure sub-grid component

Configure header properties

add, move or delete tabs

add, move or delete components

Manage columns

Create or edit forms

Use the tree view

How to open the form editor

form designer overview

How to assign form order in model-driven apps

Form types

Create a card form

Create a quick view form

Create or edit quick create form

Create or edit main form walkthrough

Create or edit a main form overview

Design consideration for main forms

How main forms appear

Form types overview

Forms overview

Work with views

Deleting and deactivating views

Specify a default view

Specify read only grid properties

setting managed properties for views

Converting views into editable grids

Sort records within the views

Creating and editing view filters

Configuring view columns

Creating and editing views

Opening the view designer

view overview

Use the modern app designer

Create, add, or remove forms and views

Use custom pages within model-driven apps

use monitor to troubleshoot custom page

Known issues with custom page

Localize text for a custom page

add connectors to a custom page

add code components to a custom page

add canvas components to a custom page

Use Power Fx in a custom page

Navigating to and from a custom page

Design consideration for custom page

add a custom page to a model-driven app

Custom pages overview

Manage app properties

Create an remove pages

Understanding app navigation

Create an app with an account table

Create an app

App designer overview

App interface design overview

Define the data-model for an app

Translate localizable text

Overview of special column properties

Common column properties

Data-model development overview

Understand model-driven app components

Steps to building a model-driven app

Meet the model-driven designers

Build an app in three steps

The benefits of the model-driven approach

what are model-driven apps


Embed canvas apps in your applications

Create a component

Behavior formulas

Map input fields

Component library

Component overview

Develop offline-capable apps

Canvas apps for enterprise developers, partners, and ISVs

Important changes and deprecations

Performance and optimization

Canvas app coding standars and guidelines

Performance tips and best practices

Common performance issues and resolutions

Common sources of slow performance

understand canvas app execution phase and data flow

Create native mobile apps

Frequently ask questions

Code sign for Android

Code sign for iOS

Customize and build your mobile app

Overview of wrap (Preview)

Integrate with other technologies

Analyze app telemetry using Application insight

Transform your InfoPath forms to Power Apps

Cognitive service

SharePoint online

SharePoint integration scenarios

Create SharePoint integrated canvas app from scratch to view, edit, add, and delete list items

Work with permissions in a lookup list from SharePoint site

Customize an app screen based on column status in Microsoft Lists

Use drop down list with choices from lookup column in Microsoft List

Filter a search list in an app

SharePoint scenarios overview

Walk through the completed scenario

Create a flow for alerts

Embed a Power BI Report

Publish a Power BI Report

Create a Power BI Report

Create flow for approvals

Generate an app

Set up SharePoint Online list

Customize a SharePoint form

Understand SharePoint forms integration

Make basic changes

test an app with Test Studio

Automate test with Azure DevOps pipelines

Configure pipeline using YAML

Configure pipeline using classic editor

Working with Test studio

Test Studio overview

Manage an app

Restore a previous version

License designation for an app

Delete an app

Export and import an app

Edit an app

Change app name and tile

Share an app and its dependencies

Embed an app in Power BI

Share App resources

Share Excel data

Share an app with guests

Share an app

Save and publish an app

How to guides

Create an canvas app with deep link to a specific screen

Create an app using the Measuring Camera Control

Create an app with address input and map controls

Create an app to view a shape in mixed reality

Create an app with 3D and mixed reality controls

Create an app that uses mobile sensors

Create a canvas to scan barcodes

Create a canvas app that can trigger a Power Automate flow

Create a canvas app with Power BI visual

create a canvas app connected to Dataverse from scratch

Design and buil an app

Experimental,preview and retired features

Use co-authoring in canvas apps(Experimental)

send notifications from an app

Make an app accessible

Accessibility limitations

Find accessibility issues using accessibility checker

Announce dynamic change with live region

Show or hide content from assistive technologies

Use Color for accessibility

Use improved canvas keyboard navigation

Create a logical app structure

Create an accessible app

Build a multi-language app

Build a global app

Create an app with relacional data

3 - Create the detail gallery

2 - Create the summary form

1 - Create the order gallery

Overview of canvas app

Install the data

Create an app in a solution

Configure app functionality

Formula reference

























































































































































Data Types





































Power apps ideas

Transform examples to Power Fx formulas

Transform natural language to Power Fx formulas

Create or edit bulk records

Create a rule in canvas app

working with flows

use Power Automate pane

Add a flow

Connect lists using lookups

Show the current user

Create a collection

Show Date and time

use Find and Replace in the formula bar

use the Search pane

understand behavior formulas

understand variables

Get started with formulas

Manage screens

Create responsive layout

Change screen size and orientation

Buil responsive apps

Design the interface

Common properties

Size and location



Color and border

Control references

web Barcode scanner

View shape in MR

view in MR

view in 3D


vertical container



text input


stream video




rich text edito


Power BI tile

Pie chart

Pen input

PDF viewer


measuring camera


list box

line chart





horizontal container



edit form

Drop down

Display form

Data picker

Data table


combo box


column chart





barcode scanner



address input

add picture

limitation of controls

limitation of controls and properties

Working with Galleries

Add editable tables

add Power BI data

add geospatial controls

use address lookup

Use interactive maps use address lookup

Insert waypoints as map pins and draw routes between them

draw and insert shapes onto maps

ad info cards to pins

Use data from Excel to insert pins

insert interactive maps

Geospatial controls

add mixed reality controls

Use mixed reality experiences in Power Apps

Load models from CGTrader into mixed reality controls

Upload photos from mixed reality

validate measurements in mixed reality using a spatial test filter

take measurements in mixed reality

view 3D models and 2D images in mixed reality

View predefined shapes in mixed reality

view and manipulate 3D models

add pins to 3D models

Load models with the 3D object control

View 3D models in Power apps

Mix reality controls

add multimedia

add a chart

add a list

Create dependent drop-down list

add a list box, a drop-down list, or a radio button

Add and configure a form

work with full-sized image on a form

understand cards

understand form layout

understand forms

add a form

Show a table of items

add a variable-height gallery

add a gallery

Add and configure screen

Configure Office 365 screens

People-screen reference

People-screen overview

Meeting-screen overview

Email-screen reference

Email-screen overview

Calendar-screen reference

Calendar-screen overview

add a scrolling screen

add a screen

Add and configure controls

Working with dynamic schema (experimental)

Understand records and references

Understand table and records

understand data sources

understand gateways


Prepare Excel data

Rename a data source in an app

manage connections

add a connection

Popular connectors


SQL Server

Use SQL Server securely with Power Apps

Connect to SQL Server from PowerApps


Oracle database

Office 365 Users

Office 365 Outlook

Microsoft translator

Dynamics AX

Dynamic 365

Azure DevOps

Azure Blob storage

Cloud storage


Connection overview

Create an app from scratch

From Dataverse

With a blank app

Create your first app

3 - Make basic customizations

3 - Cards

2 - Forms

1 - Galleries

2 - Create an app using data

From Azure SQL Database

From Excel

From SharePoint

From Microsoft Dataverse

1 - Create an app from a template

Explore sample apps

Help desk app

Expense Report app

Create a canvas app from a sample

What are canvas apps?

