Helping an Upset Friend
Situation: A friend walks up to you at school
and begins to yell at you, what do you
do before responding?
If you do not need to handle it (if the conflict is
with someone else) ;
calm friend down and direct
them towards a positive resolution
Let's think of some ways
we can say that better!
Let's work on
adjusting our tone for a more positive
If the conflict is with you:
Find out what you did wrong.
How can you fix it?
Do your best to make
your friend feel heard!
If you can, ensure friend it won't
happen again.
Use "I feel" language
so they don't feel that
you're deflecting onto
After Resolving Conflict:
Talk about ways you can avoid this
happening again.
Discuss how you want to approach conflict
in your friendship!
Resolve and Dissolve
Once you have resolved
said conflict, don't bring
it up again, it will only
renew frustrations!