It is a systematic process of gathering information for purposes of making decisions.

The main purpose of evaluation is to determine the quality of a program by formulating a judgment.

Evaluation of the learners indicates the existence of a fault somewhere.

Evaluation deals with two specific functions: assessment and feedback.

Evaluation of the learners reflects students’ performance and effectiveness of the course.

Two levels of evaluation which provide feedback on the ESP course


It is concerned with the ability to perform particular communicative tasks.

The results of this type of evaluation enable Ts and Ss to decide whether and how much tuition is required.

There are three basic types of assessment to determine the areas of weaknesses of learners.


Helps to assess if the courses objectives are being followed based on the previous design

Helps to assess if the course is meeting the aims

There are four main aspects to be considered

Achievements tests

Accumulate evidence of study in order to see whether and where the progress has been reached in terms of learning goals

Developed at any time of the course

It is internal to the course

Reflect the nature and content of the course

Placement tests

Used to place Ss in the right level according to their needs

Assess general ability rather than specific points of learning

Developed at the beginning of a course

Show potential for learning to be worked in the ESP course

Proficiency tests

Look to the future situation of language use without any reference to the previous teaching process

Assess whether or not Ss can cope with learning demands

There is no pass/fail distinction but degrees of proficiency in the task

Give a reliable indication if a candidate is able to carry out the tasks required

What should be evaluated?

Everything of significance

Ability to collect the information

Ability to use the information gathered

How can ESP courses be evaluated?

Test results




Informal means

Who should be involved in the evaluation?

The ESP teaching institution

The ESP teachers


Course sponsors

Former students

When should evaluation take place?

In the first week of the course

At irregular intervals of the course

At the end of the course

After the course

Take into account students’ needs as learners and users.

Final report to make decisions

Concerned with people’s perception of value

Depends on the characteristics of the individual teaching situation