Find and run apps
Use Dynamics 365 App for Outlook
Use Model-driven apps

Automate processes

Use flows

Work with business processes

troubleshoot repport

Edit the default filter of a report

add an existing report

Create a report using the report Wizard

work with reports

import and export data

Merge duplicate rows

Export to an Excel PivotTable

Export to a static worksheet

Export to a dynamic worksheet

Open app data in excel online

export data to excel

import data

Search records

advanced find

quick find

Dataverse search

FAQs about Dataverse search

Configure facets and filters

Search for tables and rows by using Dataverse search

what is Dataverse search

Compare search options


Collaborate using SharePoint

take notes by using OneNote

Use one-drive for business

Collaboration with others

Chart and dashboards

add Power BI dashboards

Use interactive dashboards to filter data

view charts on a page or in a record

Track your progress with dashboards and charts

visualize data in a view with Power BI service (Preview)

Work with grid and views

FAQ for grids and views

Create and manage personal views on a grid page

Explore data in a view on a grid page (preview)

Work with email

Enable the enhanced insert email template

email templates

Create a signature for emails

Convert an email to a template

inset an email template

Customize an email template using template editor

Create an email template

FAQs about email

Resolve an unresolved email recipient

send email to multiple recipients

use the rich text editor toolbar in email

attach a file to email

view, compose and respond to email

Understand the email experience

Work with activities

FAQs about activities

Create and join a Teams meeting from an appointment

use timelines

Work with rows

deactivate account or contacts

add a connection role

Check your user access to a record

Share rows using access Team

Share rows with a user or team

assign or share a row

view a profile card

Use the lookup field on a row

work with rows in the new calendar view

edit multiple rows

Create a row

Navigating and basis

Keyboard shortcuts

use a screen reader

set personal option

finds your admin or support person

view your profile

In-app notifications

basic navigation

unified interface


Use the Measure in MR control to take measurements
From AppSource
In Microsoft Teams (Canvas app)
On a Sharepoint online page (Canvas apps)
In a browser
Learning catalog

solution architect

Functional consultant


Apps maker

Business decision maker

System requirement, limits, and configuration
What's new?
Power Apps preview programs
Sign up for developer plan
Sign up for 30-day trial version
What us power apps?
Custom Dataverse workflow activities
Work with business process flows using code

Sample: work with business process flows using code

Let customers test drive your flows
Integrate with websites and other technologies
Build and certify custom connectors
Enterprise developers, partners, and ISVs

Classic Dataverse

Classic Dataverse dialog

Replace classic Dataverse dialogs

Use classic Dataverse dialogs

Classic Dataverse task flows

Create mobile task flows

Classic Dataverse workflows

Replace background workflows with flows

Best practice for background workflows processes

Monitor and manage background workflow processes

Configure background workflows stages and steps

Power Automate glossary

Frequently asked questions

Power Automate Web API

Limits and configuration

Region overview

Power Automate US Government

DSR requests for Microsoft Accounts

Close requests

Respond to DSR requests

Delete requests

Export requests

Discover requests


View and sharing data and connectors analytics reports

Introduction to data groups

Support intunes in mobile apps

Set a policy to help prevent data loss

View desktop flows analytics

IP Address configuration

Administer environments

Admin center

Pricing and billing

Enable experimental features

Flow in your organization Q&A

Connect data

Understand gateways

Manage gateways

Manage connections

Available connections

Process advisor


Known issues

Export and import your process

Protect your data

Process mining

Edit and refresh processes

Share process mining processes

Visualize and gain insight from processes

Troubleshoot issues

Transform and map data

Prepare processes and data

Get started with process mining

Task mining

Share task mining processes

Identity automation opportunities

Visualize processes

analyze processes

Prepare processes and recordings

Get started with task mining

Business process flow

Best practice for business process flow columns

Add custom controls to business process flows

Enhance business process flow with branching

Create instant flows in business process flows

Create a business process flow

Business process flows overview

Other types of desktop flows (Legacy)

Use inputs and outputs in desktop flows with Selenium IDE

Edit desktop flows with Selenium IDE

Create and test Selenium IDE flows

Use inputs and outputs in desktops

Use WinAutomation with desktop flows

Use input Method Editor (IMEs) in desktop flows with Windows recorder (V1)

Migrate from windows recorder (V1) to Power Automate

Edit desktop flows with windows recorder(V1)

Create and test desktop flows with windows recorder (V1)

Introduction to other types of desktops flows

Power Automate for desktop

Use RPA with Dynamics 365

Use RPA with Dynamics 365 Customer Service

Use RPA with Dynamics 365 Finance

Create orders on Dynamics 365 Supply chain management

Overview of RPA templates and Dynamics 365

Process migrator for Softomotive products

Desktop actions reference

Microsoft cognitive

IBM cognitive

Google cognitive



Active Directory




Windows services



Terminal emulation

CDM session


Data time



Mouse and keyboard

Message boxes




Browse automation


UI Automation





Work station

Run flow

Flow control




Pass a datatable from a cloud flow to a desktop flow

Extract text from a word document using VBScript

Set screen resolution on unattended mode

Run desktop flow from other desktop flow

Share/Export a desktop flow

Handle custom forms

Use logical operations on conditional statements

Run and troubleshoot SQL queries

Troubleshoot SQL queries

Run SQL queries to Microsoft Acess

Convert data and files

Convert Base64 text to hexadecimal format

Convert Excel to PDF using VBScript

Convert data using PowerShell

Convert a text variable to datetime

Automate web applications and web pages

Populate text fields and click on links using javascript

Handle IFrames on a web page

Scroll on a web page

Automate browser prompts

Click all elements in a list of links

Send physical clicks on a web element

Get the coordinates and size of a web element

Retrieve details from a web page

Handle links that open new tabs

Automate windows and desktop applications

Automate java applications

Access elements that depend on how the window appear on the screen

Automate with mouse, keyboard and OCR actions

Automate applications using keyboard shortcuts

Get the position and size of a window

Ensure that application windows become focused

Extract attributes from window elements

Close any window through its process ID

Identify a window by its handle

Use images, image recognition and OCR

Print images

Perform OCR on multilingual document

Use image recognition on machines with different screen resolutions

Automate task in excel

Unhide worksheets in Excel using VBScripts

Autofit Excel columns using VBScript

Run SQL queries on Excel files

Run macros on an Excel workbook

Convert a CSV file into an excel spreadsheet

Handle email message in desktop flows

Automate email account with two-step verification

Use a share Outlook mailbox in email automations

Add images to email messages

Handle and manipulate variables

Delete a row/column from database

Check if a variable is numeric

Desktop flow designer

Power Automate console

Data loss prevention (DLP) (Preview)

