Ergonomics in Sports
Swimming to much and injuring
your shoulder/rotator cuff (Chronic
Sport Ingury)
Muscle taping shoulder to compress it
Stretching the effected
area often
Icing and heat techniques
rest and don't over-use the effected area
Swimming a race with the
least amount of drag possible
Racing Suits to compact your body into
the most aerodynamic shape possible
Principle 9 : Move, exercise and stretch.
Diving for the ball or sliding
on your knees in volleyball
Knee pads
getting injured by unnecessary
physical contact
Padded uniforms/gear to
prevent the injury
Principle 10 : Maintain a comfortable environment.
over-using a muscle area because
of competition or other factors
rest injury
Principle 7 : Minimize pressure points.
Running so often that your
lower body is in some pain
(Chronic Sport Ingury)
stretching the effected
area often
use heating and
cooling techniques
knee, ankle, leg brace, etc.
using muscle tape
Rest and don't over-use
the effected area
Getting the most out of a hit
in baseball
lighter bat
Principle 13: Reduce mental stress
Moving or landing in an odd way that
could lead to you breaking, spraining or getting an acute injury
Ankle supported shoes
Soft, safe landing area