Lumio Farm Factor App

Teach multiplication and division
in a student friendly manner using
Why I Picked this App
Visually appealing
Break down of multiplication
and division into easy steps
Shows the reciprocal nature
of multiplication and division
Math is a difficult subject to learn,
especially for students
Reasons to Use
Kid friendly
Simple to use
Visually appealing
Hints feature
Free at first, but costs
$2.99 for the full version
Knowledge/Expertise Needed
None, the app has a tutorial
to take the user through the
steps. Very easy to use.
For third graders
I would use the app to supplement and/or conduct
my math lessons on multiplication
and division.
Visual representation (visual learners)
Quicker movement through multiplication and division
More time available for me to help
and answer student questions
Failure/Success of App
Perform multiplication and division on their own
Can walk me through the steps
Explain what they are doing in the app to me