Monitor desktop flows

Desktop flow queues

Desktop flow runs

manage desktop flows

Manage machines and machine groups

Scale with AVD started kit

Use the starter kit

Set up the AVD integration started

Silent registration for machines

Manage machine groups

Manage machines

Trigger a desktop flow from another flow

Run desktop flow

Create a desktop flow

Getting started with an organization premium account

Getting started with a work or school account

Get started with a Microsoft account

Create a Dataverse database

Power Automate architecture

Setup Power Automate

Data collection in Power Automate

Troubleshooting Power Automate

Governance in Power Automate

Install Power Automate

Power Automate prerequisites & limitations

Getting started with Power Automate in window 11

Introduction to Power Automate for desktop

Cloud flows

Find and fix errors with error checker

Troubleshoot a cloud flow

Monitor flow activity on a phone

Watch a cloud flow

Troubleshoot common issues with trigger

Use solution for ALM

Remove a solution-aware flow

Edit a solution-aware flow

Import solution

Export solution

Create child flows

Create a cloud flow in a solution

Use flows with Microsoft Dataverse

Create cloud flows with Microsoft Dataverse(Legacy connector)

Use Dataverse-based flows in PowerApps

Troubleshoot know issues with Dataverse

Upload or download image and file content

Use a flow to perform a changeset request in Dataverse

Use relationship to update rows

Perform bound or unbound actions in flows

Use wait condition to delay flows

Use lists of rows in flows

Delete a row

Get a row by ID

Use a flow to update a row

Use flow to add a row

Trigger flow with actions

Trigger flows when a row changes

Popular cloud flows scenarios

Use flows with Microsoft Forms

Toubleshoot known issues with forms

Top scenarios

Trigger flows from Power BI report

Create approvals in Microsoft Teams

Use custom connectors in approval flows

Customize approvals in Team

Manage approvals in Teams

Response to approvals in Teams

Create approvals from the approvals app

Create approvals in chats or channels

Overview of approvals in Microsoft Teams

Use flows with Microsoft Teams

Model flows with adaptive cards

Sample - lead generation

Sample - acronym form

Sample - daily weather

Sample Metadata update

Sample - Poll generator

Sample - lead location

Image share

Sample - candidate feedback

Create adaptive cards for Teams

Overview of adaptive cards for teams

Create flows using the Power Apps app

Trigger flows from Teams message

Send a message in Teams

Manage flows in Teams

Use flows in teams created from templates

Create flows in Teams

Install the Power automate app

Use with SharePoint

Manage SharePoint page approvals

Create SharePoint reminder flows

Use flows with Microsoft 365 Outlook email

Troubleshoot issues with email in flows

Customize email in flows

Trigger a cloud flow with email

Create flows for popular email scenarios

Create flows to manage email

Use flows with approvals

Known issues and limitations

Custom approval response options

Format approval requests

Integrated approvals

Request approvals from groups

Everyone must approve

Sequential approvals

Approvals with attachments

Single approvals

How to - Top scenarios with approvals flows

Trigger approvals from SharePoint Library

Trigger approvals from SharePoint lists

Get started with approvals

How to

Change the owner of cloud flow

Turn a cloud flow on and off

Publish a template

Manage flows on a phone

Reference: Use functions in expressions

Use Visio to model flows

Restore deleted flow with PowerShell

Cancel or resubmit flow runs in bulk

Manage sensitive input like passwords

Store and manage values in variables

Use expressions in conditions

Use data operations

Add a condition

Add an action

Instant flows

Share a button

Create a button flow with user input

Create a button flow with trigger tokens

Create a flow on a phone

Create button flow

Schedule flows

Process a list of items

Run a cloud flow on a schedule

Automated flow

Run your flows iwth bttns

Run your flow with flics

Filter and copy data

Create a cloud flow with OneDrive for business

Create a cloud flow with Dynamics 365

Create a cloud flow from scratch

Create a cloud flow from a template

Share a flow

Get help from the Power Virtual Agent bot

Get started with triggers

Create and manage flows in Power apps

What's new

Sign up

Types of flows

Power Virtual Agent in Teams
GDPR compliance

Enable and configure Bot Framework Skills

Configure how the bot starts the conversation

Key concept - configuration

Create a privacy statement and terms of use

Send proactive messages and cards

Add end-user authentication

Key concepts - enhanced authoring

Troubleshooting error codes

test your bot

Use system fallback topic

Export and import chatbots made in Teams

Upgrade a Dataverse for Teams

Share bot with users in organization

Licensing for Power Virtual Agent in Teams

Use pre-build chatbot templates

Power Virtual Agent in Teams overview

Power Virtual Agent web app
Respond to GDPR Data Subject Rights (DSR) requests

Requests to discover data

Requests to delete data

Requests to export and download data

Key concepts - GDPR compliance

Configure and customize

Customize the look and feel of the bot

Configure the bot to automatically start the conversation

Configure voice and text hand off to Dynamic 365 Customer Service

Configure hand-off to a generic engagement hub

Configure single sign on for Teams

Configure single sign-on for web

Configure web and Direct Line channel security

Configure end-user authentication

Key concepts - configurations

Monitor and diagnose

Analyze billed session information

Analyze topic usage

Work with conversation transcripts

Analyze session information

Analyze bot performance and usage

Analyze customer satisfaction

Key concepts - Analytics

Publish and integrate

Integrate with Bot Framework

Use Bot Framework composer

Example 4 - Display a form with a submit button in Power Virtual Agents

Example 3 - Use Bing Search as a fallback in Power Virtual Agent

Example 2 - Display a multi-select options list in Power Virtual Agents

Example 1 - Show an adaptive Card in Power Virtual Agent

Extend your bot with Bot Framework Composer

Use a Power Virtual Agent bot as a skill

Use Bot Framework Skills

Configure a skill for use in Power Virtual Agents

add bot to Azure Bot Service Channel

Add bot to mobile or custom apps

Add bot to Facebook

Add bot to Microsoft Teams

Add bot to Power App Portal

Add bot to your live website

Key concepts - Publish your bot

Enhance and improve

Trigger hand-off to a live agent

Send proactive messages and cards in Microsoft Teams

Add actions using Power Automate

Add end-User authentication

Create topics from Customer Service Insight

Create topics from existing support content

Reuse variables across topics

Use variables

Use entities and slot filling

Enable advanced AI features

Key concepts - Enhanced authoring

Author and edit

Troubleshoot error codes

Supported languages

Test your bot

add comments to bots

manage topics

Use System fallback logic

Create and edit topics

Use lesson topics

Create and delete bots

Key concepts - Authoring

Administer and manage

Regional settings and data locations for organization

Export and import bots using solutions

Share bots with users in your organization

Working with environments

Sign up for a trial account

Government customers

Power Virtual Agent for US

Assign license

Quickstar - Create and deploy a chatbot

Use pre-built chatbot templates

Power Virtual Agent online overview

Quota, limits, and configuration values
Power Virtual Agent compliance offerings
Licensing for Power Virtual Agent
Power virtual Agents introduction

