One Snowy Day Ideas


Give the children snow to play with

Give the children the materials to make a snowman out of and let them figure out what to do with them

Creative Art

Have the children each create their own snowman out of materials like paper or cotton balls.

Have the children create their own snowflakes out of paper and scissors to cut out shapes with

Have the children create a picture of what they want one of their snow days to look like

Dramatic Play

Give them fake snow and have them pretend to be at home on a snow day and play as if they were at home in the snow

Give the children white balls of foam or paper and have them act out a snowball fight

Have them build a snowman or a snow fort together with fake snow of some kind

Music and Movement

Have the children make a song based on the story

Find a song about winter and have the children make a dance to the song

Find a winter song and have the children do stretches to the music like the children in the book


Counting activity: have the picture of what the book associates with the number and that amount on one, and the numbers on separate papers so they match up the numbers to the pictures

Cut out snow flakes and associate the cuts with shapes

Order the numbers, have pictures of the things from the book and have the children put them in number order


Physical Properties of snow and ice, what they turn into, have the children interact with snow and ice for a period of time to observe what happens to it

What are snow flakes, have the children try to make their own snowflakes by being given water and a way to freeze it

Properties of ice, like if it is slippery or not, or warm or cold, have the children play with it and try and have something stay still on a piece of ice

Social Studies

They could work together to build a snowman

Play in pairs or groups to have a snowball fight

Have a discussion about what happens in their neighbor when they have a snow day, what do they see their neighbors doing

Work together to figure out a way that they would be able to help people get snow off of their driveway or road

Language Arts

Have a felt board for the children to retell the story on

Have the children work together to try and figure out unfamiliar words in the story

Create a "play" of the story where the children reenact parts of the story that they remember