Question: 1. What are the fixed and growth mindsets 2. How do people with each mindset exprience the reaction between failure and self esteem 3. How do the fm and gm affect learning?
The mindsets
What is the fm?
Mp: The fm is the belief that abilities are fixed and cannot change
They belive that ur abilities are Fixed abilities that are believed to be carved in stone
If Your abilities are carved in stone, then they are unable to change
You are stuck with ur abilities, and also unable to change them
Failure Makes you seem worthless or not capable of succeeding
If you can’t change or improve your abilities then you are unable to get or better or improve
Belief that You can’t have succes without natural talent that is given to you at birth
Everyone is born with a certain amount of talent from there parents
The belive that ur abilities are fixed and cannot change
Genetics/Genes keeps you from success
Giving up before you start because you don’t have confidence
Having no intrest in getting better stops succees
What is the gm?
Mp: Belief that one’s abilities are not fixed and can change
Ability is something you get over time
Practice and hard work make ur ability
Experiences and knowledge is how you improve long term
Knowing that when you start out you will not have the same ability as someone who has experience
Doing the best you can possibly do and not compare yourself to how well others are doing
Being persistent and not giving up right away when you fail
Having confidence to not give up ,and. Continue trying when failure arrives
Thinking long term and not having a short term mindset
Change doesn’t happen over night
Failure and self esteem
The fixed mindset makes someone give up easily because they are failing, not getting better, or learning. They feel bad about not being able to acheive anything so they stop trying to get better.
When experiencing failure they give up instantly
This is because they dont where to start to improve there current ability
Fixed Expirence
Not knowing what to do or also struggling to achieve something new like a math problem
Not afraid of challenges, failing, and having to overcome obstacles
Self esteem
Building apon what they already know and success
Knowing you are not stuck with ur current abilities , and that you can improve them
Growth experience
You have to fail to succeed
You can’t be comfortable after you are successful
Mindset and Learning
Learn from people with expirence and knowledge on a certain topic
Learning is a process and you can never stop building up ur knowledge
In order to succeed at something you must have ability, and my success is due to my ability