da Javier Sánchez-Collado mancano 21 giorni
Più simili a questo
We have to respect the truth and reality (what something is)
We have to know that what reality also depends on our approach to it
Critical thinking includes trust and distrust.
"All true knowledge is made against scepticism and through it."
Slaves lose everything in their chains, even the desire of escaping from them (Rousseau)
Is it good?
Pygmalion effect
Is it possible?
Intelligence without prejudices means intelligence that does not see its own.
We believe in many things that we don't believe we believe.
Judging someone or something before getting a piece of good knowledge.
from prae ‘in advance’ + judicium ‘judgement’.
Intellectual fashion: Think like your contemporaries: this is the secret to prosperity and to stupidity.
What is a cliché? What does a hackneyed idea mean? It means those ideas that everybody says or thinks. Who said that? Nobody, everybody... The people.
Some people live without having thought of anything by themselves