De ware vrijheid, De Witt

De ware vrijheid, De Witt

5 Hollands Hoogste dienaar

'Had de Nederlandse Republiek een eenhoofdig gezag nodig? Beslist niet, betoogde Johan, want de belangrijkste doodsoorzaak voor republieken was juist de concentratie van macht in een persoon. Hij liet een lange reeks van voorbeelden uit de Griekse en Romeinse Oudheid de revue passeren, gevolgd door enkele moderne zoals Florence. In al deze stagen had de vrijheid het afgelegd zodra men de leider te veel macht gunde. Want een dominante leider bracht geen eenheid, zoals de prinsgezinden riepen, integendeel. Dergelijke leiders hadden 'hun particuliere belangen, die verschillen van de belangen van de staat'. Met hun grote aanhang maakten zij zich van de staat meester zodat 'het niet voorstelbaar, ja onmogelijk is dat dergelijke hoofden hun particuliere belangen proberen te beperken'. Een sterke man voelde zich altijd bedreigd en was daarom geobsedeerd door het inboezemen van ontzag. Bij kritiek en tegenspraak legde hij zich niet neer, waardoor hij het land onherroepelijk in tweedracht stortte. Hoe anders was het karakter van de nieuwe regering. Zij beoogde het 'gemenebest boven alles, de welstand van het volk als opperste wet.' p. 159


'Vanaf haar huwelijk met Jacob, in 1616, had Anna van den Corput bijna jaarlijks een kind gebaard. Alleen Johanna (1617) en Maria (1620) waren levensvatbaar gebleken. Dat slechts twee van de vijf kinderen hadden overleefd, was geen uitzonderlijke score. De kinderschaar was naar zeventiende-eeuwse begrippen evenwel aan de bescheiden kant.' P20

'Jacob de Witt was een ontwikkeld man, die de beschaving van anderen wist te waarderen. Hij had op de Latijnse school les gehad van Gerardus Vossius, die daar van 1600 tot 1615 rector was geweest.'

'Hun vriendschap was praktisch en intellectueel. Jaren later wilde de beroemdste latinist van zijn tijd nog het zeer geleerde Etymologicon aan Jacob opdragen.' P27

'Hij was een man van de praktijk, die geloofde dat je de mens leerde kennen door zijn werken. Verbeter de werken, dan verbeter je de mens. Niet voor niets was hij een groot bewonderaar van Jacob Cats, de opvoeder bij uitstek.' P28

'Ons zelf te veel beminnen, ontsteekt het kwaad van binnen'.

'Een ander benijden, dat is zich zelf snijden'.

'Uiteindelijk kwamen alle wijsheden op hetzelfde neer: zelfbeheersing.' P28

'Het aanleren van het vereiste gedrag resulteerde volgens hem onvermijdelijk in het juiste innerlijk. /vor dit deel van de opvoeding was de Etiquette van Erasmus buitengewoon bruikbaar. 'Niemand,' aldus Erasmus, 'kan zijn ouders of zijn vaderland kiezen, maar iedereen kan zijn karakter en zijn manier van leven bepalen'. Het werkje was al langer dan een eeuw de steun en toeverlaat voor opvoeders in heel Europa.' P31

'Cruciaal was de beheersing van het gezicht. Mond, wenkbrauwen, ogen, elk onderdeel komt aan de beurt. De lippen mogen geen spleetje laten zien noch op elkaar worden geperst, nee, ze moeten elkaar 'zachtjes raken'. Plezier moet op zo'n manier van het gezicht afstralen dat het de mond niet vertrekt tot een grijns en evenmin 'een liederlijke geest' verraadt.

'Het voorhoofd is glad en geeft blijk van 'een goed geweten en een open geest'. De wenkbrauwen staan neutraal en worden niet gefronst, want dat wijst op slechte zin, of opgetrokken, het geen duidt op arrogantie. Erasmus kan weinig bedenken wat het gezicht meer verstoort dan rusteloos heen en weer schietende ogen. Maar een gefixeerde blik is evenzeer af te raden want dan kunnen de mensen weleens gaan denken dat je 'niet goed bij je hoofd bent'. De juiste uitdrukking was een ware kunst. 'Wil de goedgevormde geest van een jongen in alle opzichten tot uiting komen dan dient hij een rustige, vaste, respectvolle blik te hebben.' P32

'Pieter Godewijck, de leraar Neder-Duits (Nederlands)' P35

'Leerlingen van de Latijnse school waren van een speciaal soort. In het voorwoord van het blijspel Wittebroots kinderen verklaart Godewijck: 'Het gemene volk vermaakt zich liever met een zoete, laffe lariekoek, geweekt in het sap van slordige oubolligheden en straatspreuken, dan met (...) saus van mostert en peper, gelardeerd met vet dat op de tong bijt en waarop men moet kauwen voordat men het doorslikt.'