Power BI

Best practices guidance

Distribute Power BI externally using Azure Active Directory B2B

Power BI Premium deployment

Power BI enterprise deployment whitepaper

Power BI security whitepaper

Whitepaper overview

Microsoft's Center of Excellence (CoE)

BI solution architecture in the COE

How Microsoft established a COE

Microsoft's BI transformation

Implementing planning

Usage scenarios

On-premises reporting

Advanced data model management

Self-service content publishing

Prototyping and sharing

Advanced data preparation

Self-service data preparation

Customizable manage self-service BI

Manage self-service BI

Enterprise BI

Department BI

Team BI

Persona BI

Usage scenarios overview


Adoption roadmap


System oversight

User support

Community of practice

Mentoring and user enablement


Center of Excellence

Content delivery scope

Content ownership

Executive sponsorship

Data culture

Maturing levels

Migrate to Power BI

Learn from customer Power BI migrations

Deploy to Power BI

Create content

Conduct proof of concept

Plan deployment

Gather requirements

Prepare to migrate

Migration overview

Admin and deployment

Access the Power BI activity log

Deployment pipelines best practices

Troubleshoot report performance

Monitor report performance

On-premises data gateway sizing

Tenant settings

Power BI paginated reports

Migrate SSRS reports to Power BI

Avoid blank pages when printing

Use cascading parameters

Image use guidance

Data retrieval guidance

When to use paginated reports

Tips to work with shapes, images , and icons

Tips to sort and distribute data plots

Tips to optimize visual colors

Tips to format and implement legends

Tips to optimize the use of labels

Tips to control chart gridlines

Tips to manage axes

Use report page drillthrough

Extend visuals with report page tooltips

Separate reports from models


Sample mode

Use variables to improve formulas


Use COUNTROWS instead of COUNT

DIVIDE function vs divide operator

Column and measure references

Avoid using Filter as a filter argument

Avoid converting BLANKs to values

Appropiated use of error functions

Data modeling

Row-level security (RLS) guidance

Composite model guidance

DirectQuery model guidance

Relationship troubleshooting

Bi-directional relationship

Active vs inactive relationships

Many to many relationships

One-to-one relationship

Auto date/time guidance

Create data tables

Reduce data model size

What is a star schema?

