da diana univio mancano 12 anni
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The learners work together in pairs or small groups to list collocates for a given word.
The learner reports on a word he or she has found in their reading. They talk about the meaning, spelling, pronunciation, word parts, etymology, collocates and grammar of the word.
When a useful word occurs in a reading text, the teacher trains learners in the strategy of using a dictionary.
The learners work in pairs. Each learner gives their pack of cards to their partner who tests them on their recall of the meaning by saying the word and getting them to give the translation. This can also be done by giving the translation and getting them to give the word form, showing an object or a picture.
This activity consists about giving several example sentences with the word in context to show the meaning, as it was stated by Nation (2001) it seems that learning the word guessing skill is best done by the class as a whole rather than individually. At first learners should work on verbs and nouns with plenty of understand able context. This strategy helps the students to learn the meaning of some words by being contextualized in the use of them in a communicative situation.