Fourth Grade Natural Resources Thematic Unit
Culminating Project
Presented to students, staff, and parents of the school community
Students develop a demonstration, a model, or an actitiy that they will use to infom an audience on a topic.
Students work in partnerships or small groups to extend their knowledge on a science topic learned in the Natural Resources unit
Reading Components
Variety of high interest texts
nonficiton magazine articles
Expository text with author's opinion
fiction and nonfiction picture books
Reading Skills Covered
Cause and Effect
Problem and Solution
Character Analysis
Main Idea and Details
Writing Components
Daily written responses in relation to the daily topic and science outcome.
Informative writing using cause and effect text structure. Related to a topic in the Natural Resources science curriculum. All projects focus on the essential question for the unit - "How do humans impact the earth?"
Science Components
Natural Resources-defined
Decomposition and Composting
Filtering Water
Nonrenewable/Renewable Resources
Water Cycle