'Hoofdpersonen in dit schoolspel zijn Ritsje en Fritsje.' P37


'21 augustus 1672 - Maria van Berckel was nog maar een dag weduwe. De dag tevoren waren haar man, Cornelis de Witt, en diens broer Johan in Den Haag p beestachtige wijze vermoord.' P11

'Veel lichaamsdelen gingen opo tournee. De harten van de broers waren kort na de moord op weg naar een koper in Engeland. In Leiden trok het geslachtsorgaan van Cornelis honderden kijkers.' P11.

'Na twee decennia van hard werken voor het vaderland bleek dat vaderland niet meer van hen te houden. Ze waren een brandpunt geworden van angst en haat.' P12


'waar ze werden gestaald met Romeinse deugden en gepolijst met de studie van de bonae litterae.' P45

'Het studiemateriaal bestond hoofdzakelijk uit de Digesten, de samenvattingen van keizer Justinianus.'

'De broers mochten zich een beetje ontspannen. Ze werden geacht zoveel zelfdiscipline op te brengen dat de lossere teugel geen verleiding bood. Die losheid was doelmatig, want de studenten moesten zich nu sociaal gaan ontwikkelen.'P45

'Voor de stijve nederigheid van het jongetje uit Erasmus' Etiquette moest waardigheid in de plaats komen, een zekere zwier. Weinig was hiervoor nuttiger dan gymnastiek. De universiteit stimuleerde daarom alle soorten lichaamsbeweging.' P46

Luc Panhuysen - De Ware Vrijheid

Luc Panhuysen - De Ware Vrijheid

Speech in de film

Johan de Witt
(Freedom of speech/ Vrijheid van meningsuiting)
Mijn vader werd ooit gevangen gezet op slot Loevestein, omdat hij het niet eens kon worden met de prinsgezinden. Zo heb ik ervaren hoe het is om te leven in een land waarin men niet mag denken wat men wil. Is dat een land waarin U wilt leven? Ik niet. En ik denk U ook niet.
(Trade and Commerce / Handel en commercie)
Laat mij U een vraag stellen. We leven in een land van kooplui. We varen met een vloot van 20.000 schepen over de wereldzeeën om overal zaken te kunnen doen.
(Cooperation and solidarity / samenwerking en solidariteit)
En in de handel werken wij als Nederlanders allemaal samen. Om een goede prijs te bedingen en elkaar te helpen in nood. Wat denkt U, heeft dat gewerkt of niet? Ja, ik zie dat sommige afgevaardigden nauwelijks meer in de Bankjes passen. En dan vraag ik U, als in de Oost of in de West zaken doet. Doet U dat dan als prinsgezinde of als staatsgezinde?

(Republican form of Government / Republiek als staatsmodel)
En waarom denkt U dat de Engelsen onze aanvoerroutes blokkeren? Onze handel proberen stil te leggen. Is dat omdat U prinsgezind bent of staatsgezind? Nee. De Engelsen willen oorlog met ons voeren omdat wij Nederlanders zijn. Vrije Nederlanders. Want in de ogen van de grote koninkrijken is ons kleine landje te rijk, te succesvol en te vrij.
(Personal Liberty / Persoonlijke vrijheid)
Want we zijn ook nog eens een republiek. Waarin het eenieder vrij staat te leven zoals men wil.
(Freedom of religion / Vrijheid van religie)
Het is een land waar we zelf uitmaken hoe we God aanbidden.
(Constitutional limits to power / Constitutionele beperkingen aan de macht)
Waar geen enkele leider belangrijker is dan het land zelf.
(Shared Values / Gedeelde waarden)
De Engelsen gunnen ons die vrijheid niet. Ze worden bang van die vrijheid. Omdat wij bereid zijn te sterven voor die vrijheid. Omdat wij die vrijheid met ons eigen bloed hebben betaald. Daarom.
(Shared experience / Gedeelde ervaringen)
En ik vraag het U. Heeft niet ieder van U een familielid verloren tegen de Spanjaarden of de Engelsen? En was dat staatsgezind bloed of prinsgezind bloed? Nee, dat was Nederlands bloed.
(Shared identity / Gedeelde identiteit)
Dat is ons bloed.
(Work ethic and self-reliance/ Werk ethos en zelfvoorzienend zijn)
Dit is ons land. Het is een land dat wij zelf op het water hebben veroverd. Een land waar wij ons geluk zelf verdienen. Door de handen uit de mouwen te steken. In de dorpen, in de steden, in de havens en op het land.
(Prepared to defend the freedom / Bereid de vrijheid te verdedigen) We kunnen onze vrijheid alleen beschermen als we ook willen vechten voor die van een ander. Dat is de band die de zeven pijlen in de klauwen van de Nederlandse leeuw samenhoudt, mijne heren. Dat is de band.
Uw vrijheid is mijn vrijheid. Een vrijheid die ik tot mijn laatste adem zal verdedigen.

