da Damiano Usala mancano 12 anni
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BiteHunter is a real-time location based mobile app for finding great dining deals. We aggregate restaurant deals from thousands of sources and offer an easy one-click payment option
App per trovare i ristoranti nei dintorni.
Even more big news! LocalEats was the #1 paid dining app in iTunes for 2010 and now features the select international cities.
iPad e iPhone app con ricette, articoli da blog e foto di ricette salutari
App per verificare quanto è salutare il cibo che si sta per mangiare, attraverso le foto e i propri dati è possibile capire se è consigliato mangiare il cibo.
Come burpple l'app consente di mettere un voto ai piatti in menu nei ristoranti apparentemente meno visual social.
App per IPhone dedicata ai creativi del cibo che permette di fotografare e applicare cornici e filtri in un social molto simile a Instagram
app smartphone per fotografare piatti, contiene poco testo in genere a corredo della foto, community nata per fotografare sharare e ricercare il tuo piatto preferito.
Trend #8: Eating at home – Xtreme home cooking
Someone is going to eat all those home cooked foods that these men are preparing, so get ready for yet another slow-down at foodservice establishments. With continued pressure on the economy more men and women will be choosing to eat at home to save money, which has happened before – but this time around expect a twist. Think of it as Xtreme Home Cooking where, following the lead of Extreme Couponers, these everyday cooks pride themselves on making the most for the least. Campaigns like Slow Food USA’s $5 meal challenge paved the way for a new series of recipes that put the focus on price and taste over convenience. Look for food groups to form that cook together, crowd sourcing in the kitchen if you will, with the same primary focus on cost – shopping, cooking, eating and storing leftovers in bulk. A new definition for the “value meal” could extend to quantity discounts at fast food establishments and other restaurants that offer a sizable discount based on the number of diners. Instead of senior discounts, think party of five discounts.
Trend #7: The new role of the male shopper
This time it is not about the metrosexual – it is all about “dad” and family. After surveying 1,000 professional fathers from Fortune 500 companies in four different industries, Boston College Center for Work and Family learned that, “Today’s dads associate being a good father just as much with the role of effective caregiver as the traditional role of breadwinner. These men want to be engaged parents and successful professionals, yet find conflicts as they try to achieve both objectives.” Because of the economy, more men are at home. The good news for them is that studies suggest a link between husbands who help out at home and happier relationships. According to a report in the Wall Street Journal, “For husbands and wives alike, the more housework you do, the more often you are likely to have sex with your spouse,” and that’s when they are not burning calories while cooking. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics 41% of men are now doing the food preparation as compared to just about half that amount in 2003.
Food trucks are replacing gourmet and specialty stores as the channel to experiment and discover new food experiences – especially when it comes to ethnic foods. More often than not, these ethnic food trucks are actually manned by descendants of the actual cuisines and cultures being offered; with the ability and knowledge to share the heritage and romance of the food – a benefit many shoppers have come to enjoy and expect from shopping at Farmers’ Markets for produce. They’ve opened access to these foods they feel passionate about, and they have removed intimidation and expense from the experience of consumer trial, paving the way for food companies and retailers to bring to market authentic ethnic cuisines, recipes and ingredients in a more convenient and affordable way. Look for pupusas – which some claim is the most authentic and traditional food from El Salvador (grilled corn masa patties hand shaped and stuffed with cheese and various filings) to lead the charge as the winning dish from this year’s Vendy Awards.
Trend #5: The end of the checkout lane
Many shoppers are learning to appreciate the tech-savvy nature of self-checkouts, comparing prices at nearby retailers, cell phone scanners, in-store interactive media devices, QR codes, RFID and mobile coupons that state-of-the-art retailers increasingly deliver on the promise of independent, efficient and information rich store visits. Supermarket retailers are faced with a problem – the GS1 DataBar standards are impending, and barcode scanners need to be updated which is a huge investment. At the same time chains including Wal-Mart and Macy’s are pushing suppliers to add RFID chips to individual items. And then there is Google Wallet and other mobile device apps that will allow shoppers not only the opportunity to find out nutritional, allergy and country of origin information on individual products, but also allow them to receive special offers, electronic coupons, flash sales and to checkout themselves. For many shoppers high-tech adds to personalization with suggested purchases and targeted offers based on their histories in the store, which is typically delivered in a functional way. A change is about to happen where high-tech meets high-touch in a warm and friendly way that reinforces the central community nature and feel of the local supermarket. If you are hesitant to believe, just think back to the last time you saw a phone booth.
Trend #4: Increased emphasis on the “Farm to Fork” journey
Shoppers have become increasingly interested in knowing where their food comes from, which is why 2012 will bring an added emphasis to a different kind of food celebrity – the farmer. Last year we saw sales flourish among grocery retailers who jumped on the movement among consumers to “buy local.” In this age of transparency, interest in the farm to fork journey has grown considerably, inspired in part by food safety scares and more importantly a desire to know how the food we are serving our families is being produced.
