AAS Map - Where are we going?
Upper School
Well established curriculum developed from current adoptions .
Curriculum maps for each grade level and subject area.
Using UBD have established assessments
Continual focus on inquiry based learning
The schedule needs to reflect the needs of students, in regard to the amount and balance of instructional minutes and the year-long calendar (in regard to CEESA / exams / holidays, etc)
reflect need for tech integration into mainstream classes
continuity is paramount
we need to be sure that kids' time is being used well and for as many different types of learning opportunities as possible
are electives well-organized? should some projects (yearbook / musical ) be open to IB students being able to participate?
trimester model feels unweidy in the year-long schedule
Well established model of expectaions for behavior and learning followed and enforced by all staff members being clearly understood by students and parents
Attendance/tardy policy
Academic honsty / honor code
"This is how we do things here"
All of upper school should have a standardized supplies list
PD should allow for uniformity of some expectations for learning as well as development of systems
Use community building time to develop specific identities for MS and HS - include IB!
Annual projects?
Whole-school reads for Upper School and/or MS/HS?
Environmental awareness
Human Rights awareness
Cultural awareness
weekly assemblies
Develop cross-curricular, focused annual trips that are specific to each grade level - incorporate multiple content areas AND BG cultureal awarendess
Look at offering multiple IB trips for grades 11 & 12, happening simultaneously - maybe during ski week?
Core teachers for each of the subject areas or grade levels in middle school
As admissions grow, it is important to be sure that we have adequate support in place for the learning of all students.
Look at backwards mapping for whole year - what does the end look like?
graduation traditions
year-end awards throughout grades
objectives established early
Whole School
Professional Development
Focused cycles - maybe two per year, on a rotating basis, that will benefit the whole school, consisting of, perhaps...
Tech integration (ongoing)
ESL in the mainstream/content areas
Writing across the curriculum
Questioning strategies / UBD / inquiry
Maybe shared readings suggested by faculty?
In addition to developing specific focus, it would be valuable to have whole staff feedback on desired areas of focus
Eventually, it may be helpful to frontload more PD days prior ot the start of the school year
Should also include stafff wellness and time for just plain WORK
In addition to our mission and objectives, it would be helpful to have a clearly established philosphy that drives curricular development, alignment and teaching methodologies. It feelsas though that is in development, but not all of those who are involved in the implementation of curriculum are clear on it. Are we inquiry-based? Should there be an element involving rigor? Do we want some degree of uniformity in regard to developing skills and literacies across levels?
Mother tongue program
Co-curricular sessions offered by parents and other outside of school specialists
Continue vertical and cross-curricular horizontal curiiculum development. How do things like service learning get truly incorprated?
Routine discussions between school divisions / we have more in common than we think!
Push in ESL support model
Include staffing and PD concrns in future planning
Create more common meeting times for grade level classroom teachers and specialists
identify common teaching approaches and common language
finalise curriculum changes
finalise assessment time frames and inclusions
commit to ICT integration and provide support to do so
investigate how to embed inquiry in all we do
how to involve students in decision making
Dangerous things to do with kids