E - Science world

Scientists' language
Word - Search
pictures - words
Listen and
find the word
It is about the vocabulary that scientists use in their daily life.
How to describe a scientists' day
Set- up the words in the text
Organize sentences
in the correct order.
Cosntruct the text
It is about the correct structure to write correctly
Listen to the audio
Who said it?
True / false
In this unit you will practice listening skills
Reading with Thomas Edison
Organize the sequences
of events
Reading check
Complete the
In this part, you will learn about the scientist Thomas Edison

The most important scientific facts for humanity and the daily routine of a scientist
Power Point
Present Simple
How to use it.
When to use it.
What is it?
With this presentation, you can learn many aspects about present simple tense.

Share your every day story.
What do you do
in a normal day?
Answer open
In this unit, you will share your daily routine.

Tell us,what is your routine.
Share your
daily routine
What do you think a
scientist does in a
normal day?
In this part, you will practice speaking skills
Song about your daily routine.
With the video, you can get more information about your daily routine