Categorie: Tutti - college - development - independent - social

da layan Maghari mancano 3 anni


Sadeen Maghari

Growing up, the journey towards becoming more social and stepping out of one's comfort zone can lead to a significant transformation in both personal and physical aspects. Engaging with new people and trying new things are crucial steps in fostering independence and happiness.

Sadeen Maghari

Sadeen Maghari

Type in the name of the book you have read.


In grade nine and ten I was always told those two grades were not important and that I shouldn't worry too much about them.
My first year of highschool I didn't care too much since everyone told me not to worry too much about them. I always skipped my classes and dit try my best at all.

Whenever I got a bad mark I'd always tell myself "who cares, it's only grade 9".

I continued to do this all throughout grade nine and ten and would even sign myself out at times.

Whenever I didn't feel like going to school I'd stay home.

However, my parents found out and told me if I didn't take school more seriously then the would take my phone away and not let me go out until I brought my grades up and maintained going to all my classes.

My older sister also lectured me and told me that what I'm doing is not worth it and it will affect mein grade 11 and 12. I eventually started to take things more seriously and learned that its not all a joke anymore and im not a kid.

I time when I was in a risky situation.
In highschool there tends to be a lot of school fights between the students. Especially at Saunders. One day during our lunch break a fight broke out at the mall across our school meaning it wasnt on school property. Therefore, the teachers don't get involved in situations like these.

The fights started to get really violent involving a lot of people hitting one another. However, no one tried to stop the fight. A few minutes into the fight the school bell rang and everyone let and ran to there next period classes. The person involved in the fight and was getting beat on was badly injured and was left on the ground unable to get up.

I knew I couldn't just leave him seeing the state he was in but i also had a test that I couldn't miss. I stood there for a few minutes thinking about what I needed to do.

It was between my test or someone's life. So of course I skipped my test and went to go help him. I also called for help.

Although, I missed my test it was for a good reason and I had to explain that to my teacher who thankfully allowed me to retake the test another day.


In contrast to the main idea, the theme is the message, lesson or moral of the book.

Some tips to find out the theme of the book easier:

I will be getting my g2 very soon
I am content with my physical appearance and my mental state.
I am in grade 12 and and will start to apply to college or university in just a few months.
I became more social
I Engage with new people

I go out more

When I am unhappy or feel overwhelmed I do things to help me relax
I came out of my comfort zone
I Try new things

I engage with new people

I have learned right vs wrong
I learned that different opinions are okay and more than one person can be right
I am strong
I am happy

I am independent and don't rely on anyone

I am mature

Moral Development:

Type the main events of the book, classifying them in: events from the beginning, events from the middle, and events from the end of the book.

Describe the story visually. Add a representative picture for each of them.

learning rght vs Wrong
When I was little I was very stubborn and didn't listen. My brother and I never got a long and were always arguing we would always argue about the randomest thing and wanted to show that the both of us were always right no matter what

Type the main events from the beginning.

Add a representative picture for each of them.

I always wanted to be right even if I was actually wrong.

With that being said, my brother and I never got along and were always arguing. We would always argue about the randomest things he wanted to prove that he was right and I wanted to prove that I was right

Emotional Development:

To control my emotions I did thing that relaxed me and helped me calm down such as;
Taking walks around my neighbourhood or by lakes

Listening to music

When I'm angry I like to be alone

I learned how to communicate instead of holding everything inside and making me feel more furious and sad.
Seasonal Depression
I was the type of person that was very open to anyone and always talked about the way I felt with anybody.
Going through a lot in grade nine taught me a lot of things. It taught me how to control my emotions and how to deal with them in a healthy way for myself.
if I could describe my first year of highschool with one word it would be rollercoaster.
I didn't think I would ever experience these type of emotions as I was a very happy person and always smiling most of the time.
Just like any other teenager, I was excited and nervous for my grade nine year.

However, It was not at all what I expected. I went through a hard stage during the middle of the year. I felt alone, sad, and depressed. I shut everyone out and stopped trying.

My grades went downhill as I felt like nothing mattered to me anymore. I was always in my room and never went out or saw my friends I didn't know why this was happening or how to deal with it.

