Nutrition and Fitness

SMART goal
COMPONENT of fitness
GOAL: My goal is to be able to increase
the weights and number of repetitions
for the workouts in the weight room by
the end of the semester.
Specific: This goal is clear and identifiable
as I will be able to achieve this goal by
practicing and working out with the weights
/machines in the weight room.
Measurable: The results can be determined
as I will be keeping track on our workout guide
that we have received in class. I can keep track
of the reps and weights I use each week.
Attainable: This goal is possible to achieve
if I am to keep up with it and follow the rules
I have set out for myself.
Realistic: This goal is probable as the class
will be in the weight room at least once every
week for the entire semester. This gives me
plenty of time to reach my goal.
Time: This goal will be concluded by the end
of the semester.
SMART goal
NUTRITION guideline
GOAL: I will slowly cut out unhealthy junk
food such as chips and cookies for
healthier options such as fruits and nuts.
Specific: This goal is clear as I will be
getting healthier food options when
going grocery shopping.
Measurable: This goal can be determined
due to the reason that there will only be
healthier food to eat as I will no longer buy
junk food.
Attainable: This goal is possible to reach
as I will swap out junk food for fruits such
as strawberries, apples, peaches, and etc.
to snack on instead.
Realistic: This goal is realistic as it is very
easy to achieve and make the change once
I stop buying junk food.
Time: This goal will be concluded as soon
as possible. It is a short term goal that I
will continue to follow.
REVISED dinner
Protein: Lightly Seasoned Tray
Baked Salmon
Vegetables: Roasted Vegetables
(Asparagus, small cherry tomatoes,
and cut up tomatoes)
Grain/Dairy: Mac and Cheese
(Whole grain macaroni and low-fat
cheddar cheese)
Drink: Water
STRONGEST Influence factors
for MY physical fitness
Nutrition and Weight: This is my strongest
influence as I am slightly underweight. My
goal is to gain weight by working out and
gaining muscle. I will also have to change
my diet in order to meet this goal.
Society and Peer Influence: This is another
stronger influence for me as I feel like I am too
skinny at times. I have lost a lot of weight over
the years and I would like to gain it again in a
healthy way.
Aging: I would like to be as healthy as possible
so I can live a long life with lesser chances of
health problems. Being physically active can
really help me in the long run.
3 Physical Fitness Facts
I was shocked from the fact that
Cardiovascular disease (heart
attacks and strokes) account for
more than half of all deaths. I
personally believed that car accidents
were more likely to account for half of
all deaths.
I was also shocked that sit ups do not
get rid of stomach fat. I thought this
as they work out your core but I have
learnt that they do not.
I also believed that cellulite was a unique
type of body fat, but I learnt that cellulite
occurs when fat deposits push through the
connective tissue beneath the skin.
MAIN components of FITNESS
Flexibility: Range of motion at the joint.
TEST: Straight Legged Toe Touch
Muscular Strength: Amount of force
that can be exerted by single contraction
of a muscle.
TEST: Long Jump
Muscular Endurance: Ability to sustain/repeat
force (multiple contractions).
TEST: Push ups and Bench Squats
Cardiovascular Fitness: Efficiency of heart,
blood vessels, and lungs delivering oxygen
/glucose to muscles.
TEST: Beep Test and 12 Minute Run
Body Mass & Composition: The percentage
of body fat on one's body compared to muscle.
TEST: ---
SKILL related components
of fitness
Agility: The ability to change direction
rapidly and accurately without loss of balance.
Activities Requiring: Dancing, Hockey,
Soccer, and Football
Balance : The ability to maintain equilibrium
when moving or standing still.
Activities Requiring: Racquetball
Coordination: The ability to combine
balance and agility moving.
Activities Requiring: Handball and
Power: The ability to apply maximum
effort in short term.
Activities Requiring: Track and Field
Reaction Time: The ability to respond
to a situation in as short as possible.
Activities Requiring: Soccer and
Hockey Goalies
Speed: The ability to cover a short
distance as quickly as possible.
Activities Requiring: Baseball,
Basketball, Hockey, and Soccer