New France
Acted as the chief administrator of New FranceInformed the King of colonial activities Was appointed from the nobilitySupervised the day to day running of the colony, law and order, and matters relating to finance (money)
Count Frontenac
Count Frontenac:Military leader of New FranceWas very successful militarilyBuilt Fort FrontenacQuarrelled with the Bishop and Intendant and was recalledFocused on the fur tradeWhen he returned to New France he suppressed the Haudenosaunee and attacked the British Colonists
Governor General
Represented the King in New FranceServed as a living symbol of the KingWas the highest ranking official in New FranceWas appointed from the nobility, and military officersResponsible for military planning, relations with First Nations and ensuring other officials did there job
Catholic Church
Filles du Roi
Bishop Laval
Bishop Laval:New France’s first BishopHad strong political influenceOrganized the parish system in New FranceFounded a seminary that would become Laval University
Represented the Roman Catholic Church in New FranceRuled over parish priests and nuns in the King’s nameWas in charge of missionaries, churches, hospitals and schoolsWas usually a member of the French nobilityReported to the King on colonial activities
First Nations
Canadian EncyclopediaWikipediaThe modern confederacy Governed by the Great Law of PeaceWere a powerful political and military forceDid not always agree at times of conflict and during most wars some of the different nations would be on opposite sides of the conflict
aJean Talon
Jean Talon:The ‘Great’ IntendantTried to change colony to agriculture and industryFilles du Roi “King’s DaughtersMarriage grants and baby bonusesStarted a shipyard, lumber industry, and encouraged miningJean Talon, né en janvier 1626 à Châlons (paroisse Notre-Dame-en-Vaux), en France, et mort le 23 novembre 1694 à Paris (paroisse Saint-Sulpice, France), est le premier intendant de la Nouvelle-France à y exercer sa fonction. La colonie est devenue une province royale sous Louis XIV en 1663. Durant les cinq ans que le « grand intendant » y a passé, entre 1665 et 1672, il avait pour mandat d'en assurer le développement et la réorganisation afin d'affirmer l'autorité royale.
aHealth Care
King of France
Were part of the Haudenosaunee culture groupAllies of the French who called them Huron read p. 35 in CR7Had a close relationship with other Indegeneous groups that they traded withFrench would only trade guns if they convertedWere important to French Fur tradeWere destroyed by a confederacy of Haudenosaunee enemiesWent from 24,000 people to approx 50012,000 died from 1634-1640 or disease aloneTour of Saint-Marie among the Hurons