5 Element of a story


A conflict is when people fight and ague. the struggle in the story- could be between characters, characters vs nature, or internal

When Annie runs from peter who brings he a present


the main idea the author wants to communication about human nature through the story. Often abstract

Friendship is precious and worth multiple attempts to connect.


where the story takes place ( time period, place, weather

Suburban neighbourhood in north America, recent past


the plot is what happens in a story- the series of event in order.

- Peter moves in to a new house and learns that a girl lives next door

Peter can see Annie's room through the window and he introduces himself and wrote on a giant of piece of paper with a market.

Annie also participates in this written conversation ant they learn about eachother like favourite animal and colours, etc

Peter is disappointed when Annie runs away when he brings a gift to her door, but learns from mom that Annie has Autism and dislikes face to face interactions.

Peter researches Autism and has an idea

Peter buys a flashlight and borrows a book about Morse Code to leave at Annie's door.

Peter and Annie continue their secret conversations with Morse codes.


individual in the story- could be person, animal, toy

Annie and Peter (tween age) and Annie's mom