website text

What was Deductie?
Johan de Witt's Deductie (1654)
Home What was Deductie? Comparative Review Movie Speech Analysis

The Deductie of Johan de Witt stands as a pivotal document in Dutch political history, written during the Dutch Golden Age. This resource guide provides comprehensive information about this significant historical text, its author, historical context, and available resources for further study.

What Was the Deductie?

The Deductie was both a written text and a speech delivered by Johan de Witt to the States-General of the Netherlands in August 1654. In 17th-century Dutch usage, a "deductie" referred to an extensive exposition presenting a particular viewpoint or argument.

De Witt's Deductie served two primary purposes:

To justify the controversial Act of Seclusion (a secret clause in the Treaty of Westminster)
To articulate his political philosophy of "True Freedom" (Ware Vrijheid)
The document consisted of two main parts:

A historical argument demonstrating that the Act of Seclusion did not violate the Union of Utrecht
A political argument that hereditary power inevitably corrupts and is contrary to republican principles
The Author: Johan de Witt (1625-1672)

Johan de Witt was one of the most influential statesmen in Dutch history:

Born September 24, 1625, in Dordrecht to a prominent regent family
Educated at Leiden University; received doctorate from University of Angers (1645)
Practiced law in The Hague before entering politics
Appointed pensionary of Dordrecht in 1650
Elected Grand Pensionary of Holland in July 1653 at age 27
Effectively led the Dutch Republic during the First Stadtholderless Period (1650-1672)
Known for his mathematical abilities and financial innovations
Died tragically on August 20, 1672, when he and his brother Cornelis were lynched by an Orangist mob during the "Disaster Year" (Rampjaar)
Historical Context

Political Landscape of the Dutch Republic

The Dutch Republic in the mid-17th century was divided between two main political factions:

Republicans (staatsgezinden): Led by Johan de Witt, favored provincial sovereignty and opposed the House of Orange
Orangists (prinsgezinden): Supported the House of Orange-Nassau and favored stronger central authority
The First Stadtholderless Period (1650-1672)

The Deductie was written during this unique period in Dutch history:

Began with the sudden death of William II, Prince of Orange, in 1650
His son (future William III) was born eight days after his death
The States of most provinces decided not to appoint a new stadtholder
Power shifted from the House of Orange to the provincial States assemblies
Johan de Witt became the effective political leader as Grand Pensionary of Holland
The Anglo-Dutch War and the Act of Seclusion

The immediate context for the Deductie was:

The First Anglo-Dutch War (1652-1654) between the Dutch Republic and England under Oliver Cromwell
The Peace of Westminster ending the war in April 1654
Cromwell's demand that the Dutch never appoint William III as stadtholder
The secret Act of Seclusion, in which Holland promised to exclude the House of Orange from the stadtholdership
Controversy over this act, especially from provinces like Zeeland, Friesland, and Groningen
The Concept of "True Freedom" (Ware Vrijheid)

Central to the Deductie was de Witt's articulation of "True Freedom," which became the guiding political philosophy of his era:

Opposition to hereditary power and monarchy
Rule by the regents (wealthy merchant class) through the States assemblies
Provincial sovereignty, especially for Holland
Focus on commercial interests and naval power rather than land forces
Religious tolerance (to an extent) to facilitate trade
Historical Significance

The Deductie had both immediate and long-term significance:

Successfully justified the Act of Seclusion to the States-General
Made de Witt enemies among Orangist supporters
Considered the first important text about Dutch state structure after the Peace of Münster (1648)
Served as de Witt's political manifesto, explaining his republican ideology
Provided theoretical foundation for the First Stadtholderless Period
Influenced later developments like the Eternal Edict (1667)
Available Resources