Transform and shape data

Best practice for dataflows

Disable Power Query background refresh

Referencing Power Query queries

The importance of query folding

Optimization guide for Power BI

Collaborate, share, and integrate across products

Organization content packs

Remove a connection to a content pack

Manage, update, delete content packs

Use third-party apps

Power BI and Power Automate

Save a paginated report to a local folder

Export paginated repors from Excel Online or SharePoint list

Save paginated reports to OneDrive or SharePoint online

Export paginated reports with Power Automate

Export and email reports with Power Automate

Integrate data alerts with Power Automate

Power BI and Excel

Error: we couldn't find data in your Excel workbook

Troubleshoot connecting Excel to Power BI data

Set feature table

Use Power BI featured table in Excel

Build refreshable reports in Excel

Start in Power BI

Start in Excel

Connect Excel to Power BI datasets

Publish and share your work

Share a dashboard that links to an Excel workbook on OneDrive

Publish from the Power BI to the web

Embed report in a secure portal or website

Embed report in SharePoint Online

Feature content on Home

Endorse your content

Filter a report using parameters in the URL

Troubleshoot sharing reports or dashboards

Filter and share a report

Request access to a report or dashboard

Share reports and dashboards

Power BI in Teams

Get notifications in Teams

Analyze Teams usage in Teams

View all your Power BI tabs in Teams

Get a link preview in Teams

Chat in Teams directly

Embed reports in Teams tabs

Add the Power BI app to Teams

Collaborative in Teams, Outlook, & office

Collaborative in Power BI

Manage your group in Power BI and Microsoft 365

Collaborate in a classic workspace

Apply data sensitivity labels

Data source impact analysis

Dataset impact analysis

Data lineage

Manage data storage in workspace

Store files in OneDrive for a workspace

Publish apps from workspace

Create classic workspace

Upgrade classic workspace

Give access to new workspace

Create the new workspace


Content endorsement

Monitor usage in new workspace

Monitor usage in classic workspace

Roles in the new workspace

The new workspace experience

Ways to share your work

Create reports and dashboards

Other task

Delete almost anything

Set item contacts

Rename content


Keyboard shortcuts in Power BI Desktop

Consume reports with accessibility features

Create reports with accessibility tools

Design accessible reports


Assign a workspace

Get Started

PDF Rendering Extension conformance to ISO 14289-1

Report Builder

Keyboard shortcuts in Power BI

Publish a paginated report

Pass a report parameter in a URL

Troubleshoot subreport


Set report views

Create parameters

Create a paginated report from a Power BI report

Create a report with a Power BI shared dataset

Create an embedded dataset

Create an embedded data source

Create exportable formatted data tables

Edit a paginated report from the Power BI service

Enter data directly in a paginated report


Dashboard themes

Create a QR code for a tile

Optimize a dashboard for phones

Tip for designing a great dashboard

Edit a tile

Add an image, text box, video , or code to a dashboard

Data alert in the service

Pin an entire report page to a dashboard

Pin a tile to a dashboard from Q&A

Pin a tile to a dashboard from a report

Create a copy of a dashboard

Create a dashboard from a report

Dashboard tiles

Intro to dashboards


Create and add Scorecards in reports

Goals and Power Automate

Create custom statuses

Arrange goals and colums in scorecard

Set goals-level permissions

Stay on top of your goals

Create connected goals

Create scoreCards and manual goals

Get started with goals

Use Q&A with live connections

Create featured questions for Q&A

Make Excel data work well with Q&A

Create a Q&A visual in a dashboard

Use Q&A to explore your data

Q&A best practices

Teach Q&A to understand

Create a Q&A visual in a report

Artificial intelligence

Quick insights

View automatic insights for dashboard tile

Types of Quick Insight

Optimize data for Quick Insights

Quick Insights

R in Power BI

Create visuals with R package

Use and external R IDE

Learn which Python package are supported

Create visuals with Python

Use Python in Query Editors

Smart narratives

Key influencers visuals

Decomposition tree visuals

Anomaly detection

Transform your data with AI

Use Machine Learning and Cognitive Service with dataflows

Use Cognitive Services

Use AI Insights in Desktop

Use insights to discover how distribution vary

Apply insight to explain fluctuation in visuals



Waterfall charts


Tables in reports and dashboards

Interact with small multiples

Create small multiples

High-density sampling in scatter charts

High-density line sampling

Scatter, bubble, and dot plot charts

Ribbon charts

Radial gauge charts

Power BI visuals

Download and use R-powered

Create Power BI visuals with R

R Visuals

PowerApps visuals

Matrix visuals

Azure Maps in Power BI

Manage the Azure Maps visual in your organization

Show real-time traffic

Geocoding in Azure Maps visual

Add a tile layer

Add a reference layer

Add a heat map layer

Add a pie chart layer

Add a bar chart layer

Add a bubble layer

Layers in the Azure Maps visual

Get started with Azure Maps visuals


Tips and tricks for map visualizations

ArcGIS maps

Filled maps(Choropleth maps)

Shape map visual(Preview)

Scorecard visuals

Paginated report visuals

KPI Visuals

Funnel charts

Doughnut chart

Combo charts

Create card visual (Big number tiles)

Basi area charts

Customize x-axis and y-axis properties

Change how visuals interact in a report

Move, resize, and pop out a visual in a report

Export the data that was used to create a visualization to Excel

Copy and paste a report visualization

Tips and tricks for color formatting

Get started with color formatting and axis properties

Display a visual's underlying data

Apply data-point limits and strategies by visual type

Show items with no data

Customize visual titles, backgrounds, legends and more

Add visuals to a report

Add visuals to a report (Part 2)

Add visuals to a report (Part 1)

Visualiztion types in Power BI

Mobile-optimized reports

Rearrange visual layering

Optimize visual formatting

Create an initial layout

Mobile layout view

About mobile-optimize reports

Publish datasets and reports

Export a report to Power BI Desktop (Preview)

Lets users customize visuals

Create a QR code for a report

Work with aggregates in the service

Analyze in Excel

Interact with a report in Editing view

Let consumers customize visuals

Feature report on others home pages

Change report settings

Create report template

Group visuals in a report

Tips and tricks for creating reports

Use Visual table and Data point table

Sort one column by another

Create dynamic, expression-based title

Apply conditional table formatting

Display custom format strings

Create sparklines in a table or matrix

Display images in a table, matrix , or slicer

Add hyperlink to a table

Add a hyperlink to a text box

Add text boxes, shapes, and smart narratives

Customize tooltips

Restrict data access with row-level security

Use inline hierarchy labels

Add a custom column

Add a column from an example

Apply page display setting in reports

Apply gridlines and snap-to-grid

Apply grouping and binning

Work with report themes

Use the cross-report drillthrough feature

Use the drillthrough feature

Create drillthrough feature

Bookmarks and buttons

Create page and button navigator

Create bookmark to save and share insights

Customize buttons

Create buttons

Filters and slicers in reports

Multi-select data elements, points, visuals

Add multiple fields to a slicer

Create a slicer you can resize

Relative time slicer and filter

Relative data slicer and filter

Numeric range slicer


Types of filters in reports

Format filters in reports

Add a filter to a report

Power Automate button visual

Create modern visual tooltips

Add report tooltips to enhance your visuals

Add visual elements to reports

Examine report elements with performance analyzer

Enable automatic page refresh

Visualize data quickly from Power Apps and Dynamics 365 apps

Create a report quicky from a sharepoint list

Create a report from Excel in the service

Create quick reports in the service

Deployment pipelines

Automate deployment pipeline

Understand the deployment process

Introduction to deployment pipelines

Paginated reports

Default system credentials for web proxy

Previewing reports

Report pagination

Expression examples

URL parameters in paginated reports


Tables , matrixes, lists

Design tips

Support for ODBC data sources

Supported data sources

Understanding paginated report data

Planning a report

Get around Report Design View

Sample Power BI paginated reports

Report Builder change log

Paginated report FAQ

Report Builder in Power BI

Power BI reports

Natural language Q&A

Q&A limitations

Q&A tooling advanced

Q&A tooling introduction

Q&A data sources

Q&A introduction

Evaluation configuration settings

Certificate revocation

About accessibility

Filter and highlighting in reports

The new Format pane

Work with Report view

Power BI modern ribbon


Download the financial Sample workbook

Supplier Quality Analysis sample

Sales & Marketing sample template app

Sales and Marketing sample

Retail Analysis sample

Opportunity Analysis sample

Human Resources sample

IT Spend Analysis sample

Customer Profitability sample

Power BI Release Plan report

COVID-19 Sample

Artificial intelligence sample

Get sample for Power BI

Create a paginated report upload

Online course: Paginated report

Create a decomposition tree

Explore a Power BI sample

Power BI Service: From Excel to report

Power BI Desktop: Dimensional model to report

Power BI Desktop: From Excel to report

What are paginated reports

Tour the report editor

Transform and shape and model data

Formula editor shortcuts

Use the Field list in Power BI Desktop

External tools

Register an external tool

External tools in Power BI Desktop

Model your data

Apply auto data/time

Import and display KPIs

Create measures for data analysis

Create calculated tables

Create calculated columns

Set geographic filters in Power BI for the mobile app

Tag barcode fields in Power BI for the mobile app

Specify data categories in Power BI Desktop

Create and use what-if parameters to visualize variables

Create quick measures for common calculations

Transform and share data

Use AI Insight

Combine files(Binaries)

Work with relationship view

Learn DAX basics in Power BI Desktop

Work with Data view

Use the analytic pane

Create and manage relationships

Perform common query tasks

Log analytics

Using the Log Analytics Template App (Preview)

Installing the Log Analytics Template App (Preview)

Azure Log Analytics in Power BI - FAQ (Preview)

Configure Azure Log Analytics in Power BI (Preview)

Using Azure Log Analytics in Power BI (Preview)


Developing dataflows solutions

Streaming dataflows (Preview)