Although I had a very supportive family, I felt like I couldn't talk to my parents because they wouldn't understand.

I also didn't want to talk to my parents because I never felt comfortable talking to them about my emotions. I liked to keep my emotions to myself rather than speak to my sister or my friends.

By time I started to get better and feel happier. I tried harder in school, became more social and wanted to meet new people and try new things.

I've always been very moody and had mood swings all over the place till this day.

Take notes while you read the book. Write here your favorite quotes from the book.

Intellectual Development:

Take notes while you read the book. Type here the resources, books, or websites that the author mentioned and you want to check out later.

My parents told me I learned how to talk earlier than my other siblings but was still the quietest out of them all.
I liked to go with the flow and wasn't very intelligent compared to my other siblings as kids.
As a child, I wasn't the curious type that liked to explore and question every little thing.

As I grew older and matured into my teenage years I became more aware of my surroundings and understood more about life.


A time when I noticed resiliency was during the middle of my grade 11 year.

The main idea is what the book is mostly about.

Some tips to find out the main idea of a book easier:

Grade 11 was my first year where I was in school and had a job. Therefore, I had to learn how to balance both of them keeping school as my top priority.

It was all going great until the middle of the year. School started to get more stressful and I began to fall behind.

We also lost a few employees at work so I kept covering a lot of shifts thinking I would be able to manage school and work together.

I had no social life and was either doing school work or at work.

My mental health was starting to go down again and I was always stressed and not content with the way everything was.

My family noticed how overworked I was after coming home from work at almost 11 everyday. My parents kept telling me to quit but I didn't listen. Due to being so tired, I forgot about eating and taking care of myself. I would eat one meal a day which was either in the morning or in the middle of the day and that would be it.

On top of that my sister and mom both had covid at the same time making everything harder not just for me but for my family as well. We had to isolate from my mom and sister and make some changes to keep us all safe.

As all of this was happening, I was in charge of my two younger siblings. My four year old brother and 13 year old brother. My youngest brother was starting kindergarten so I had to wake him up every morning, make him lunch, get him dressed, make him breakfast and then take him to his bus stop. I had to do all this everyday for two weeks.

I was online for school and my classes started earlier. So while I was preparing him for school, I had to miss almost an hour of my first period class.

My dad is a pharmacist so it was very important for him to stay out of the house during this time. We thought it would be best for him to stay at a hotel. He would stop by here and there to drop off groceries and food and check up on us.

I love cooking so I made a few dishes for my family. I would say I felt like a mom for these two weeks.

This made my mental health even worse because I felt like I was alone and I had so much responsibility with work and school and then taking care of my family.

After my sister and my mom got better and were corna free, I knew I needed to do something about school and work because I couldn't take it anymore. I texted my manger who is very understanding and I explained to her what was going on. I asked her if I could take a week off to focus on myself and school and she said yes.

During this week all I did was catch up on school work and take a break. I took a break from everything happening and just wanted to relax and be alone most of the time. I definitely would say that week was much needed and helped me figure stuff out a lot.

My mental health started to get better and I wasn't so overwhelmed anymore. My mom and my sister were better and things were going back to normal again. I was back on top of my school work and also told my manager that I felt like I was being overworked and they needed to hire new people because they couldn't keep depending on me. I needed to focus on school and my grades.

I finally started to feel like everything wasn't a mess anymore and it was back to normal including my mental health. I guess all I really needed was a break to relax my mind and body.

Social Development:

Type the names of the book characters. Start with the main character.

Draw arrows to represent the relationship between them and if it is possible write on them what they represent for each other (if they are relatives, friends, lovers, enemies etc.)

Elementary school:

When highschool first started I was still very shy and felt even more nervous and stressed out because I was in a very different environment that had much more people then I was used to.

However, as I started to grow into the school and found my way around, I slowly started to become more comfortable to the environment and was excited to meet new people. I started to get out of my comfort zone and speak to people first and got to know them.

Everytime I went into a new class and sat beside someone I would try to start a convo with questions like how are you?, what's your name?, what are your classes this semester? etc. As I got more used to the school and the people, I realized that we all have something in common which is were all starting our first year of highschool and are most likely experiencing the same emotions.