Primary Sources

Original Publication: "Deductie van Johan de Witt" (1654)
Modern Edition: "Manifest van de Ware Vrijheid. De Deductie van Johan de Witt uit 1654" (2009)
Published by Sonsbeek Publishers
ISBN: 978-90-98217-16-9
Edited and introduced by Serge ter Braake
Dutch Language Resources

Dutch Wikipedia: Deductie van Johan de Witt
Comprehensive historical context
Explanation of the political situation surrounding the Act of Seclusion
Details about the concept of "Ware Vrijheid" (True Freedom)
Further references and literature
VPRO Radio Program: OVT 27 september 2009 - Deductie Johan de Witt
Features historians Serge ter Braake and Luc Panhuysen discussing the Deductie
Discusses the republication of the text in 2009
Book: "De Ware Vrijheid. De levens van Johan en Cornelis de Witt" (2007)
Author: Luc Panhuysen
Publisher: Amsterdam/Antwerpen, 6th edition 2007
Biography covering the lives of Johan and Cornelis de Witt
English Language Resources

Academic Articles:
"True Freedom" and the Dutch Tradition of Republicanism by Catherine Secretan
"The Public Struggles of True Freedom" (Oxford Journals)
General Information:
English Wikipedia: Johan de Witt
English Wikipedia: First Stadtholderless Period Johan de Witt
Historical Context:
MacTutor History of Mathematics: Johan de Witt - Focuses on his mathematical contributions but provides historical context
Timeline of Key Events

1650: Death of William II, Prince of Orange; beginning of First Stadtholderless Period
1652-1654: First Anglo-Dutch War
April 1654: Peace of Westminster with secret Act of Seclusion
August 1654: Johan de Witt presents his Deductie to the States-General
1660: Act of Seclusion withdrawn after restoration of English monarchy under Charles II

Johan de Witt's Deductie (1654)
Historical Document vs. Cinematic Representation
Home What was Deductie? Comparative Review Movie Speech Analysis

This website presents a comparative analysis of Johan de Witt's historical Deductie (1654) and its cinematic representation in the movie "Michiel de Ruyter."

Johan de Witt (1625-1672) was Grand Pensionary of Holland and a key political figure during the Dutch Golden Age. His Deductie was a formal political document written to justify the controversial Act of Seclusion, which excluded the Prince of Orange from holding office as stadtholder or admiral.

The movie "Michiel de Ruyter" features a dramatized speech by Johan de Witt that, while drawing on similar themes, represents a creative interpretation designed for dramatic effect and modern audiences.

Drawing of Johan de Witt
Available Analyses

What was Deductie?

A comprehensive resource guide about Johan de Witt's Deductie, including historical context, significance, and available resources for further study.

View What was Deductie?
Comparative Review

A comprehensive comparison between the historical document and the movie speech, examining similarities, differences, and cinematic adaptations.

Read Comparative Review
Movie Speech Analysis

A detailed analysis of Johan de Witt's speech from the movie "Michiel de Ruyter," examining its themes, rhetorical techniques, and dramatic purpose.

Read Movie Speech Analysis
Historical Context

The original Deductie was presented to the States-General in August 1654 during a period of significant political tension. As Grand Pensionary of Holland, de Witt needed to defend Holland's unilateral decision to agree to the Act of Seclusion as part of the peace treaty with England following the First Anglo-Dutch War.

The document is structured as a systematic legal and political argument divided into two main parts:

The first part addresses legal and constitutional questions, arguing that Holland had the right to adopt the Act of Seclusion without violating the Union of Utrecht
The second part presents philosophical arguments about republican governance, arguing against hereditary claims to power
Created for comparative analysis of historical and cinematic representations of Johan de Witt's political philosophy

© 2025

Movie Speech Analysis

The speech from the movie "Michiel de Ruyter" portrays Johan de Witt addressing an assembly, likely the States-General or States of Holland. The speech is structured around several key themes that reflect republican values and Dutch identity during the Golden Age.

The Complete Movie Speech

Freedom of Speech
"My father was once imprisoned in Loevestein Castle because he could not agree with the Prince's supporters. That is how I experienced what it is like to live in a country where people are not allowed to think what they want. Is that a country you want to live in? I don't. And I don't think you are either."

Trade and Commerce
"Let me ask you a question. We live in a country of merchants. We sail the world's oceans with a fleet of 20,000 ships to do business everywhere."