Dataflows considerations and limitations

Using DirectQuery with dataflows

Understanding and optimizing dataflow refresh

Dataflows best practices

Use machine learning and cognitive service with dataflows

Premium features of dataflows

Dataflow and Azure Data Lake Gen2

Configure Power BI Premium dataflow workloads

Configure and consume a dataflow

Create a dataflow

Introduction to dataflows

Work with multidimensional model in Power BI

Manage storage mode

User-defined aggregations

Composite models

Enable bidirectional cross-filtering

Many-to-many relationships

Understand model relationships

Work with modelling view

Create calculated colums

Create your own measures

Query Editor overview

Connect to data

Troubleshooting sign in with OData Feed connections

Manage DirectQuery connection to a published dataset

Trusted third-party connectors

Connector extensibility

Data types in Power BI Desktop

Troubleshooting Nested Values

Troubleshoot importing Access and Excel .xls files

Error: we couldn't find any data in your Excel workbook

Troubleshoot analyze in Excel

Troubleshoot schedule refresh for Azure SQL Database

Troubleshoot an unsupported data source for refresh

Troubleshoot tile errors

Troubleshoot refresh scenarios

Troubleshoot refresh scenario

Troubleshoot opening Power BI Desktop


Custom connectors

Troubleshoot the gateway (Personal mode)

Troubleshoot the gateway

Enable single sign-on (SSO)

Azure Active Directory SSO

Active Directory SSO

Test single sign-on (SSO) configuration

SAML-based SSO

Kerberos-based SSO

Datasource-specific configuration

Teradata and SSO

SAP BW - gx64krb5.dll

SAP BW - sapcrypto.dll (Common Crypto Library)


Configure Kerberos-based SSO

Active Directory SSO overview

SSO overview

Manage gateway data sources

Merge on-premises and cloud data sources

Manage your enterprise data source - import/scheduled refresh

Manage your data source - Oracle

Manage your enterprise data source - SQL

Manage your enterprise data source - SAP HANA

Manage your enterprise data source - Analysis Service

Add or remove a gateway data source

On-premise data gateway (FAQ)

On-premise data gateway (personal mode)

On-premise data gateway - in -depth

Guidance for deploying a data gateway

Connect to service



Saleforce Analytics

Regional Emergency Response Dashboard

Project Online

Power BI Premium Capacity Metrics


Emissions Impact Dashboard for Microsoft 365

Decision Support Dashboard

Hospital Emergency Response


Crisis Communication Presence Report

Covid-19 US Tracking report

Analyze Popular Stocks with Power BI

Connect to service with apps

Template apps

Automated template app configuration

Template app sample

Install, share, and update a template app

Manage your published template app

Tips for creating template apps

Create and publish a template app

Template app overview

Refresh data

Query caching in Power BI Premium

Refresh a dataset from a .csv file on OneDrive

Refresh a dataset from a cloud Excel workbook

Refresh a dataset from a local Excel workbook

Refresh a dataset from a cloud Power BI Desktop file

Refresh a dataset from a local Power BI Desktop file

Incremental refresh

Troubleshoot incremental refresh and real-time data

Advanced incremental refresh

Configure incremental refresh and real-time data

Incremental refresh and real-time data for dataset

Asynchronous refresh with Rest API

Refresh summary

Configure schedule refresh

Managing query refresh

Data refresh in Power BI

Get data from database

Azure SQL Database with DirectQuery

Azure synapse Analytics (formerly SQL Data Warehouse) with DirectQuery

Power BI and Azure egress

Azure and Power BI

Get data from shared dataset

Control the use of datasets

Copy reports based on datasets

Create reports based on datasets

Build permission for shared datasets

Manage dataset access (preview)

Dataset permissions

Share dataset access(preview)

Provide a dataset description

Use dataset across workspace

Get data from files

Reduce the size of an Excel workbook

Publish to Power BI from Excel

Real-time streaming in Power BI

Get data from comma separated value (.csv) files

Edit parameters

Get data from Power BI Desktop files

Get data from Excel workbook files

Getting data from files

Connect to Project Online data through Power BI Desktop

Thrid-party service: Use the Google Analytics connector

Use OneDrive for business link

Access SAP BW data with the SAP BW Connector

Apply the Assume Referential Integrity setting

Connect to SAP HANA data sources with DirectQuery

Connect to SAP Business Warehouse with DirectQuery

Connect to data source with DirectQuery

Connect to Analysis Service tabular data

Edit SAP variables in the Power BI service

Connect to SAP HANA databases

Connect to Azure Consumption Insight data

Create visuals with the Azure Cost Management connector

Connect to Snowflake in the Power BI service

Connect to Snowflake computing warehouse

Connect to webpages

Connect to an Amazon RedShift database

Connect to OData feeds

Connect to an Impala database

Connect to a Google BigQuery database

Connect to CSV files

Connect to SSAS multidimensional models

Connect to Excel workbooks

Enter data directly into Power BI Desktop

Create visuals with R packages

Use an external R IDE

Use R in Query Editor

Run R scripts


Learn which Python packages are supported

Create visuals with python

Use an external Python IDE

Use Python in query editor

Run Python scripts

Connect to an Oracle database

Desktop generic interfaces

Connect to data with Power BI

Import Excel workbooks

Connect to datasets in the Power BI service

Get webpage data by providing examples

Connect to LinkedIn Sale Navigator

Create a report on a SharePoint List

Use dynamic M query parameters

Connect to data sources

Connect to data sources in Power BI Desktop

dataset and Azure Analysis Service(Preview)

Using DirectQueries for Power BI

About using DirectQuery in Power BI

Work with multidimensional models in Power BI

Using enhanced dataset metadata in Power BI Desktop

Power BI data source prerequisites

Dataset modes in the Power BI service

Dataset in the Power BI service

Power BI data sources

Automate template app configuration

Refresh data from SQL Server

Consume a machine learning model in a report

Build a machine learning model

Use cognitive Services

Connect to a GitHub sample

Implement row-level security in an Analysis Service tabular model

Analyze sales data from excel and an OData feed

Import and analyze webpage data

Shape and combine multiple data sources


Connect to data in Power BI Desktop

Dataset discovery in the Power BI service

What is an on-premises data gateway?

Data source in Power BI

Configure admin settings

User experience experiments settings

Template settings

Share data with your Microsoft 365 service settings

R and Python visuals settings

Quick measure suggestions settings

Q&A settings

Integration settings

Insight settings

Workspace settings

Information protection settings

Help and support settings

Goals settings(Preview)

Export and sharing settings

Discovery settings

Developer settings

Dataset security settings

Dataflow settings

Dashboard settings

Content pack and app settings

Audit and usage settings

Advanced networking settings

Admin API settings

About tenants settings

Monitor and manage Power BI

View workspace info

View usage metrics

View refresh summary

View information protection metrics

View audit logs

Manage users

Manage Premium Per user

Manage organization visuals

Manage featured content

Manage embed codes

Manage capacity settings

Customize Power BI branding

Configure Azure connections

About the Admin portal

System administration

Track user activities

Find users that have sign-in

Track service health

Move between regions

Find where data is stored

Power BI support options

the Power BI service

Capture diagnostic information form

Service interruption notifications

Service URL reference

Manage Power BI Visual admin settings

Manage Power BI Desktop sign-in form

General info for admins

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

How to use the same account login for Power BI an Azure

Forgot your password for Power BI

Can't sign in?

