Categorie: Tutti - responsabilidad - capital - sociedades - limitada

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Tipos de sociedades mercantiles y comerciales en el Perú

En Perú, existen diversas formas de sociedades mercantiles, cada una con características específicas. La Sociedad Anónima Cerrada es comúnmente conocida como empresa privada o familiar, donde los titulares poseen acciones en el capital social.

Tipos de sociedades mercantiles y comerciales en el Perú

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Tipos de sociedades mercantiles y comerciales en el Perú

The first division between continents was made by ancient Greek navigators, who named them 'landmass, terra firma'.

Generally classified by convention rather than any strict criteria, nowadays seven regions are regarded as continents from a geopolitical point of view.

sociedad mercantil cuyos titulares lo pueden ser en virtud de una acción en el capital social a través de títulos o acciones.

Write down the temperatures of the Frozen Continent during the summer and the winter.



Antarctica is not only the coldest place on Earth but also the highest, driest, windiest and emptiest, completely covered with ice.

75% of the world's ice and 70% of the Earth's fresh water is located here.

Summer months of December to February give 24 hours of light, while the winter months of late March to late September are pitch dark the whole day.

There are no permanent inhabitants, except for scientists maintaining research stations in Antarctica.


You can find on this continent:

conocidas como empresas privadas o familiares

The world's highest uninterrupted waterfall can be found here.

Write down its name, height and the country in which you can find it.


North America has five time zones and it is the only continent with every type of climate.

North America was named after the explorer Amerigo Vespucci and is also known as the 'New World'.

The world's largest sugar exporter among the seven continents - Cuba - also called the 'sugar bowl of the world' is located here.

busca captar el ahorro público como objetivo es el obtener financiamiento

There are 23 countries that make up North America.

Name as many of you can! Don't forget about their capitals.


Australia is the world's smallest continent and is also known as an 'island continent' as it is surrounded by water on all sides.
It includes 14 countries and it is the least populated continent.

Its name comes from the Latin word 'australis' meaning 'southern' because it lies entirely on the south of the equator.

es una sociedad de tipo personalista: es decir que en esta se puede realizar a gusto propio, que se caracteriza por la coexistencia de socios colectivos,

Out of 14, how many countries you can name?

How about these countries' capitals?

Fiji - Suva


Of the seven continents of the world, Africa is the second largest.

Africa comprises 54 countries and it is the hottest continent.

The equator passes through the middle of Africa and it receives direct sunlight throughout the year.

The world gets 66% of its chocolate, 50% of the gold and 95% of the diamonds from Africa.

es un tipo de sociedad mercantil, en la cual la responsabilidad está limitada al capital aportado, y por lo tanto, en el caso de que se contraigan deudas, no responde con el patrimonio personal de los socios, sino al aportado en dicha empresa Limitada.

Out of 54, how many countries you can name?

How about these countries' capitals?

Morocco - Rabat

Los tipos de sociedades anónimas en Perú

Asia is the world's largest continent of the seven continents in size, as it covers one-third of the earth's surface.

It includes 50 countries, and it is the most populated continent, 60% of the total population of the Earth lives here.

Asia houses the highest point on earth.
Name this summit and write down how tall it is.



Europe is separated from Asia by the Ural mountains and the Caspian Sea.

It is surrounded by water on three sides: Mediterranean Sea in the south, Atlantic Ocean in the west, and the Arctic Ocean in the north.

Three-fourth of the world's potatoes grow in Europe.

Se trata de una sociedad externa, que realiza actividades mercantiles o civiles bajo una razón social unificada, respondiendo los socios de las deudas que no pudieran cubrirse con el capital social.

The most beautiful cities in the world can be found in Europe. History, architecture, arts, and famous cuisine is representative almost to each country.

Out of 51 countries how many you can name?
And how many capitals?

Czech Republic - Prague