Fluency Assessments and Interventions
Fluency is more than speed
A simple WCPM measure to assess fluency, does not
asses fluency, they measure speed.
According to Caldwell (2009) once you have identified what you're assessing and have collected data and analyzed evidence then you decide what to do according to the analysis.
Extending One Minute measures to
truly measure fluency
Measuring Accuracy
make record of errors made
Measuring Expression
listen for phrasing and expression as students read
Measuring Comprehension
ask students what they have read about
Measuring sight word recognition
students must be able to recognize high frequency words
Recording results of the enhanced
fluency assessment
Use a fluency assessment record sheet to record your results
Extending the fluency assessment
will give an actual and accurate assessment of reading
Fluency Interventions
Easy reading for everyone
Students also need to do reading that they can read
effortlessly in which they can easily recognize all the words
Models of fluent, expressive reading
Model reading with partners or role playing
Read it Again
Re-read until you can read effortlessly
Fluency Development Lessons
Fluency-Oriented Reading Instruction