da Andrea Morales mancano 6 anni
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This is very important because The Narrator understands he is actually Tyler Durden.
He does not always get along with the narrator.
Marla is represented as his negativity, self-deception and personality
Because of that, the Narrator avoids her a lot of times.
The Narrator only cries when Marla doesn't appear at the grupal therapy.
Both feel comfortable going to group therapies because they are distracted from their reality.
Tyler thinks the Narrator is pathetic because of his submissive personality with society.
He fails because the Narrator wants to kill him at the end.
Tyler pushes the narrator to discover happiness by touching bottom.
Tyler constantly pushes him to stop thinking about the material and concentrate on enjoying the moment.
They fight every night as a ritual
People became insterested in their fights and found the FIGHT CLUB.
This would be the start of the Fight Club movement.
The Narrator's begins to live in Tyler's House.
And start a relationship after Tyler burns the Narrator's appartment.
He's charismatic
The Narrator's alter-ego
He's a leader
Also, Tyler collects containers of human fat to sell them as an input to create soap.
Human fat is also used as an explosive later in Project Mayhem.
He works at night jobs
Blackmails people.
As the Narrator's split personality he has his ideas about the world.
His ideal world is like an post-apocalyptic place when everyone is free of capitalist and material things.
Wanting to break the link in the production and consumption chain.
Attack the consumist system of the USA and the world
The global capitalist and financial system is wrong and must be changed and rebuilt.
Is the product of Narrator's insomnia problems and part of his existencial crisis about his materialist and empty life.
This fact is only known at the end of the movie.
Generic human.
The center of everything.
Tyler Durden is his repressed personality
After Tyler sets fire to his apartment after meeting on a plane, he begins a friendship with him.
Then, he found the Fight Club
He left the therapy groups and he becomes addicted to night fights every night in THE FIGHT CLUB.
Has chronic insomnia because of his boring life.
Because of that, the narrator begins to attend therapy groups
He's lonely, unhappy and wants to fill his empty life with material things.
Works for a car company
"Federated Motor Corporation"
He splits the job after meet Marla and Tyler.
She attends to the groups for entertaintment.
She met the Narrator in a testicular cancer group
She used to steal food from delivery vans and clothing from laundromats to survive.
The Project Mayhem
by Tyler Durden
Everyone can be admitted if only keep in mind the rules of the club.
It is a nightclub hidden only for men that seeks that those people who join must fight every night to free themselves.
Tyler Durden
The Narrator
The Narrator can't delete his genereic personality that refuses to stop fitting into society
The Narrator tries to stop the Project Mayhem
Remove ties to society.
Recreate a new society free of materialism.
Break the current social system
Tyler wants a world free of material stuff and the capitalism idea of happiness.
Tyler wants with Project Mayhem to get back to the times when society had not evolved
There weren't people programmed to fit into society.
There weren't social structures
Tyler thinks that society has not really evolved because it is tied to the financial system.
The protagonist has existential problems since his life does not make sense even though he has a stable job and material objects.
The Narrator doesn't have a real personality.
He has the personality that the society wants to have.
That is why the character of the narrator seeks to give meaning to the therapeutic groups he attends.
When he meets his alter-ego Tyler, he forces him to free himself from earthly bonds and pain in order to be free.
We're slaves of the money and capitalism progress
Because everything turns around
Have a lot of unnecessary stuff
Social status
Technology is evil
We are slaves of our technological progress
The film shows ideals that fight against consumerism represented by the character of Tyler.
Tyler says that for the human being to be free, he must leave worry over material things.
This movie clearly shows the kind of prototype of society nowdays.
People constantly think that material possessions are everything.
There is a saturation of advertising to purchase things we don't need.
For example, the IKEA Scene