Factors of effective and ineffective teams



Can be effective when everyone feels safe to share ideas without fear of judgement or repercussions.


Can be ineffective if a parson feels others are shutting down their speech or if their ideas are met with negativity.



Can be an effective factor when leaders inspire their teams and adjust leaderships styles for individual needs.


Can be ineffective if the wrong leadership style is used or if the wrong motivation is used.



A vision can be effective if shared wit the group that knows the details and has the right motivation to see it's fruition.


Can be Ineffective if a particular vision is of only an individual or a small number and it isn't shared by the group. Group members who don't understand or don't know what the vision is can't work to reach vision and group goals.


Can be an effective factor if group adapts to changes together and to overcome obstacles.

Can be ineffective if group is not on the same page and some members have difficulty adapting.


Can be effective if everyone feels valued and they're opinions are being heard.

Can be ineffective if everyone has a different input and nobody can come to a decision

Conflict Management

Can be effective if everyone understand conflict is unavoidable and works towards a solution

Can be ineffective if people aren't willing to reach compromise or if people don't work to create positive change after a conflict


Can be effective if constructive and used to help improve an outcome.

Can be ineffective if negative and without helpful advice.