I felt better knowing that I wasn't alone. In the end I was much more social than I ever was and never felt scared to interact with new people.

In the end of grade 10 I finally got my first job at a restaurant called shelby's.

I was a little unsure about how I felt about the job at first because it was very fast past and a lot of work. However, within the two weeks I was already trained and was on the floor serving customers.

I became very close with all of the workers.

Since the restaurant had only just opened, there wasn't to many employees which made me feel better because we were all learning at the same time. The owners were also new at this business stuff and were learning with us as well.

I became very close with the workers at shelbys and saw them as family. Working there I learned so many new things and was put in positions where I had to make a decision on my own.

My social skills improved as I had to communicate with customers very well since that was always our top priority. I learned how to multitask and do things at a fast paste when needed.

I learned that I didn't always need my sister by my side and could figure out how to do things on my own.

During elementary school I was very shy and struggled to come out of my comfort zone. It was a challenge for me to make friends. I was a very quiet person and wouldn't be the one to start a conversation first.

What are the characteristics that best describe the character? Type them here.

My parents were always worried about my social life and tried to make me meet new people to open up more.

All throughout elementary school I depended on my older sister.

I could never do anything alone or even try to.

Physical Development:

What is the reason why the author wrote the book?

When going to the doctor for checkups, they'd always tell me I was overweight for my age and needed to started controlling my diet and watching what I ate.
When going to a beach or pool, I didn't want to wear a bathing suit, and if I did I would constantly suck my stomach in to look skinnier. I struggled with this all throughout elementary school until grade four.
The summer of grade five I travelled back home to Jordan with my family. While I was there I became more active and lost a lot of weight and grew much taller. Once I came back I felt more comfortable and content with my body. I finally wasn't so insecure anymore. Although I was insecure about my weight, I was always the tallest in my grade and loved that!

While growing up and developing change in my body and hormones, I continued to lose weight and love my body more and more each day.

I tried to balance my diet and take care of what I ate.

I tried to engage in more physical activity. It didn't necessarily have to be sports but, going on walks everyday, or doing simple at home workouts.

In grade 10 a pandemic happened causing everything to shut down.

We were stuck at home for months and of course I gained some weight feeling insecure again.

I told myself right when the gym were open again, I would sign up and start working out at least two times a week.

I stayed dedicated to the promise I made for myself and started to workout. However, it only lasted two weeks as we had to go into lockdown again.

Although I still wanted to lose weight, I didn't feel as insecure about my body because I was nt at home eating all day. Instead I was working a full time job that was only a two minute drive from my house but a ten minute walk.

Instead of always getting driven I decided to always walk so I could get some physical activity in. I felt so much more better because I did lose weight.

I felt even better when one of my workers, friends or family would tell me I lost weight.

Now, I started grade 12 and have a part time job and I'm planning on signing up for a gym very soon.

As a child I was always overweight for my age and struggled with insecurities about my body. I was also bullied about my body and never felt comfortable playing sports in elementary school. When the children at school had conversations about bodies and their weights I was in fear that someone might ask me how much I weighed.


Who is the author of the book? Type in his/her name.

January 22 2004

started school

learned how to read and write

started elementary school

Grade one: I adapted to school and got used to the fact that this was a daily thing. Learned my way around the school and made some friends. Although, I would still cry here and there and wasn't 100 % comfortable.

Grade four, five and six: Realized school started to get harder as I grew up. Struggled with school work and getting out of my comfort zone. I never was the type to join sports teams or clubs due to being shy.

Grade seven and eight: Last two years before heading off to highschool. Matured more but had trouble making friends. I always felt like I didn't fit in with the rest due to having a different background. Grade eight was my favourite year because I felt the most comfortable and started to join clubs such as me to we. I always struggled with school. Didn't think I would get a knowledge award but I wanted to make my parents happy so I decided to try for another award such as valedictorian.

To become valedictorian I had to write my speech and read it infront of three teachers who were the " judges" and then they were to decide who had the best speech out of everyone. I was chosen to be valedictorian and surprised my parents on my grad night as well as received the music award.

Grade two and three: Started to actually do school work such as english, math, science etc. became a little more comfortable with school and made some friends

Learned how to walk & talk