Administration role in Microsoft 365

What is Power BI administration

Power BI Desktop diagnose

Power BI Desktop Send a Smile Privacy Statement

Power BI desktop change log

Power BI updates archive




Supported browsers

Supported languages and countries/regions

How-to guides

Get Power BI Desktop



Security baseline

Get help signing up for Power BI

Get help purchasing Power BI Pro

Features by license type

Sign up or purchase Power BI

What is self-service sign up and self service purchase

ten tips for getting help

Understand the Power BI service

What's new in the latest Power BI update?

Get started with the Power BI service

Get started with Power BI Desktop

Comparing Power BI Desktop and the service

What is the Power BI service?

What is Power BI Desktop?

What is Power BI?


Center of excellence
International availability
Administer customer engagement apps in dynamic 365
Rich text experience for appointment activities
Manage product catalog configuration
Enhanced service level agreement
Define subjects to categorize cases, products, and articles
Sales territories
Administer Power Virtual Agents
Administer Power BI
Administer Microsoft Power Automate
Administer Power Apps
for partners: delegated administrator
For partners: get credit when customers subscribe
Add a partner of record
Data center regions
Geo to geo migration
U.S Goverment

Power apps service description

Dynamics 365 service description


21Vianet support

Business Application

About china datacenter

GDPR - responding to DSR Request
PowerApps Customer data

Dataverse customer data

Delete data

Export data

Data integration for Dataverse
System-generated logs
About GDPR
Compliance and data privacy
Performance tuning and optimization
Performance insight
Verify network capacity and throughput for clients
Extend with Integration and solutions
Add Microsoft 365 online services

Connect to Yammer

Enable OneDrive for Business(On-premise)

Enable OneDrive for business online

Set up oneNote integration

Enable viewing profile card

Deploy Microsoft 365 groups

Set up Skype or Skype for business

Skype for business and skype integration

Set up Microsoft teams integration

Connect to SharePoint online

Install, update or remove a preferred solution
Use Power BI
Live Assist powered by café X preview
Enable Power automate integration
Manage Bing maps
Integrate(synchronize) your email System
Server-side synchronization

Troubleshoot server-side synchronization

Monitor email processing Errors

Email in 'pending send' status

troubleshoot server-side synchronization

Server-side sync configuration

Configure outlook category tracking

send email on behalf of another user

forward mailbox differences

Configure forward mailboxes

use Outlook category to track appointment and emails

Configure folder-level tracking

Best practice for folder-level tracking

Configure appoinment, contact and task syncronization

Frequently asked question: record synchronization

Field security best practices

Control field synchronization

View the fields that synchronized with Outlook

Synchronized fields per entity

set up default sync filters for multiple users

Synchronization logic for appointments, contacts and task

Configure incoming and outgoing email synchronization

Create a queue items from incoming email

how is an email record owner determined

Associate an email adress with a row

Configure correlation setting for incoming email

Configure incoming and outgoing email synchronization

Automatically track send folder items

Personal options that affect synchronization

Best practice

Set up server side Sync

Connect to Gmail

specify by a user or queue

Connect using credentials

Connect using OAuth 2.0

Connect to IMAP,POP, OR SMTP Servers

Test connection to exchange server (on-premise)

hybrid modern authentication (HMA) for exchange on-premises

Connect to exchange server(on-premise)

Exchange online cross tenant authentication

Connect to exchange online

Supported email service configuration

OrgDBSetting for server side Sync

about server side sync

Enable accessible email flow
Deploy Dynamic 365 app for outlook
Work with templates
Troubleshooting word templates
Word templates
Excel templates
Article templates
Manage data
Deploy package using Dynamics CRM Package Deployer and windows PowerShell
Move configuration data

Import configuration data

Modify a configuration data schema

configure date setting for demo data

create a schema to export configuration data

about moving configuration data

Replicate data to Azure SQL Database
Enable change tracking to control data synchronization
Recover database space by deleting audit logs
remove user personal data
monitor and manage system jobs
view and take action on bulk deletion jobs
Bulk duplicate detection
Turn duplicate detection rules on or off for the whole organization
Enable improve duplicate detection
Detect duplicate records
Detect duplicate data
Merge data
Template for data import
Import data
Add or remove sample data
Data sources and gateways clusters
Data sources management
On-premise data gateway management
About on-premise gateway
Data Integration
Data integrator Error management and troubleshooting
Integrate data with dataverse
Sharepoint and PowerApps

Switch from the list component

known issues with document management

Troubleshooting document management issues

Troubleshoot set up with SharePoint online

Troubleshooting server-based authentication


Permissions required for document management task

Create and edit document location records

Edit existing SharePoint site records

Enable Sharepoint document management for specific entities


Authentication with Sharepoint on-premise

Configure server-based

app to use SharePoint online

Setup customer engagement

SharePoint document management software requirements
Manage your document using Sharepoint
PowerShell Support for power apps
Automation of task with PowerShell
About power shell support
Programmability and extensibility
Power Platform API

Creating a service principal


Connector reference


cmdlet reference

Create a service principal



install an application to a target environment

Create a daily capacity report

Permission reference

Authentication (Preview)

Authentication - legacy

Version and support
Activity Logging
Dataverse and model-driven apps
Audit data and user activity for dynamic 365 entities
Data loss prevention activity loggin
Power automate activity loggin
Power apps activity loggin
Portal administration
Add-on capacity management
Manage Power automate flows
Manage Power apps
Manage Dynamic 365 apps
Access storage with SAS token
add storage capacity
Free up storage space
View self-service capacity
Legacy capacity storage model
New capacity storage model
What's new for storage
Analyze telemetric with application insights

set up export to application insight

Telemetric evens for dataverse

Telemetric events for Model-driven apps

overview of integration with application insight

Model-driven apps and microsoft dataverse telemetric

Data exports

Create custom dashboars using powerApps inventory and usage data

Self-service analytics schema definition

Export Power apps inventory and usage data


Power automate analytics

Power apps analytics

Tenant-level analytics

Analytict for UI Flows

Analytics for flows

Power Apps analytics
Dataverse analytics
Manage User
B2B Collaboration with Azure AD
Conditional access with azure AD
user session management
Add or remove sales territory members
Hierarchy security to control access
Manage user account synchronization
Troubleshoot common user access issues
Create an administrative user
View user profile
Configure user access to an environment
Configure user security to resources
add users to an environment
Assign services admin roles to users
Reset a user's password
Delete users
Manage application users
Assign security roles