This year, we’re seeing more farmers get in on the action. A growing number of farmers are leading the conversation by using blogs and social media sites to bring the story of the American farmer to consumers. According to the American Farm Bureau’s 2010 Young Farmers and Ranchers Survey, nearly 99% of farmers and ranchers aged 18 to 35 have access to and use the Internet, and nearly three-quarters of those surveyed have a Facebook page. Additionally, 10% use Twitter and 12% post YouTube videos. In fact, 77% of those surveyed view this type of communication as an important part of their jobs as farmers and ranchers. In September of this year, the United States Farmers and Ranchers Alliance (USFRA) launched an annual $11 million program designed to open the dialogue with consumers. Expect to see more advertising and television programs starring these real food experts (versus actors pretending to know their food).
Trend #2: Never shop or eat alone again
The rise of food blogs has set a foundation for group food experiences. Food trucks tweet their locations and flash food raves assemble underground at midnight. And it is not about the food. It is about connection, conversation and a sense of community. It is estimated that 30% of today’s U.S. workforce is made up of independents – as a result they have a greater desire to be in a shared food experience – “let’s meet & eat” if you will. Apps like Foursquare, GoWalla, Living Social and Yelp have shown how “group” is better than “self” and expect to see super food apps that bring previously unknown people together with common likes; to eat, prepare and shop together. Organic and coordinated through these apps, these communities will emerge based on specific channels of food interest (e.g., Greek foods, raw foods, beef, vegetarian, gluten-free) versus the communities of old built around similar demographics or socio-economic traits. One key to success will be embracing LoSoPhoMo – mobile marketing enhanced by the location, social and camera features of mobile devices.
Expect the next app updates to include “social rewards” for these groups who shop together – much like the original concept of warehouse clubs – offering steep discounts for its members.
There is little doubt that in the coming years, we will continue to see food prices rise based on environmental conditions as well as offsetting higher production costs.
Many of the savings tactics most shoppers deployed in 2007 as the recession began, are still being used each time they shop for groceries – using coupons, frequent shopper cards, shopping lists, shopping at non-traditional foods stores and even trading down their choices to less expensive brands are part of the regular routine. Look for consumers to shave costs by augmenting their recipes by decreasing the amount of the more expensive meats and seafood and adding more non-meat proteins that are filling and less expensive, including adding whole-wheat pasta, tofu, lentils, brown rice and vegetables to recipes. Look for supermarkets to offer "lay-away" plans for larger purchases including holiday dinners that are tied into frequent shopper plans and offer bonus discounts (put $200 in your lay-away fund and store adds 10% bonus) and resurrect the bargain bins from the bygone department store era for deeply discounted opportunistic buys to compete with the dollar stores and outlets. Expect shoppers to use their mobile devices to calculate a price per portion cost rather than the unit price of individual products listed on the shelves. Just as the younger generation uses social networking as part of their everyday lives, expect this generation to be the "forever frugal consumer" using more coupons (higher than any other demographic) and searching for deals online (63% spend three hours or more doing so each week – double that of any other group).
E-commerce, il mix viene venduto on line
Altro social eating, basato su una no profit che mette a disposizione un portale per organizzare eventi di cucina a pagamento e non
Community di social eating, tipo couch surfing ma food surfing. Ci si fa invitare a cena, con poco e si conoscono nuove persone. Format pressochè morto.
Pochi eventi attivi, stessa formula evento culinario a casa propria con menu etc. Poca interazione e community scarsa.
Weeats è il nuovo social network che ti permette di partecipare e organizzare eventi culinari e riscoprire il sapore della vita reale attraverso le culture e le cucine tipiche di tutto il mondo. È la community ideale per cuochi e buongustai che amano creare e assaporare piatti prelibati in buona compagnia.
Crea eventi culinari e prenota tramite il portale, lasciando commenti. Scarsamente utilizzato anche se ci sono potenziali cuochi in tutto il mondo.
altro social eating dove l'evento è culinario a pagamento. Impresa made in Bari apparentemte in piena fase start up. Grafica migliore delle precedenti incubata dal Politecnico di Torino. Eventi attivi a Milano, Palermo, Gorgonzola, Pontassieve. Non si pone in netto contrasto con i ristoranti ma anche in collaborazione
Social network, o social catalogo. Creato da un produttore di pasta consente di mappare prodotti da tutta italia. Con l'intento di valorizzare i prodotti in realtà i contenuti sono inseriti da blogger piuttosto che da siti privati o di produttori. Di fatto creano eventi ma non c'è una community
Network legato ad un produttore di pasta, all'interno del quale è possibile trovare prodotti della cucina italiana
Creato da un blogger e giornalista di vino. Pensato come un social ma poco interattivo all'intuito. Ciascuno puo inserire schede dei propri vini, ristoranti, birre, etc.
Foodie, social network creato dalla Glam media. Poco intuitivo e visuale.
Community creata da uno chef discretamente attiva su Chicago e NY dove chi viaggia chiede dei ristoranti, scrive ricette, scambia opinioni. Il blog ha molti commenti ma sembra più una community radical chic