Cooperation and Solidarity
"And in trade, we Dutch people all work together. To negotiate a good price and help each other in times of need. What do you think, has that worked or not? Yes, I see that some representatives hardly fit in the Benches anymore. And then I ask you, when you do business in the East or in the West. Do you do that as a Prince's supporter or as a supporter of the state?"

Republican Form of Government
"And why do you think the English are blocking our supply routes? Trying to stop our trade. Is that because you are pro-prince or pro-state? No. The English want to wage war on us because we are Dutch. Free Dutch. Because in the eyes of the big kingdoms, our little country is too rich, too successful and too free."

Personal Liberty
"Because we are also a republic. In which everyone is free to live as they wish."

Freedom of Religion
"It is a country where we decide for ourselves how we worship God."

Constitutional Limits to Power
"Where no leader is more important than the country itself."

Shared Values
"The English do not grant us that freedom. They are afraid of that freedom. Because we are prepared to die for that freedom. Because we paid for that freedom with our own blood. That's why."

Shared Experience
"And I ask you. Didn't each of you lose a family member to the Spanish or the English? And was that pro-state blood or pro-prince blood? No, that was Dutch blood."

Shared Identity
"That is our blood."

Work Ethic and Self-Reliance
"This is our country. It is a country that we ourselves have conquered on the water. A country where we earn our own happiness. By rolling up our sleeves. In the villages, in the cities, in the ports and on land."

Prepared to Defend Freedom
"We can only protect our freedom if we are also willing to fight for that of another. That is the bond that holds the seven arrows in the claws of the Dutch lion together, gentlemen. That is the bond. Your freedom is my freedom. A freedom that I will defend until my last breath."

Thematic Analysis

1. Freedom of Speech and Personal Experience

The opening establishes:

A personal connection to political oppression (reference to his father's imprisonment)
The value of freedom of thought and expression
A direct appeal to the audience's own values
This personal narrative creates immediate emotional engagement and establishes de Witt's motivation for his republican principles.

2. Trade and Commerce

This section emphasizes:

The mercantile nature of Dutch society
The global reach of Dutch trade
The impressive scale of the Dutch merchant fleet
By highlighting Dutch commercial success, de Witt connects republican values to practical prosperity.

3. Cooperation and Solidarity

This portion highlights:

The value of cooperation in commercial endeavors
The success of this cooperative approach (implied by the wealth of the representatives)
The irrelevance of political factions to commercial success
This argument cleverly uses the representatives' own prosperity as evidence for the success of cooperation over factional division.

4. Republican Form of Government

This section articulates:

External threats to Dutch prosperity
The idea that foreign powers oppose Dutch freedom and success
The notion that Dutch identity transcends internal political divisions
By framing the conflict with England as opposition to Dutch freedom rather than to a specific faction, de Witt attempts to unite the divided assembly.

5-7. Personal Liberty, Religious Freedom, and Constitutional Limits

These concise statements define the core principles of the Dutch Republic:

Personal freedom and autonomy
Religious tolerance and freedom of conscience
Opposition to absolutism and limits on executive power
These principles are presented as defining characteristics of Dutch identity, not merely political positions.

8-10. Shared Values, Experience, and Identity

This section appeals to:

Freedom as a core Dutch value
Shared historical trauma and sacrifice
National unity transcending political divisions
Common identity forged through struggle
The repeated emphasis on "blood" creates a powerful emotional appeal to shared heritage and sacrifice.

11-12. Work Ethic and Defense of Freedom

The conclusion emphasizes:

Dutch creation of their own land (literal land reclamation)
The value of hard work and self-determination
Mutual defense and solidarity
The symbolic unity of the seven provinces
Personal commitment to defending freedom
The reference to the "seven arrows in the claws of the Dutch lion" invokes the national symbol and the motto of the Republic: "Unity makes strength."

Rhetorical Techniques

The speech employs several effective rhetorical strategies:

Personal narrative: Beginning with his father's imprisonment creates emotional resonance
Rhetorical questions: Engaging the audience directly and prompting reflection
Inclusive language: Frequent use of "we," "our," and "us" to create unity
Contrast: Juxtaposing Dutch freedom against foreign opposition
Metaphor: The seven arrows in the lion's claws representing provincial unity
Appeal to shared experience: References to common losses and struggles
Concrete imagery: References to ships,

Comparative Review
Johan de Witt's Deductie vs. Movie Speech in "Michiel de Ruyter"
Home What was Deductie? Comparative Review Movie Speech Analysis

This review compares Johan de Witt's historical Deductie (1654) with the dramatized speech attributed to him in the film "Michiel de Ruyter." The original Deductie was a formal political document written to justify the controversial Act of Seclusion, which excluded the Prince of Orange from holding office as stadtholder or admiral. The movie speech, while drawing on similar themes, represents a creative interpretation designed for dramatic effect and modern audiences.

