In 1920s League largely failed in bringing about it
failure was damaging League's reputation in Germany
it didn't seem to serious because some international agreements have been done
Germany had been forced to disarm and they had long been angry
No other country had done the same
They were not prepared to give up their own armies
many countries were actually spending more on their armaments
than they have done before the 1stWW
In the 1930s there was increased pressure for the League to do something about it

Disarmament Conference
After the Manchurian crisis
League realised the urgency of the problem
Reasons for its failure
It did not help that Britain and France were divided on this issue
British signed an agreement with Germany
It allowed Germany to build up a reduced navy
Got under way in February 1932
by July 1932 it had produced resolutions
prohibit bombing of civilian populations
but there was very little in the resolutions to show these limits would be achieved
ended in 1934

German disarmament
The conference have a big problem
What to do about Germany
Everyone should disarm to the level of Germany
Germans should be allowed to rearm
Most people thought the Treaty of Versailles was being unfair
Events related to Germany
July 1932
The conference failed to agree the principle of equality, the Germans walked out
September 1932
The British sent a note to the Germans to make an agreement
Their superior tone angered the Germans
December 1932
An agreement was finally reached to treat Germany equally
January 1933
Germany was coming back to the Conference
February 1933
Hitler became the chancellor of Germany and started to rearm secretly
May 1933
Hitler promised not to rearm if the others did the same
June 1933
Britain produced a disarmament plan but it failed
October 1933
Hitler withdrew from the Conference and took Germany out of the League