Mid-Autumn Festival
中秋节 zhong qiu jie
Moon / La luna
月亮 Yuèliàng

Learning Vocabulary
上弦月Shàng xuàn yuè
First quarter of the moon / Primer cuarto de la luna

下弦月Xià xuán yuè
An old moon / Luna vieja
Full moon / Luna llena
新月 Xīn yuè
New moon / Luna nueva
月蝕 Yuèshí

Mythology/ Leyenda
神話故事 Shénhuà gùshì
Legend of Chang’er ascents to the Moon
嫦娥奔月 Cháng'é bēn yuè
Legend of Jade Rabbit
玉兔搗藥Yùtù dǎo yào
Legend of The Man - Wu Kangu
吳剛伐桂 Wúgāng fá guì
Drawing - Who is living in the moon?
Western story about Moon.
傳統習俗 Chuántǒng xísú
Origin: A harvest festival with origins in moon worship.
Importance: The second most important (traditional) Chinese Festival after Chinese New Year
Date: September or October
Activity / Qué se hace??
食物 Shíwù
Moon Cake (Pastel de la Luna)
月餅 Yuèbǐng
The Top 10 Mooncakes in China

Dàjiā yì qǐlái zuò yuèbǐng
Let's make mooncake / Vamos a hacer el pastel de luna
Grapefruit (Pomelo)
柚子 Yòuzi

柚子帽 Yòuzi mào
Hat made by grapefruit / Sombrero hecho por pomelo

Dàjiā yì qǐlái zuò yòuzi mào
Let's make hat!!! / Vamos a hacer sombrero!!
BBQ (Barbacoa)
烤肉 Kǎoròu
Admiring the full moon(Admira la luna llena)
賞月 Shǎng yuè

Eating a reunion Dinner / Cena con familia reunida
吃 團圓飯 Chī tuányuán fàn