The Historical Deductie: Context and Content

Johan de Witt's original Deductie was presented to the States-General in August 1654 during a period of significant political tension. As Grand Pensionary of Holland, de Witt needed to defend Holland's unilateral decision to agree to the Act of Seclusion as part of the peace treaty with England following the First Anglo-Dutch War.

The document is structured as a systematic legal and political argument divided into two main parts:

The first part addresses legal and constitutional questions, arguing that Holland had the right to adopt the Act of Seclusion without violating the Union of Utrecht
The second part presents philosophical arguments about republican governance, arguing against hereditary claims to power
Key arguments from the original Deductie include:

"In een vrije Republiek heeft niemand door geboorte enig recht tot hoge ambten" (In a free Republic, no one has any right to high office by birth)
The Act of Seclusie does not violate the Union of Utrecht
Holland's actions were necessary to secure peace with England
Hereditary power tends toward corruption and is contrary to "True Freedom"
The tone is formal, legalistic, and defensive, responding directly to criticisms from other provinces, particularly Zeeland, Friesland, and Groningen.

The Movie Speech: Dramatic Interpretation

The speech from "Michiel de Ruyter" transforms the formal political document into an emotional appeal focused on Dutch identity, freedom, and republican values. It begins with a personal narrative about de Witt's father's imprisonment and builds to a passionate defense of Dutch republican principles.

The speech is organized around several key themes:

Freedom of speech and thought
Dutch commercial prowess and cooperation
Republican governance and personal liberty
Religious freedom
National unity transcending political divisions
Shared historical struggle and identity
Willingness to defend freedom
The tone is inspirational, patriotic, and unifying, using rhetorical questions, inclusive language, and emotional appeals to persuade the audience.

Key Similarities

Republican Principles: Both texts advocate for republican governance and oppose absolute power. The original argues against hereditary claims to office, while the movie speech states "Where no leader is more important than the country itself."
Value of Freedom: Both emphasize Dutch freedom as a core value worth defending. The original defends actions taken to preserve "dearly fought freedom," while the movie speech repeatedly references freedom as fundamental to Dutch identity.
Historical Struggle: Both acknowledge the sacrifices made to establish Dutch independence. The original mentions the "magnificent foundations of this free state," while the movie speech refers to a country "conquered on the water" and paid for with "our own blood."
Importance of Trade: Both recognize commerce as central to Dutch prosperity, though the movie places greater emphasis on this aspect.
Significant Differences

Aspect Original Deductie Movie Speech
Structure and Format Formal, systematic legal document with numbered chapters Emotional speech with rhetorical flourishes and narrative elements
Primary Focus Specific justification of the Act of Seclusion Broader appeal to Dutch identity and values
Treatment of the House of Orange Explicitly argues for excluding the Prince of Orange from office Avoids direct criticism of the House of Orange, focusing instead on unity beyond political factions
Personal Elements Written in the collective voice of the States of Holland Includes personal narrative and ends with an individual pledge
Provincial Relations Addresses tensions between Holland and other provinces Emphasizes unity among the seven provinces
Cinematic Adaptation: Artistic Choices

The filmmakers made several creative choices in adapting de Witt's political philosophy for the screen:

Accessibility: Complex 17th-century legal arguments are transformed into relatable values and principles.
Emotional Impact: Personal narrative and rhetorical techniques create a more emotionally resonant moment.
Character Development: The speech reveals de Witt's motivations and principles, developing him as a character.
Narrative Function: The speech likely serves to establish de Witt's political position at a crucial moment in the film's plot.
Modern Relevance: Themes of freedom, tolerance, and unity are presented in ways that resonate with contemporary audiences.
Historical Accuracy Assessment

The movie speech should not be viewed as an attempt to recreate the historical Deductie, but rather as an artistic interpretation that captures the spirit of de Witt's republican principles while taking significant liberties with format and content.

While the speech includes authentic elements of de Witt's political philosophy (opposition to hereditary power, commitment to republican governance, defense of Dutch freedom), it transforms these ideas into a more accessible and dramatically effective form.

The speech also simplifies the complex political landscape of the Dutch Republic. The historical Deductie was somewhat divisive, defending Holland's actions against criticism from other provinces, while the movie speech presents de Witt as a unifying figure transcending factional politics.


The comparison betwe