Thunder Bay


Build Structures and provide resources that foster ownership of learning

Know goals and visions for staff

Knowing the history of staff and students is key

Shift towards student centered environment

Fostering Agency

Develop Teacher Content Knowledge

Formative Assessment is Essential to drive instruction

Main topic

Thinking about how we honour our own learning journey as we collaborate with a group.

Northwest Catholic DSB

Facilitating Math Professional Learning was exceptional, introduction to math technology resources, cluster of information rather than grade-level/development approaches that we included.

Coterminous adolescent literacy data shared collaboratively between boards - feeder schools will receive data for the first time. This improves teacher agency and board collaboration and builds regional capacity.

Teacher agency - resources, strategies, and new learning to share with board teams from the SAO role.

Agency involves not only new professional knowledge but demonstration of change in practice for teachers.

Consider coherence and alignment when facilitating this professional knowledge within our professional learning plans

Main topic

It is all about creating relationships and a culture of learning.

RRDSB  Embrace change.  Reinforce the importance of  change.


Brininging Inquiry into Secondary, breaking the silos.

Creating a collaborative environment to develop inquiry based learning in our classes to develop inquiry skills

The promotion of agency both student and teacher

The reciprocal relationship between math & inquiry and literacy and inquiry

Assessment is intertwined with instruction and learning

The notion of teachers pushing thinking forward through questioning