My daughter in 2017
Initial Evaluation
Grade 5
Age is the factor that decides the grade not English level
ESL support needed
advanced ESL level but still need support
Accommodated regular class
withdrawn support not necessary
no other ESL student in school
no ESL teacher available
a bit shy
visual learner
love Art, Gym and Math
There was a boy who speaks Korean in her class
Translation apps: papago
extra time to certain activity
emotional support
teacher, classmates
Math/Science terms are all new
There are certain parts that are skipped in curriculum and there are times that everyone knows certain things except her
Essay writing is challenging
French as a second language is extremely difficult since she never learned it before
stressed by the fact that she was visible minority
everyone know everyone except her
Status in Canada
from South Korea
family chose to move for better life
Family speak Korean at home
She has an older sister who shares the similar experience
English Language Learning
She attended Kindergarten in Ontario
EFL in Korean school