Copy a security role

Create or edit a security role

miscellaneous privileges

Use service admin roles to manage your tenant

opt-out of automatic license-based user roles management

about security roles and privileges

Assign licenses
Create users
View active users
Security and Governance
Configure security for Dataverse

Manage encryption key

Encryption your data

About Encryption

Configure teams and team templates

Team templates for access right

Team templates

Manage groups teams

Manage teams

Configure field level security

add teams or users to field security profile

Enable or disable field security

Set permission for a field

Data loss prevention policies

Known limitation

Excempt apps and flows

Impact on apps and flows

Effect of multiple policies

View policies and policy scope

Disable new connectors

DLP for desktop flows

DLP for custom connectors

Ennpoint input examples

advanced granular controls

Basic connector classification

Data loss prevention SDK

Manage a DLP policy

Create a DPL policy

Configure environment security

Content security policies

Restrict cross-tenant access

Control user access to environments

Email exfiltration contro for connectors

How access to records is determined

Configure user security

System and application users

Security concepts in dataverse

Data security

Security and governance consideration
Connecting and authenticating to data sources
Data storage in power platform
Autenticating to Power Platform services
Advance environment operations

Automation of task with power automate

automation task with PowerShell

suppor environment

administration mode

Multiple online environment or tenants

Power platform Geos

Geo to Geo Migrations

Migrate environment

Environment cleanup process

Manage Settings


Preview tab

Mobile Client tab

Synchronization tab

Service tab

Sales tab

Goals tab

Reporting tab

Outlook tab

Customization tab

Marketing tab

Email tab

Auditing tab

Format tab

Calendar tab

General tab


Dynamic 365 for Outlook

All legacy settings


Data management


Asynchronnous processing of cascading transactions

Duplicate detection settings

Duplicate detection rules

Duplicate detection jobs

Data maps

Data import wizard

Bulk deletion

Automatic record creation policies

Auto-numbering prefixes


Add ready-to-use business process




Sharepoint sites

Sharepoint document locations



Onedrive for business

Manage document suggestions

Document management settings

Enable server-based sharepoint integration


Server profiles


Email tracking

Email settings


Mail merge templates

Email templates

Email signatures

Document templates

Data import templates

Contract templates

Article template

Access team templates

audit and log

System jobs

Entity and field audit settings

Audit summary view

audit settings

Audit log management

User + permissions



Security roles


Mobile configuration

Hierarchy security

Assign business units

Delete business Unit

Update record owner

Create or edit business unit


Add resources to a site

Create or edit site

relationship roles

Customize regional options


manage transaction with multiple currencies

Connection roles

Fiscal Year

Business closures


Configure dataverse search

Privacy preference

Enable language



Environment database settings


Manage Updates

General availability deployment

Opt in to early access update

Manage Environments

language collections

View apps in your environment

Dataverse for Teams environment

sandbox environment

Trial environment

customer manage encryption key

Administration mode

edit environment properties

Business continuity and disaster recovery

Back up and restore environment

Copy environment

Reset environment

Recover environment

Delete environment

Add database to environment

Change environment type

Control environment creation

Create an environment

Capacity add-ons

Power Virtual Agent capacity add-on

AI Builder capacity add-on

Dataverse capacity add-on meters

Dataverse (Common Data Service) capacity add-ons

Power Platform Dataverse capacity

Dataverse default capacity for Power Platform pay-as-you-go meters

Dataverse default capacity for Power Platform

Power Virtual Agent
Power Automate

Power Automate unattended RPA add-on

Power Automate per user with attended RPA plan

Power Automate per flow plan

Power Automate per user plan

Standalone Power Automate licensing

Power Apps

Power apps portals

Power Apps per app pay-as-you-go plan

Power Apps per user plan

Power Apps per app plan

Standalone Power Apps licensing

how to license

Licensing Requirements for External Users


Licensing programs

Enrollment for Education Solutions (under the Campus and School Agreement) (EES)

Server and Cloud Enrollment (SCE)

Enterprise Agreement Subscription (EAS)

Enterprise Agreement (EA)

Notification explained
manage maintenance window
Policies and comunications
Manage email notification to admins
Determine your organization ID and name
Get help + Support

AI Builder

Common issues and resolution
Administration and security
Feature availability by region
Roles and security
Consumption report
Administer AI Builder
Use document automation toolkit
Use AI Builder in Teams
Use AI Builder in SharePoint
Use AI Builder in Power Apps
Use Power Fx in AI Builder model in Power Apps (Preview)
Use text recognizer component in Power Apps
Use the receipt processor component in Power Apps
Use invoice processing in Power Apps
Use the business card reader component in Power Apps

Use in a model-driven app

Use in a canvas

Use formulas for text AI models in Power Apps (Preview)
Use the image classification component in Power Apps
Use the object detection component in Power Apps
Use the form processor component in Power Apps
Use your prediction model in Power Apps
Use AI Builder in Power Automate
Use predict action in Power Automate
Use a prebuilt AI Builder model in Power Automate

Text translation model

Text recognition model

Sentiment analysis model

Receipt processing model

Language detection model

Key phrase extraction model

Invoice processing model

ID reader model

Business card reader model

Use a custom AI Builder model in Power Automate

Predict model

Image classification model

Object detection model

Form processing model

Entity extraction model

Bring your own AI model
Azure machine learning models

Package your own model using solution

Create and register your own model

Custom AI models
Image classification AI model by lobe (Preview)

Export your image classification

Form processing AI model

Process multipage tables in form processing (experimental)

FAQ for form processing

Improve form processing model performance

Train and publish your form processing model

Create a form processing model

Requirement and limitations

Object detection AI Model

Train and publish your object detection model

Build your Object detection model

Collect images

Entity extraction AI model

Train and publish your entity extraction model

Create a custom entity extraction model

Requirements and limitation

Category classification model


Use generated tags

View generated predictions

Publish your category classification model

Improve category classification model performance

Understand category classification model performance

Train your category classification model

Create a category classification model

Before you build a category classification model

Predict AI model

Use your prediction model

Train and publish your prediction model

Training errors and warnings

Prediction model performance

Use sample data

Train and publish

Create a prediction model

Data preparation


Prebuilt AI models
Text translation
Text recognition
Sentiment analysis
Receipt processing
Language detection
Key phrase extraction
Invoice processing
ID reader
Entity extraction
Category classification (preview)
Business card reader
AI models
Distribute your model
Share your model
Use your model
Publish your model
Manage your model
Train your model
Build a model
AI models and business scenarios
Get started
AI Builder community
Labs and sample data

Sample data


Overview of AI Builder