Did "The New Deal" shorten or prolong the great depression?
Causes of the economic restabalizing of The Great Depression in the U.S.
The New Deal offers work to citizens
publicly funded jobs help some people and take from others
World War 2
The raised demand for supplies like food, cloths, and deffense supplies provided room for more production and thus more employment.
There was another economic backfall after the war because of the decrease in demand for supplies for troops.
National Industrial Recovery Act
Causes of The Great Depression in the U.S.
The Stock Market Crash
Rising unemployment rates
Dustbowl and Drought+ Overfarming
missappropriation of goods vs the cost of products on the market
Demands going down after WW1
cloths, food deffense supplies
The New Deal is forgotten with WW2 in the U.S. but still intact
Publicly funded infrastructure continues